

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作內容包括:排放資料庫更新與建置、排放檢測與環境監測、戴奧辛及重金屬相關法規研修、整合及衝擊分析、探討燃煤鍋爐汞物種流布機制及排放減量策略規劃等四大部分。 戴奧辛及重金屬排放量更新方面,推估100年國內戴奧辛排放量為25.33~171.22 g I-TEQ/年,平均值55.74 g I-TEQ/年,本計畫以三種不同方式推估,推估結果差異不大。重金屬部分,鉛排放量約為10.366噸/年、鎘排放量約為0.830噸/年、汞排放量約為1.454噸/年、砷排放量約為3.745噸/年,歷年排放量變化幅度小。 排放檢測戴奧辛部分,完成非鐵金屬冶煉、火化場、燃煤鍋爐及鋼鐵業集塵高溫冶煉設施共5根次檢測,均符合戴奧辛排放管制標準值。而其中以火葬場排放濃度值變化性大,應加強操作管理,排放源DL-PCBs佔總戴奧辛濃度值平均比例分別為7%~11%,但因WHO2005-TEF之戴奧辛與呋喃毒性當量係數均低於I-TEF。重金屬檢測部分發現,其中水泥旋窯因處理污泥等事業廢棄物,其汞排放濃度較高;電鍍業排放重金屬濃度較高為錳、鋅等與電鍍相關之原料,六價鉻佔總鉻比例為8.6%-13.4%。使用塊煤之鍋爐其重金屬排放濃度與其他汽電共生鍋爐相較屬偏高者,但由於活動強度非常小,因此排放量並不大。 環境空氣戴奧辛監測,本年度除延續100年之一般空品站及排放源集中區測點外,新增4個排放源集中區測點,以掌握高濃度區域,進而維護民眾健康。本年度一般空氣品質測測站監測濃度平均值為近三年來最低者。本年度新增排放源集中區測點之水美焚化爐監測值較以往其他排放源集中區測點高,主因為該區域排放源較為集中,此測點位於排放源下風處,較易造成戴奧辛空氣濃度偏高情況,惟仍符合日本環境空氣品質基準。 環境空氣重金屬監測結果顯示,101年鉛、鎘、鎳及砷監測年平均濃度均可符合歐盟2012年發布環境空氣品質基準。大氣汞部分,以高雄地區濃度較高,主要原因在於重大污染源集中所致,未來應進行該地區減量策略規劃。 本年度新增對燃煤鍋爐汞物種進行研究,以做為未來管制燃煤鍋爐汞排放之參考。檢測結果之汞排放濃度可符合世界最嚴格排放標準值,既有污染防制設備對汞整體去除率高達80%以上,其中存在介質以飛灰為主,最終排放於大氣汞部分,以氣態元素汞所佔比例最高。 戴奧辛及重金屬相關法規研修整合方面,本計畫提出廢棄物焚化爐與鋼鐵業等兩個行業別的空氣污染物排放標準整合建議草案,可減化目前法令標準過多問題,並研擬煉鋼業電弧爐粒狀物排放標準修正草案。 目前固定源戴奧辛排放標準均已生效,督察總隊稽查檢測工作,本計畫協助監督檢測及報告審核,計畫執行期間共計完成33座次監督檢測工作。彙整101年稽查數據,環保單位(含環保署與縣市環保局)總計完成155座次稽查,稽查檢測數量佔煙道數的23%,檢測結果共有10座次檢測不符排放標準,稽查不合格率6%。


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-FA12-03-A060 經費年度 101 計畫經費 16000 千元
專案開始日期 2012/02/17 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 陳怡伶
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 陳樺蓁 執行單位 中興工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-101-FA12-03-A060(公開版).pdf 8MB

The management of dioxins and heavy metals total emissions from stationary in a specified area.

英文摘要 The scope of work for this project includes: 1) Establishing and updating of the emission inventory; 2) Monitoring for the stationary emission and the ambient environment; 3) Revision, integration, and impact assessment of dioxin and heavy metal emission regulations; 4)Investigating the speciation changes and emission reduction strategies of mercury from coal-fired boilers. The total dioxin emission quantity in Taiwan is estimated to be 25.33~172.22 g I-TEQ/year in 2011 with an average of 55.74 g I-TEQ/year. As for the heavy metal emissions in 2011, the total lead emission is 10.366 metric tons/year, cadmium emission is 0.830 metric tons/year, mercury emission is 1.454 metric tons/year, and arsenic emission is 3.745 metric tons/year. The changes are small over the years. Monitoring of dioxin emissions were done in non-steel refineries, crematoriums, coal-fired boilers, and electric arc furnace (EAF) fly ash treatment plants. All five of the monitoring completed was within the emission limit. However, the emissions detected from crematoriums had larger variability; a better control and management strategy is recommended. DL-PCBs accounted for 7%~11% of total dioxin. However, the WHO2005-TEF of dioxins and furans are lower than I-TEF. As for the heavy metal emissions, mercury emissions from cement rotary kiln tend to be higher due to processing of sludge from industrial wastes. Emissions of manganese and zinc from electroplating industry were high due to the raw material used. Chromium(VI) accounts for 8.6%~13.4% of total chromium emission from electroplating industry. Boilers using lump coals emit higher concentration of heavy metals. However, the number of such boilers is small, so is the total emission. This year the ambient dioxin monitoring is targeted on the general monitoring stations and monitoring stations around major pollution sources. 4 more monitoring stations were added around major pollution sources comparing to last year’s project. The average ambient dioxin concentration monitored from general monitoring stations is the lowest in the past three years. Among all the newly added monitoring stations, highest concentration of dioxins was detected near the Shuimei Incinerator. However, it is still below the standards of Japanese ambient air quality regulations. The monitoring data of heavy metal in ambient air shows that in 2012 the yearly average of lead, cadmium, nickel and selenium is under the ambient air quality standards published by the European Union. The ambient mercury concentration is higher in Kaohsiung area due to the large number of major sources. Designing an emission reduction strategy for the area is recommended. This year studies were done on the species changes of mercury in coal-fired boilers, which can be used as reference for the development of mercury emission standard from coal-fired boilers. The tests results showed that the mercury emissions were compliable to even the most stringent regulation in the world. The removal rate of existing control devices was higher than 80%, which exists mainly in the fly ash. The mercury emitted into the ambient air is mostly in the form of gaseous elemental mercury. As for the revision of emission regulation, a draft is proposed to combine the emission regulations for waste incinerators and the steel industry. A draft of particulate emission standards of electric arc furnaces is also completed. Currently, the dioxin emission standard for stationary pollution sources is in effect and the Bureau of the Environmental Inspection has carried out relevant inspection work. This study assists with the supervising of the sampling processes and reviewing of the reports. During the project period, 33 inspections were completed. In 2012, a total of 155 inspections were conducted by environmental protection units throughout the nation, which accounted for 23% of all major sources. A total of 10 inspections did not meet the emissions standards, inspection failure rate of 6%.