

中文摘要 摘 要 壹、計畫名稱:101年度宜蘭縣養豬業污染源頭減量示範推廣計畫。 貳、計畫期程:自簽約日(101年3月6日)起至101年12月15日止。 參、計畫主持人:謝聖嫄。 肆、計畫目標:針對宜蘭縣境內設置至少300個簡易式集中排糞架(即俗稱之豬廁所),並分別進行畜舍、三段式廢水處理及糞便固形物廢棄物處理之效能輔導工作,另追蹤示範戶清潔養豬執行狀況,進行各種可能成本效益分析,以評估養豬業源頭減量清潔養豬推廣之成效。 伍、成果摘要:茲就本計畫執行結果摘述重要結論如下所示: 一、前置作業: 1.示範戶推廣輔導說明會:本計畫示範戶推廣輔導說明會假宜蘭縣政府環境保護局一樓會議室召開,由環保局局長全程主持會議,同時邀請宜蘭縣政府農業處、宜蘭縣養豬協會等相關機關、團體共同參與,俾利政策順利推動。本次示範推廣輔導說明會共39家養豬業者出席參與。 2.參與本計畫之養豬戶遴選:本計畫經由評估業者是否為事業規模、豬欄地面型式、養豬頭數、參與意願以及配合追蹤意願等因素,篩選出礁溪鄉9家、員山鄉4家、壯圍鄉1家、宜蘭市1家、五結鄉2家、冬山鄉1家及三星鄉1家,合計共19家養豬戶。 二、豬廁所安裝: 1.本計畫合約數量原為300組,然經現勘後養豬戶可供安裝之最低需求為333組。委辦機關為達豬廁所推廣使用之目的,另案增購33組併於本計畫發送及安裝。 2.因防疫問題,宜蘭縣養豬協會要求確實執行防疫措施,故本工作團隊進入豬欄前均先進行消毒鞋底、手部,並穿著拋棄式隔離衣及長筒塑膠鞋套(用畢之髒污隔離衣及鞋套均留置於作業現場,由該業者代為清理,未攜至次一作業現場)。另部分業者基於防疫問題及其他考量,自行安裝豬廁所。 三、101年度清潔養豬執行狀況追蹤: 1.糞便集中效果:裝置豬廁所後,豬糞分布於豬廁所外佔該豬欄面積之比例平均約8.0%,未裝置豬廁所其豬糞分布於該豬欄面積之比例約20.1%,故裝置豬廁所糞便集中效果明顯。 2.豬隻體型與豬糞集中效果之關聯性:多數養豬業者表示小豬使用豬廁所效果較佳,然根據本團隊統計6至9月豬糞分布結果顯示,大豬與中豬之排糞習慣較小豬穩定。然豬隻體型使用豬廁所之成效確有其影響,尚須長期觀察之。 3.溫度與豬糞集中效果之關聯性:隨著氣溫於7、8月逐漸上升,豬糞分布於豬廁所外所佔之豬欄面積比例由6月5.5%提升至9.8%及15.2%,因此氣溫升高確實對豬隻產生影響,降低使用豬廁所之比例。此外夏季每日沖洗豬舍次數較冬季多一次,常常造成畜舍潮濕,因而影響豬廁所之效果。 4.餵食種類與豬糞集中效果之關聯性:除林西坤養豬場外,其餘3家濕式飼養之養豬場豬糞分布面積比例平均為7.8,相較於另外15家乾料飼養之養豬場,其豬糞分布面積比例為5.1%,顯示濕式飼養之豬隻使用豬廁所仍頗具功效。 5.省時、省水及省電成效: (1)省時情形:6月至9月間,業者表示設置豬廁所後可減少清洗時間達30%以上之比例分別約為70%、56%、53%及80%。 (2)省水:安裝每組豬廁所平均每日約可節省192.4 ~ 250.1公升用水量。 (3)省電:安裝每組豬廁所平均每日約可節省電量為0.04~0.05度/天。 6.豬隻受傷數量紀錄:進行裝置豬廁所後豬隻受傷情形之統計(截至9月30日),因豬廁所造成扭傷嚴重為7隻,均已立即出售。其餘均屬輕微扭傷、挫傷及擦傷,應可自行痊癒。 7.豬隻育成率:19家養豬業者中,17家表示安裝豬廁所對於其育成率並無明顯影響;其餘2家表示豬隻受傷會些微降低育成率。 8.原廢水、放流水水質檢測:安裝豬廁所後由於用水量減少,且多數業者配合降低原水池之液位控制計設定高度,因此分析原水SS及COD之濃度分別為3,348mg/L與8,070mg/L,明顯高於裝置豬廁所前(SS:2,217mg/L、COD:5,050mg/L)之濃度,然而由於固體豬糞於原廢水池之停留時間較短,較不易崩解,以至於分析經固液分離後之COD濃度為3,730mg/L,低於裝置前(COD:5,339mg/L)之濃度。另因廢水水質於固液分離後,其SS及COD已較安裝豬廁所前為低,故分析放流水之SS及COD,其濃度分別為53 mg/L及233 mg/L亦低於裝置前(SS:77 mg/L、COD:267 mg/L)之濃度,因此豬廁所之安裝並縮短固體豬糞於原廢水池之停留時間,有助於降低三段式廢水處理設施之負荷。 9.豬糞固形物回收再利用去處:養豬戶均利用高壓沖洗設備清洗豬欄,且無進行人工拾糞,清洗後之豬糞(含固液分離機分離之固形物)均提供給鄰近農民種植蔬果、茶葉或自行取用,作為農地之肥料。 10.承受水體之水質污染:根根據得子口溪水質監測結果,100年5月於礁溪鄉安裝豬廁所後(100年度計畫),七結橋測站無再達「嚴重污染」之情形。另本計畫執行期間,七結橋測站之RPI值顯示多為未稍受污染到中度污染之情形,然而由於位於時潮橋、噶瑪蘭橋及葫蘆堵大橋測站附近之養豬戶總安裝之豬廁所數量較少,因此上述三測站於安裝豬廁所前後之每月RPI值變化不明顯,河川皆為輕度污染至中度污染情形。 11.臭味:94%養豬業者之豬舍氨氣濃度從豬廁所裝置前3ppm~9ppm於安裝後降至<0.1ppm~2ppm;硫化氫濃度則從裝置前0.4ppm~0.8ppm於安裝後降至0.1ppm以下,顯示豬廁所之安裝已明顯集中糞便,並減少糞便分布於豬舍內之比例,使臭味濃度降低。 四、101年度示範戶效能輔導: 1.多數養豬業者之三段式廢水處理設施多有疏於維護及錯誤操作之情形,其中以活性污泥池之操作缺失最為普遍。經本工作團隊進行SV30測試結果顯示,僅1家活性污泥含量超過150 mL,其餘皆不足。多數業者表示因為擔心放流水之懸浮固體濃度超出管制標準,而未進行污泥之迴流。 2.豬舍設施相關缺失,約16%排糞堆置區無適當隔絕;約37%豬舍並無保持乾燥與通風;另約63%周圍環境未綠化與美化;均委託清理死亡豬隻。 五、100年度示範戶成效追蹤: 1.豬糞集中程度觀察:豬糞集中程度觀察:裝置豬廁所後,豬糞分布於豬廁所外佔該豬欄面積之比例平均約2.8%,未裝置豬廁所其豬糞分布於該豬欄面積之比例約10.0%,故去年度裝置豬廁所之示範戶,其糞便集中效果依然明顯。 2.省時、省電、省水效益評估: (1)省時:約20%養豬業者已拆除豬廁所,因此並無省時、省電及省工成效;約34%之業者表示設置豬廁所後之省時成效達20~30%;約33%之業者表示設置豬廁所後之省時成效達30~50%;另外約13%之業者表示設置豬廁所後之省時成效達50%以上。 (2)省水:安裝每組豬廁所平均每日約可節省176 ~ 217公升用水量。 (3)省電:安裝每組豬廁所平均每日節省電量約為0.03 ~ 0.04度/天。 六、推廣輔導成果說明會:假宜蘭縣環境保護局召開,邀請對象為養豬協會等團體,並將執行成果與宜蘭縣境內所有養豬戶充分溝通、分享,以俾凝聚養豬戶之共識,另外亦加強宣導養豬業廢水處理設施常見缺失及改善方法。本次參與共44家。
中文關鍵字 豬廁所、養豬業源頭減量


專案計畫編號 經費年度 101 計畫經費 1033 千元
專案開始日期 2012/03/06 專案結束日期 2012/12/15 專案主持人 謝聖嫄
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 蕭培元 執行單位 嘉德技術顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 Report.pdf 12MB 101年度宜蘭縣養豬業污染源頭減量示範推廣計畫

Project title: Reduction of pig industry pollution source plane in Ilan county, 2012

