

中文摘要 根據環保署101年度「環保施政意向調查」針對目前戶外空氣品質所作調查結果顯示,民眾最近一年遭受空氣污染困擾的比率以汽、機車排(冒)煙或臭味為41.4%。究其原因為台灣地區經濟發達,民眾活動依賴汽機車比例相對偏高,平均每0.95人就有一輛汽機車。且依據「空氣污染排放資料庫TEDs 7.1」排放量資料庫統計,98年機動車輛所排放的CO(一氧化碳)佔全台污染量的71.2 %,HC(碳氫化合物)與NOx(氮氧化物)分別佔25.5%與46.8%,因此若能妥善管理高污染車輛,將有助於改善目前空氣污染情形。為能在有限的公務資源下,有效管理高污染車輛;環保署自民國89年即建置民眾檢舉烏賊車案件管理系統並陸續擴充該系統,本(101)年度除針對環保單位需求擴增功能與維護系統,建立親和、實用並富教育的介面外,另一方面辦理總獎項超過新台幣100萬元之「101年度鼓勵民眾檢舉烏賊車抽獎活動」,為充分進行橫向與縱向溝通,本計畫辦理2場業務聯繫會議及2場業務檢討會議,使全國環保機關業務人員有機會針對本業務進行意見交換並達成多項共識,系統亦配合進行功能操作擴增,有效提昇案件辦理之品質。本計畫並建置「移動污染源資訊管理系統」,以e化方式建立環保署各委辦計畫查核方式及查核重點,並將移動污染源各計畫建立的資料庫進行有效整合、統計及分析,該系統可提供各項重要資料予環保署於業務現況檢討或未來決策推動時之支援,並使各項成果及污染削減量得以保存及應用。經統計,本(101)年度迄12月31日為止共受理461,014件民眾檢舉烏賊車案件,在空氣污染物削減成效方面,機車因民眾檢舉而減少污染物排放將約削減399.58(噸/年)(二行程346.03加上四行程3.68)NMHC(非甲烷碳氫化合物)及1373.52(噸/年)(二行程1322.63加上四行程50.89)CO排放;柴油汽車因民眾檢舉而減少污染物排放約削減126.31(噸/年)TSP(總懸浮微粒)排放;汽油汽車因民眾檢舉而減少污染物排放約削減1.65(噸/年)NOx、8.26(噸/年)NMHC及74.46(噸/年)CO排放。由此可知經由民眾檢舉烏賊車政策在移動污染源各項不定期管制策略中具有相當成效,值得繼續推動。
中文關鍵字 高污染車輛;檢舉;移動污染源;資料庫整合


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-FA13-03-D083 經費年度 101 計畫經費 7750 千元
專案開始日期 2012/04/05 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 黃文鴻
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 邱采晴 執行單位 振興發科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA101FA1303D083.pdf 66MB

High pollutant emitting vehicles reporting management system and mobile pollution source database in

英文摘要 According to the report from “Civil satisfaction investigation for environmental protection policy” in 2012, the consequence of research of outdoor air quality indicated that the people were persecuted with the air pollution which caused by high polluted vehicles in the last year was 41.4%. Due to the high density of population and lack of the buffered areas between different land uses, the average vehicles owned per person was high. An average of 1 vehicle (motorcycle or automobile) was owned by each 0.95 person. In terms of statistical figures from A.Q.M.C (Air Quality Model Center) in 2009, CO pollutant resulted from motorcycles was 71.2 percent of all CO emission in Taiwan. HC and NOx were 25.5 % and 46.8 % respectively. