

中文摘要 本計畫圓滿完成兩岸土壤及地下水環境保護正式交流活動,包括7月6-12日環保署土基會四位官員和七位業界代表赴北京參加中國環保部委託其直屬之政策研究中心舉辦的「地下水污染防治學術研討會」,及邀請中國大陸由環保部10位官員及4名專業人士參加10月4-10日在台北舉辦「2012年兩岸土壤及地下水環境保護法規制度學術研討會」及專家論壇會議。經會議討論和其他資料蒐集管道確認臺灣業界進入中國大陸市的障礙包括(1)資質認定不明確,(2)投資缺乏保障,(3)相關法規尚未建全,若干問題無法可管,(4)人際關係影響台商獲取合約機會,及(5)知識產權缺少保護,增加台商與中國大陸業界合作風險。預計中國大陸在2015年12-5計畫執行完畢後可能會制訂新的法規,今年沒有新的相關法規出台,2012之前法規已彙整於EPA-100-GA103-02-A239。建議山東省為優先商業開發省份,因山東為12-5計畫地下水調查試點省份,且其經濟發展良好。中國大陸在土壤及地下水污染調查與整治技術方面進步迅速,為擴大領先優勢,臺灣宜積極參與、組織國際性會議,擴大視野,引進研發新技術。為更佳瞭解中國大陸未來土壤及地下水污染情況與動向,除了繼續維持現有交流互動外,我們可提供相關技術培訓班或短期課程,自基礎面建立關係和影響力。
中文關鍵字 兩岸交流、土壤及地下水污染、環境保護法規


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-GA103-02-A206 經費年度 101 計畫經費 3649.341 千元
專案開始日期 2012/04/11 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 陳家洵
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 王子欣 執行單位 社團法人台灣土壤及地下水環境保護協會


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期末報告 2012兩岸土壤及地下水環境保護法規制度暨產業推廣研究交流計畫期末報告.pdf 29MB

2012 Cross-Strait Conference on Regulatory System and Industrial Outreach of Soil and Groundwater En

英文摘要 This project successfully accomplished two cross-strait conferences, in which ample opportunity was provided for exchanging information and experience in soil and groundwater areas between Taiwan and Mainland China. One is the “Conference of Groundwater Contamination Prevention” in Beijing from 6-12 of July, where 11 Taiwan delegates attended, and the other is the “2012 Cross-Strait Conference of Soil and Groundwater Regulation” in Taipei from 4-9 of October, where 14 mainland Chinese delegates were presented. Through these two meetings and other channels it is understood that the main obstacles for Taiwan consulting firms doing business in mainland China are: (1) uncertainty of certificate acquirement, (2) lack of legal protection of investment, (3) the inability of solving relevant problems due to the incomplete legal system, (4) local personal relationship necessary for obtaining contracts, and (5) the lack of legal protection of intellectual property that increases the risk of technical cooperation. It is anticipated that new acts or regulatory will not be made before 2015 until the completion of the “12-5 Program”. No new acts or law was proclaimed this year, while relevant laws before 2012 were documented in the report of EPA-100-GA103-02-A239. It is suggested that Shandong be considered as a business priority for Taiwan’s consulting firms because it is a test point of the groundwater investigation program set in the “12-5 Program” and enjoys a strong economic growth. The mainland China in recent years has expedited its development of investigation and remediation technologies for soil and groundwater contamination problems. In order to maintain Taiwan’s current superiority, it is suggested that Taiwan participate and organize international conferences, broaden its global view, and establish international research and development cooperation. For a better understanding of mainland China’s future movement in the soil and groundwater situations, it is suggested that in addition to the cross-strait conferences, well designed short courses and/or training classes be offered by Taiwan, so that we can secure a foundation for influence.
英文關鍵字 Cross-Strait Exchange、Soil and Groundwater Contamination、Environmental Protection Regulation