

中文摘要 馬總統與民間環保團體代表於世界地球日40週年(99年4月22日)見面時,表達贊成召開全國氣候變遷會議的看法,並將籌備工作交由行政院環境保護署執行,經召開多次籌備研商及專家諮詢會議,共商有效結合政府、企業及民間組織等各界力量,妥適面對氣候變遷所帶來的艱鉅挑戰的做法,期能有助於提升全民氣候變遷意識及促進節能減碳推展,進而增進公私部門合作交流的管道。依據本計畫契約書所載主旨:「在數場各地分區氣候變遷公民會議的基礎上,整合與總結各界對於全國氣候變遷應討論議題的意見,作為總結會議議題設定之用」,本計畫於今年度(101年)5月19日以「世界公民咖啡館」形式舉辦全國氣候變遷會議開幕暨議題聚焦公民會議,採三回合雙桌長制進行全民參與之圓桌討論會,並於回合討論後召開桌長會議。本次會議與會人次約580人,分別為NGO代表、政府官員及產官學代表,並依九大面向將與會人員區分成61桌。每一圓桌成員包含桌長、桌員及1名專職記錄人員,記錄人員以條例方式歸納產出要點,作為大會即時產出之依據。以往政府所舉辦之活動大多為單向性並以宣導政策為目標,此次會議擺脫以往僅由政府代表與專家學者形成決策的模式,改採貼近民意的作法,與民間團體結合溝通,整合總結參與者意見,讓各方盡可能充分表達想法及建議。使得政府部門不再是關起門來自己決策,更可汲取民間觀感,讓相關政策更易與民意一致。公民會議為國內較少的嘗試,從「全國氣候變遷會議」的圓滿順利,更可顯示在台灣的民主成熟指標。
中文關鍵字 氣候變遷;世界公民咖啡館;公民參與


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-FA11-03-D102 經費年度 101 計畫經費 905 千元
專案開始日期 2012/05/03 專案結束日期 2012/09/02 專案主持人 劉湘瑤
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 廖世榮 執行單位 台灣師範大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-101-FA11-03-D102期末報告.pdf 10MB

The National Conference of Climate Change-opening and issues focusing civil conference.

英文摘要 The President and NGO groups who were in the world's 40th anniversary of Earth Day, (April 22 ,2010 ) approved to organize a National Conference on Climate Change, and designate this project to the Environmental Protection Agency to perform. By holding several working group meetings and expert consultations, the working group discussed the ways of how to combine the powers of government, business and non-governmental organizations to face the overwhelming challenges which were brought by the climate change, in order to help improve the national awareness of Climate Change and promote energy saving and carbon reduction, meanwhile, to create a plateform for cooperation and exchange between the public and private sectors. The National Conference on Climate Change is held in the form of “World Café” on May 19, 2012, including the open ceremony of the National Conference on Climate Change and the issues focusing conference. The conference was operated by three rounds of roundtable discussion and a final session of table leader meeting to assemble all the ideas generated in the discussion. A total of 580 people, including NGO representatives, government officials and industry, participated in this World Café. The participants were divided into 61 tables. Each roundtable contains two table leaders (one represents NGO and one government official), 4 to 6 members and a recorder. The discussion records were gathered and categorized in terms of the discussion issues gerenated in the three-round discussion, and the main points were instantly produced as the references for the follow-up national conference. Formerly, the conversations between government officials and NGOs were mostly top-down type of operation and the targets were always promoting policies. Using the concept of “World Café” as a conference form, especially when the issues are related to all the public, may be more effective on decision making and policy communication. It is to say that decision-making is not only by government, experts scholars, but also involved all stakeholders. The policy making can be more close to the public opinions since all parcipants are allowed to express their ideas and suggestions as many as possible and positive communications between different stakeholders are reached. Government officials could draw public opinions and awareness to allow the policies more matching with public expectations. From this encouraging experience of organizing this conference, we suggest that the World Café can be an operative form of policy communication and should be hosted regularly to show the democratic maturity of Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 climste change;world café;public participation