

中文摘要 鑒於國家環境整潔及視覺觀瞻需進一步全面提升,環保署認為各政府機關應以宏觀視野整體配合,並結合中央與地方群力積極推動,方可有成,遂於99年度開始推動「環境整潔綠美化促進法」(草案)之立法作業,積極推動環境整潔綠美化維護管理運作機制之建全發展。本計畫主要目的除持續協助環保署執行相關立法作業,並配合研擬相關規範或指引文件供參考利用。執行期間自民國101年1月起至101年12月止,主要工作成果包括:(1)蒐集彙整國內外整潔綠美化相關優良案例及作法,進行100年度已完成及今(101)年度新增標的物整潔綠美化指引之持續修正及新擬;(2)針對契約提列之17項標的物分別研擬其整潔綠美化基準草案;(3)蒐集彙整各地方政府訂定之自治法規及相關規範,並研擬空地等6項標的物管理自治條例草案範例,供各地進行條文修訂或新增時之參考;(4)環境整潔綠美化促進法施行細則草案之持續修正及研擬相關子法草案之具體條文內容;(5)實地訪查100年度四示範縣市,檢討各地維護狀況作為相關指引、管理規範之參考;(6)彙整分析全國各地方政府執行人力、物力概況,並就未來執行環境整潔及綠美化管理業務研提相關資源需求;(7)蒐集彙整計畫期間相關新聞議題,並提列說明環境整潔改善及促進綠美化之管理課題與對策;(8)彙整分析各目的事業主管機關與環境整潔綠美化相關之專案計畫;(9)協助製作「環境整潔綠美化促進法」(草案)相關短篇文宣稿件2件;(10)協助環保署辦理母法相關公聽會,並於北、中、南、東部地區分區舉辦四場研商會議,與會對象包括中央目的事業主管機關及地方政府相關單位,並邀集相關領域之學者專家共同研商與談,廣納各方意見與看法,作為後續相關推動工作及管理規範之參考,增進內容之完備性。
中文關鍵字 環境整潔綠美化促進法(草案);整潔綠美化指引;整潔綠美化基準


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-J101-02-213 經費年度 101 計畫經費 3950 千元
專案開始日期 2012/01/20 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 魏麗莉
主辦單位 方案整合辦公室(停用) 承辦人 吳雅韻 執行單位 太倉規劃顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告-全.pdf 28MB

A Study of Formulation of Guidelines, Standards, and Regulations Related to Environmental Sanitation

英文摘要 While domestic visual quality remains an issue and the success rely on close cooperation between central and local governments, the EPA launched legislative process of Environmental Sanitation and Beautification Act (draft) and relevant maintenance mechanism since 2010. The study is proposed to assist, the EPA in successive implementation of relevant legislative work, and to develop specific standards or guidelines pertinent to this general matter for reference. During the term of implementation from January 1st to December in 2012, the study accomplishes following tasks: (1)continued revision and addition of guidelines with collection and compilation of national and international cases and practices,(2)formulation of standards of clean and orderly environment and greening quality, for the 17 items listed in the contract, (3)collection and compilation of existing local government ordinances and regulations as well as drafting proposed local ordinances of 6 items including vacant lot as reference for local governments, (4)continued revision of proposed Regulations of Environmental Sanitation and Beautification Act (draft), and formulated new drafts of guidelines and provisions, (5)field visits to four demonstrative counties and cities for how they maintain the environment, (6)a national overview of manpower and logistic resources in local governments as well as future need if this Act is implemented,(7)collection and compilation of related news of proposed issues as well as management issues and policies,(8)collection of related projects executed by competent authorities, (9)assisting to write two short propaganda manuscripts of Environmental Sanitation and Beautification Act (draft), (10)assisting the EPA in holding public hearings, for the Act in addition to four seminars held separately in the northern, central, southern and eastern Taiwan, with participants of central competent authorities, local governments, scholars and experts in related fields, in which diverse opinions and viewpoints were been solicited to complete following implementation and management.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Sanitation and Beautification Act (Draft);Guidelines of Sanitation and Beautification;Standards of Sanitation and Beautification