

中文摘要 (一) 環境負荷及變化趨勢: 本市人口總數自88年起至101年,成長率為2.3%,101年相較88年人口增加6,174人,人口增加緩慢,自99年起近3年人口有負成長情形。101年人口數為27萬1,283人,人口密度為每平方公里4,519人,全國排名第2,僅次於臺北市(9,827人/平方公里)。本市101年車輛登記共29萬1,189輛,近11年各類車輛數為成長趨勢,總計增加5萬1,998輛,成長率為22%,較100年車輛減少91輛,成長率-0.03%,成長有趨緩情況。各類車輛密度負荷以機車最高(每平方公里3,402輛),為台灣地區8倍,總體車輛密度4,851輛/平方公里,全國排名第2,僅次臺北市(每平方公里6,820輛)。 本市工業登記家數截至101年共434家,相較100年度(423家)略為成長,歷年(91~101年)趨勢呈現負成長,變化率-11%;固定污染源列管工廠至101年共列管352家,歷年(91~101年)家數趨勢波動,自95年起列管家數有減少趨勢。 營建工程自91年起件數逐年減少,近幾年於97年工程數有增加趨勢,分別於99年、100年工程數最高,件數達1,150件,本年度工程數計930件,較去年減少19.13%,污染管理配合管制措施,削減率達57.09%較去年51.7%佳。 環境污染陳情案件,本市有逐年增加的情況,100年案件數較95年成長32%,101年並較去年同期成長173件;各類案件以非異味污染物為主(如露天燃燒、揚塵(營建工程)、工業、車輛怠速與排煙),主要為民眾環保意識抬頭與關心居家環境品質。 (二) 空氣品質現況: 嘉義市所屬雲嘉南空品區,近11年(91~101年)空氣品質不良事件日之指標污染物比例,以懸浮微粒54%高於臭氧46%。 本年度雲嘉南空品區不良站日計27日,不良率為0.90%,符合防制目標低於2.73%;本市空氣品質不良事件日計1日(臭氧),符合本年度防制目標低於2.74%(10站日),主要在氣候影響和污染管制措施配合下,達到空氣品質好轉。 (三) 空氣品質不良通報應變作業: 本年度完成檢討及修訂100年度之「嘉義市空氣品質不良通報標準作業程序」,修訂內容為應變條件重新檢視,另就應變計畫及污染源完成更新。統計本年度共計實施空氣品質不良通報55次(含預報36次、濁水溪揚塵通報9次),其中以懸浮微粒居多,占28次,比例為51%,整體並無空氣品質不良站日數,各次不良通報後,PSI值上升者計32次、持平者4次、具改善成效者(PSI值<100)共15次。 為瞭解各固定污染源(具操作許可證)業者,各操作製程是否建置空氣品質惡化防制計畫,本年度配合固定污染源「固定污染源許可管制暨空氣污染防制費徵收說明會」於4月24日一併宣導,經調查其計畫備妥之業者比例不高(6%),持續透過輔導措施,共28廠業者完成擬定防制計畫並送環保局核備,作業達成率100%;本年並於10月4日辦理一場次應變演練,以檢驗污染防制計畫之可行性及工廠對於空氣品質惡化之應變能力。 (四) 空氣品質淨化區管制: 本年度分別於4月25日、10月25日完成2次管理維護情形考核,達成率100%,經現場考核後,記錄缺失情形並函送各管理維護單位,督促相關單位加強與維持各基地之環境整潔、設施與植栽完整。 為推廣空氣品質淨化區,於10月22日假行政院農業委員會 林業試驗所中埔研究中心辦理1場次宣導會,並邀請各維護單位及社區發展協會代表參加,與行政院環境保護署 隋婉君環境技術師及嘉義大學園藝學系蔡志賢教授共同討論及分享植栽管理和養護經驗。 (五) 室內空氣品質自主管理推廣: 本年度共有25處場所響應空氣品質自主管理,達成率100%,加入場所如大潤發流通事業(股)有限公司、家樂福-嘉義店、家樂福-北門店及統一星巴克全嘉義市5家門市等,顯示100年11月23日室內空氣品質管理法通過後,大型場所響應場所有提升情況,歷年總計本市響應自主管理政策場所達85處。 本年度為推廣室內空氣品質自主管理,分別於5月4日及10月5日辦理2場次宣導活動,兩場活動總計120處單位126人參與,會中分別邀請長榮大學職業安全與衛生學系暨研究所 吳佩芝老師及國立高雄第一科技大學 環境與安全衛生工程系李家偉老師講授,促使各場所瞭解法令推動歷程與重要性。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質;空氣品質淨化區;室內空氣品質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 101 計畫經費 3160 千元
專案開始日期 2012/02/24 專案結束日期 2012/12/14 專案主持人 許真瑜
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 張永信 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 101年嘉義市空氣品質考核及管理計畫_公開版.pdf 24MB

Chiayi City air quality assessment and management plan

英文摘要 (一) Environmental load and Changing trends: The total population of the city from 1999 to 2012 years has grown at the rate of 2.3%. The population has increased by 6,174 people, compared with the population in 1999. The population increased slowly. Since 1999, the population had showed negative growth for nearly three years. Since 2012, the number of population was 271,283. The population density is 4,519 people per square kilometer, ranked second in Taiwan, next to Taipei (9,827 people / sq km). There is a total of 291,189 vehicles registered. In the past 11 years, the number of all types of vehicles has increased by 51,998 vehicles, at a growth rate of 22%. Compared with that in 2011, the result was a decrease of 91 vehicles at a growth rate of -0.03%, which shows the growth has slowed down in this case. As for the Load of various types of vehicle density, scooters are the highest (3,402 per square kilometer), which is eight times more than that in Taiwan. The overall vehicle density is 4,851 vehicles/sq km, ranked second (6,820 cars per square kilometer), next to Taipei City. There were 434 city industrial registering by the year 2012. Compared with 2011, it showed slight growth. Over the years (2002 to 2012 years), it showed negative growth, with a variant rate of -11%; the controlled stationary pollution sources factories were 352 factories in 2012. Over the years (2002 to 2012), the changing trend has sped up. However, since 2006, the number of controlled factories has decreased. The construction engineering has decreased since 2002. In recent years, the number of engineering has shown a tendency of increase in 2008; it showed the highest in 2000 and 2011 respectively. The number has reached 1,150. The number of engineering in this year is 930, which has been decreased by 19.13%, compared with 2011. As for the pollution management controlling measures, the rate of decrease has reached 57.09%, which is better than that(51.7%). Petitions cases against environmental pollution in this city has steadily increased, which showed an increase of 32% than that in 2006. There is an increase of 173 cases in 2012, compared with the same period last year; there were various cases but they are mainly on non-odor pollutants (such as open burning, fugitive dust (construction engineering), industrial, vehicle idling and exhaust). It is mainly because the public environmental awareness rises and they start to concern for the quality of the home environment. (二) The current air quality conditions: Chiayi City belongs to the Yun Chia Nan air quality zone. In the past 11 years (2002 to 2012), as for the proportion of index pollutants of the poor air quality day, the suspended particles accounts for 54% higher than ozone 46%. In this year , in the Yun Chia Nan air quality zone, the poor air quality day accounts for 27 days, the reject ratio was 0.90%, which meets the prevention target (less than 2.73%); In this city, the poor air quality day accounts for 1 day, which also meets this year's control target (less than 2.74%) (10 stations day). Mainly with the climate change and pollution control measures, the air quality has improved. (三) Poor air quality reporting response operations: In this year, the re-examination and modification of 2011 Chiayi City poor air quality reporting standard operation procedure have been completed. The amendments are to re-examine the strain conditions and to update other respose plans and pollution sources. In this year, according to Statistics in this year, the number of implementation of poor air quality report is 55 (including 36 of forecast and 9 of Choshui River fugitive dust report), among which the suspended particles accounted the most for 28 with a proportion of 51%. Generally speaking, there is no poor air quality days. After each time of poor air quality report, the PSI value increases, accounting for 32 times, 4 times with no change, and 15 times with improved effectiveness (PSI value <100). We try to understand all the stationary pollutant sources plant operators (with the operating license), and whether to set up the air quality deterioration control project for every operating process. In this year, the stationary pollution sources permit control and air pollution control levy fee briefings" was held on April 24th in conjunction with propaganda. After investigation, we found that the proportion of the operators with ready projects was not high (6%). With continuing counseling measures, a total of 28 plant operators completed drafting the control projects and sent them to the EPA for approval. The rate of operating achievement reached 100%; on October 4, 2012, a response drill has been held to examine the feasibility of pollution control project and plant owners’ response ability of the air quality deterioration. (四) Air purification zones: Two assessments of management maintenance in the city air quality purification zone has been completed on April 25th and October 25th respectively. The achievement rate reached 100%. After the on-site assessment, the records has been submitted in the mail to the management and maintenance units, with an urge to fortify the relevant units and maintain clean environment facilities and planting at each base. For promotion of air quality purification zone, a session of propaganda was held at Chungpu Research Center, Forestry Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan on October 22 with invitation of all the maintenance units and community development association representatives. In the event, the environmental technician Chen Wan Jun from Environmental Protection Department and Professor Cai Zhi Xian from the department of Horticulture discussed and shared the planting management and conservation experiences with attendees. (五) Indoor air quality self-management: For promotion of indoor air quality self-management, in this year, there are a total of 25 places responding to this action and the achievement rate reached 100%. Places joined in this action include RT-Mart International LTD, Carrefour-Chiayi and North gate branches and Starbucks Chiayi City all the five outlets, which shows that on November 23, 2011, after the passing of the Indoor Air Quality Management Act, large places in response to this action showed improvement. Over the years, there has been a total of 85 places in response to the self-management policies. In this year, to promote indoor air quality self-management, there are two advocacy activities held on May 4th and Oct 5th respectively. In total, there are 126 people involved in a total of 120 units. In the activities, Ms. Wu Pei Zhi from the Occupational Security and Health Department and Graduate Institute in Evergreen University and Prof. Lee Chia Wei from Environment and Health Safety Engineering in National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology are invited to make clear the course and importance of law implementation.
英文關鍵字 Air quality improvement;Clean air zones;Indoor Air Quality