

中文摘要 計畫成果摘要: 一、列管水污染事業之有效稽查:合約數量為600家次(畜牧業至少完成200場次,其他事業至少完成288場次,南崗工業區污水處理廠至少完成12場次,土石加工業至少完成100場次),於計畫執行期間,己完成775場次之有效稽查,完成率為100.0 %,其中完成養豬廢水處理設施功能性查核65家。內容請詳本報告第4-1-3節。 二、水樣檢驗工作:合約數為300場次,本計畫於執行期間,本計畫一共進行了351家次的採樣分析,採樣家次包括畜牧業132家次、其他事業219家次,執行達成率為100.0 %;本計畫透過查核各處理單元操作效能及放流水水質計算,南投縣列管事業操作廢水處理設施,烏溪流域污染削減量如下:SS削減量為 639.18 kg/day,COD削減量為2,043.45 kg/day,BOD削減量為511.34 kg/day;濁水溪流域污染削減量如下:SS削減量為 149.93 kg/day,COD削減量為751.75 kg/day,BOD削減量為128.61 kg/day。 三、排放許可證(文件)現場查核及缺失改善輔導工作:本計畫於執行期間,針對已核發之排放許可證(文件)進行現場查核作業已完成21家次;水污染源各項許可申請案件審理作業,共審理115件,已認可發證共有59件,有54件正補正中,2件未達水污法列管規模已駁回申請。內容請詳本報告第4-1-4節。 四、辦理水質檢驗定期申報審查作業:101年度上半年度,共需協助審查192件定期申報審查作業,於計畫執行期間,審查結果未經補正即認可者有56件,審查結果需補正認可者有125件,不認可補件中有11件。內容請詳本報告第4-1-4節。 五、暗管查緝及封閉:本計畫於執行期間,共查獲10處暗管/不明管線案件,皆在本計畫人員確認後拆除或封閉改善,依據連接之不明管線槽體水質及放流水水質估算封閉不明管線之削減量,其中COD削減量為595.2 kg/day,BOD削減量為394.3 kg/day,SS削減量為436.4 kg/day。內容請詳本報告第4-1-5節。 六、執行事業單位廢(污)水處理設施功能評鑑作業:本計畫於執行期間,已進行10場次事業單位廢(污)水處理設施功能評鑑作業,其9場次土石加工業及1場次屠宰業評鑑作業,9家土石加工業有5家未取得水污法相關許可,皆已依水污法告發處分。相關辦理方式詳第4-2節。 七、辦理清潔養豬政策推廣試辦:本計畫於執行期間,已篩選2家進行簡易排糞架設置作業,後續評估作業1家畜牧業育成率提高,寒流來襲時,設置前平均死豬高達10隻,設置後平均死豬僅1隻;另一家設置前後用水量降低5成,用電量降低8成,育成率由設置前平均約1成比率豬受傷降低為約1/1,000比率豬受傷。 八、進行河岸及河面垃圾清理工作:本計畫於執行期間,本計畫所巡獲之髒亂點共計有3處,1處由高速公路管理局清除改善,另2處由本計畫委託清除處理,共計5.82噸。 九、辦理水污染源削減及法規修訂相關宣導說明會工作:本計畫依合約預計辦理三場次水污染防治法相關法令宣導說明會,本計畫於執行期間,已辦理完成3場次;說明會內容主要為「水污染防治法相關規定綜合說明」、「工廠合法化程序」、「生活污水減量宣導」及「水污染防治單元操作維護技術講習」主題。出席率達60 %以上,針對未出席業者,本計畫皆有發給業者簡報資料,並向業者說明重點,使宣導率達100 %。內容請詳本報告第4-5節。 十、辦理埔里鎮育英橋下方之礫間接觸淨化水質改善設施操作功能成效追蹤評估:本計畫於執行期間,執行育英橋示範場操作維護共計有25次,針對引水道進水口漂浮物淤積清除及礫間淨化區內之淤積物清除5次、沉澱區及跌水工區淤泥清除共計有3次、利用抽水機進行反沖洗作業共計有3次及暴雨前緊急關閉設施開放口等操作及措施4次,另計畫期間亦針對排氣管設施及第二道集水槽進行修復作業。 十一、建立河川志工監測及巡守制度:目前維持9隊河川巡守隊,共計有241位隊員,本計畫於執行期間,透過實地訪查各巡守隊隊部,了解各巡守隊特色、運作狀況情形、所遭遇之困難及需要協助之處。總計辦理27場次淨溪活動(參與人數共計624人、合計清除一般垃圾4,535公斤),並積極協調各鄉鎮公所打造以巡守隊(污染舉發者)、清潔隊(污染清理者)、環保局(管理者)為軸心的水環境巡守團隊;巡守隊通報環保局河岸河面髒亂點1通報案件中,已協助移請相關單位處理。 十二、辦理其他事業水污染管理相關業務:本計畫於執行期間,協助撰寫1份101度河川污染整治(含流域管理)計畫書,並配合執行1次水質淨化設施現地評鑑作業。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 101 計畫經費 2790 千元
專案開始日期 2012/03/08 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 陳勝恭
主辦單位 南投縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 柯昱濠 執行單位 能碩工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 101南投水稽查計畫期末本文.pdf 19MB

Water pollution source inspection and control plan in Nantou County 2012

英文摘要 This project was mainly to assist the Environmental Protection Bureau (Nantou EPB) of the Nantou County Government in carrying out the “water pollution source inspection and control plan in Nantou County 2012”. All tasks in the plan have been put into action, including “checking of the wastewater discharge”, “functional examination of industrial wastewater treatment facilities”, “Assistance with water pollution control measure plans and review of all relevant permission documents, on-site check and counseling flaw improvement”, “holding water pollution prevention and control explanation meetings”, “wastewater sample examination”, “Investigation and blocking or removal of underground pipes”. With full support from the EPB of the Nantou County Government, this project had been 100% completed during the execution period. The executive results of all the tasks are described as follows. 1. When checking country controlled industrial wastewater or water pollution cases, and the parameters of wastewater treatment facilities, our team had finished 775 reports during the project period, contains complete livestock industry wastewater treatment facilities functional check 65, which was more than the contract-required 600 reports. Therefore, our team achieved 100% of this task. 2. As for sampling of wastewater from industrial effluent points, we had analyzed samples from 351 points, which was more the contract-required 300 points. The sampling results demonstrated that 289 points were qualified, and 62 were unqualified (24 of these unqualified were from livestock industry, and 38 from other country controlled industrial units) 3. We had completed functional examination of industrial wastewater treatment facilities 10 times. 4. This project during the execution of two pig farms Easy defecation frame set job, a total of 40 grants. 5. Three explanation meetings had been held to promote water pollution prevention and control measures for 249 companies, and attendance rate reached 77.1% (189 attendants). 6. Regarding the investigation and blocking or removal of underground pipes, there were 10 cases discovered, and these were removed or blocked by the EPB of the Nantou County Government and our team. For this work, we estimated an elimination of 394.3 kg/day of BOD. 7. To establish the river monitoring and patrol system, we had undertaken education and training programs for volunteers 8 times. Altogether, 624 river volunteers helped with the 27 clean-up river events and collected 4,535 kg of garbage and 832 kg of recycled material.