

中文摘要 本年度計畫各工作項目執行成果,主要如下: (一) 完成2座空氣品質監測車建置作業。 (二) 在一般空品測項中,二氧化硫與氮氧化物之監測結果,歷次監測其下風處測值皆較上風處測值高,推測其監測值大多由六輕工業區貢獻,且其監測值皆符合空品相關標準;在懸浮微粒部分,歷次監測值其下風處測值接與上風處測值接近,且於東北季風盛行時,其PM10測值明顯上升,推測貢獻來源為濁水溪揚塵,而在PM2.5部分,其貢獻來源應主要為經由東北季風遠程傳輸所夾帶。 (三) 還原性硫化物及氨部分,推測氨及還原性硫化物測值除六輕工業區本身外,亦容易受周遭環境影響;揮發性有機物部分,六輕製程容易排放之VOCs物種包括乙烯、丙烯、乙烷、丙烷、正異丁烷、正己烷、苯、甲苯及鄰間對二甲苯等有機污染物,皆為常見被檢出物種,其相關之揮發性有機物監測值主要貢獻來源應為六輕工業區。 (四) 3-D光達作業分兩階段作業,第一階段主要為大範圍掃描監測台塑六輕廠煙流粒狀污染物濃度變化與擴散範圍,再判別其排放敏感區域後進行特定污染源掃瞄監測工作,其中PD01和PE01管道,顯示於部分時段出現濃度異常之情形。 (五) 於2012年7月16~23日期間,在雲林離島工業區下風4.5 km處之豐安國小進行氣象與臭氧之探空觀測,觀測期間實測混合層高度之變化大約符合混合層高度在白天因日照作用而升高,夜間因地表冷卻作用而下降之特性。 (六) 建議未來可藉由檢測更進一步瞭解,PD01和PE01管道於部分時段出現濃度異常之情形。另建議於許厝分校與麥寮水產合作社設置新監測點。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質監測、操作維護、揮發性有機物


專案計畫編號 YLEPB-100-023 經費年度 101 計畫經費 44000 千元
專案開始日期 2011/10/21 專案結束日期 2013/10/20 專案主持人 陳俊能
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 廖俊傑 執行單位 祥威環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 100年度雲林縣石化業專用移動式監測車監測計畫_期末報告_定稿.pdf 30MB
英文摘要 The execution results for various task items of the program in this year are mainly listed as below: (1) The erection operations of 2 air quality monitoring vehicles are completed. (2) In general air quality monitoring processes, it indicates that levels of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide are higher on the downwind side than on the upwind side. It is assumed that major part of values of monitoring comes from the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Plant (六輕工業區) and all the values of monitoring are consistent with related air quality standards. In the aspect of particulate matter, all previously monitored values on the downwind side are similar to that on the upwind side, and the PM10 value rises significantly in northeast monsoon seasons. It is assumed that Zhuoshui River (濁水溪) Is the source of such particulates. In the aspect of PM2.5, its source should be far and is brought by northeast monsoon. (3) Regarding reduced sulfides and ammonia, the values of monitoring are assumed that are affected by the Six Naphtha Cracking Plant and its surroundings. As for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), main VOCs, including ethylene, propene, ethane, propane, normal butane, trimethylmethane, hexane, benzene, toluene, p-xylene, m-xylene and o-xylene, in the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Plant's processes are frequently identified. It is assumed that the source of related values of monitoring of such VOCs is the Six Naphtha Cracking Plant itself. (4) The 3-D lidar processes can be divided into two stages: first, a large-scale scanning method is used to monitor changes in the concentration and covering area of plume particulates. Second, sensitive areas of the emission are identified and specific sources of pollution are scanned and monitored. In this process, both PD01 and PE01 indicate abnormal concentration in particular period of time. (5) During July 16 to 23, 2012, meteorological and ozone observations were implemented in Fengan Elementary School (豐安國小), which is a downwind site that was 4.5 km from Yulin Offshore Industrial Park (雲林離島工業區). In these observations, height changes of the mixing layer were approximately matched with its characteristic, which is higher in the day due to the daylight and lower in the night due to cooling of the Earth's surface. (6) Both PD01 and PE01 indicate abnormal concentration in particular period of time, and further related tests are suggested to be performed. And further are suggested to set new monitoring point at Shihcuo branch school (許厝分校) and Federation of Mailiao Aquaculture Producers (麥寮水產合作社).
英文關鍵字 The monitoring of air quality, Operation and maintance, Volatile organic compounds(VOCs)