英文摘要 Abstract 1. Project title: Reduction of pig industry pollution source plane in Ilan county, 2012. 2. Period: 2012.3.6~2012.12.15. 3. Project leader: Sheng-Yuan Hsieh. 4. Target: Set up at least 300 pig toilets in Ilan county. Conduct the effectiveness of pigpen, three-stage waste water treatment and solid waste disposal. Moreover, following the status of implementation and analyze any possible of cost-benefit to assess effectiveness of the reduction of pig industry pollution source plane in Ilan county. 5. Result: (1) Pre-Processing: A. Promotion counseling instructions conference: Invited Agriculture Department, Pig Association and other relevant agencies, groups in Ilan county to participate in order to facilitate policy go smoothly. 39 pig farmers has attended this conference. B. Pig farmers selection: Assessed the scale, pigpen ground type, the amount of pigs, willingness of participate and tracking pleasure. There were 19 pig farmers were selected to participate this project, including 9 farmers in Jiaoxi, 4 farmers in Yuanshan, 1 farmers in Ilan city, 1 farmer in Zhungwei, 2 farmers in Wujei, 1farmers in Tungshan and Sanxing. (2) Set up pig toilets: A. The original amount of pig toilets were 300 according to the contract, though the minimum requirement were 333. To promote the purpose of this project, the commissioning agency purchase 33 pig toilets to satisfy the demand. B. Pig Association requested the team to execute epidemic prevention before enter the pigpen. Other parts of pig farmers set up pig toilets by themselves because of epidemic prevention and other consideration. (3) Execution status tracking: A. fecal concentration effect: pig manure distribution were about 8.0% in the pigpen with pig toilets and about 20.1% without pig toilets, so pig toilet showed the significant effect of gathering the fecal. B. Relative between pig type and fecal concentration effect: Most pig farmers announced that small pigs had more effectiveness than others type of pigs. According to the statistics, the smaller pigs had less stability of defecating habits than large pigs and medium pigs. Pigs Body truly had its impact on effectiveness of the use of pig toilets, but still need long-term observation to certificate. C. Relative between temperature and fecal concentration effect: As temperature rose gradually on July and August, the pig manure distribution ratio increased from 5.5% to 9.8% and 15.2%, so higher temperature truly impact the pigs using pig toilets. Therefore pigpen usually have wet environment which caused negative effect on pig toilets because of washing frequency. D. Relative between feed type and fecal concentration effect: Compared with 15 dry material feeding pig farmers which pig manure distribution is 5.1%, Other wet material feeding pig farmers’ pig manure distribution is 7.8% except Lin, Xi-Kun Pig farm. The results showed pig toilets still had high effective in wet feeding environment. E. Saving of times, water, and electric power: a. Saving times: Pig farmers announced the saving ratio of cleaning times were 70%, 56%, 53%, and 80% during June to September. b. Saving water: Each pig toilets could save 192.4~250.1 liters of water per day. c. Saving electric power: Each pig toilets could save 0.04~0.05 degree/day of electric power. F. Record of pig injury: According to the statistics, 7 pigs had serious injured caused by pig toilets. G.. Breeding rate: 17 pig farmers announce pig toilets weren’t caused any effect on breeding rate. H. Raw water and effluent quality test: The SS and COD