

中文摘要 「桃園縣大學校院產業環保技術服務團」係整合桃園縣內各大學校院環境工程領域之學者教授及相關領域之專家所組成,並邀請工研院、產基會之資深主管與中研院、核能所等優秀學者擔任諮詢顧問,協助事業單位評估改善污染防治設備功能、診斷污染防治設施處理效能、提供環境管理、綠色生產及相關環保法規之諮詢服務,適時給予產業必要之輔導與協助。100年度計畫已舉辦環保技術講習會12場次、提供23家企業環保技術諮詢與輔導服務、印製產業環保技術服務團宣傳文宣2000份、以電子郵件方式發行4期環保簡訊,並持續維護現有產業環保技術服務網頁正常運作,利用網頁平台提供新技術、輔導案例、法規等資訊,且作為提供受輔導廠商和專家學者之溝通管道平台。
中文關鍵字 產業污染防治;工業減廢;環保技術諮詢


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 3380 千元
專案開始日期 2011/01/14 專案結束日期 2012/01/13 專案主持人 曾迪華
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林正華 執行單位 國立中央大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 100年期末報告定稿本-本文.pdf 4MB 100年度桃園縣空氣污染防制暨產業環保技術服務計畫 期末報告
英文摘要 “Environmental Technology Service Group of Universities and Colleges in Taoyuan County" was formed by integrating the professors and scholars in the field of environmental engineering and science from various universities and colleges located in Taoyuan County. The service group also invited the experts from ITRI, FTIS, Academia Sinica, and INER to participate as consultants. The purpose of this service group is representative of Taoyuan County government to provide technical assistance in time for the local enterprises to meet the requirements of environmental protection. The service items included evaluation and functional improvement of pollution control equipments, diagnostic performance of pollution control facilities, guidance to build up environmental management system, providing information of green manufacturing and counseling services related to environmental regulations. In this year project, the service group had held totally 12 times of environmental technology workshops or training courses, carried out onsite diagnostic performance evaluation of pollution treatment facilities for 23 industries, printed and distributed 2000 copies of propagation brochure to various parties, published 4 issues of electronic newsletter of environmental technology and send to thousands of readers by e-mail, and continually maintained the normal operation of the existing website as a platform to provide the information of new technologies, counsel cases and environmental regulations, also as a communication channel between enterprises and scholars.
英文關鍵字 Industrial pollution prevention;Industrial waste minimization;Environmental technical information and counseling