concentration of raw water were 3,384 mg/L and 8,070 mg/L which higher than before setting up pig toilets because of water reduce and decreased the height of level control meter. The COD concentration of solid-liquid separation were lower after setting up pig toilets because that pig manure were not easy to collapse during the shorter residence time in raw wastewater pool. The SS and COD concentration of wastewater after solid-liquid separation had been lower after installation of pig toilets, results in lower SS and COD effluent concentration. Therefore, using pig toilets and shorten the residence time of pig manure in raw wastewater pool helps reduce the load of three-stage water treatment facilities. I. Recycling place of solid pig manure: Pig farmers used high pressure washing equipment cleaning pigpen, and no artificial cleaning pig manure. Solid pig manure was supplied to neighboring farmland as fertilizer. J. Receiving water pollution: According to TeiTzuKou Stream water quality monitoring results, after set up pig toilets in Jiaoxi during 2011, TeiTzuKou Stream station has no longer up to the case of “serious pollution”. In addition, the Cijie Bridge station RPI value was showed as slightly contaminated to moderately polluted situation. However, due to lower amount of pig toilets installation near ShiChao Bridge, Kavalan Bridge, and Huludu Bridge station, the changes of RPI value were not significantly of above station. K. Odor: NH3 concentration decreased from 3~9 ppm to <0.1~2 ppm, and H2S concentration decreased from 0.4~0.8 ppm to <0.1 ppm in 94% pig farmers’ pigpen (4)Effectiveness of counseling A. Most pig farmers have a lack of maintenance and faulty operation on three-stage wastewater treatment facilities, and most common absence was active-sludge pool. According to the results of SV30 test, only 1 pig farmer’s active-sludge was over 150 ml. Most pig farmers were afraid of effluence SS beyond the control standards, so didn’t return the sludge. B. About 16% defecation stocking area without proper isolation, 37% pigpen didn’t kept dry and ventilated, another 63% environment didn’t greening and beautification. Every pig farmers were commissioned to clean up the dead pigs. (5) Execution status tracking of participator last year: A. fecal concentration effect: pig manure distribution were about 2.8% in the pigpen with pig toilets and about 10.0% without pig toilets, so pig toilet showed the significant effect of gathering the fecal. B. Saving of times, water, and electric power: a. Saving times: About 20% pig farmer have been remove the pig toilets, so there is no time-saving. Approximate 34% pig farmers announced time-saving effectiveness reached 20~30%, 33% pig farmers announced time-saving effectiveness reached 30~50%, and 13% pig farmers announced time-saving effectiveness reached over 50%. b. Saving water: Each pig toilets could save 176~217 liters of water per day. c. Saving electric power: Each pig toilets could save 0.03~0.04 degree/day of electric power. (6) Effectiveness of counseling conference: Invited Pig Association and other groups, and shared the results of the project to pig farmers in Yilan County to enhance communication and the consensus of the pig farmers. Another common deletion also enhanced the advocacy pig industry wastewater treatment facilities and improving methods. The amount of pig farmers participate were 44.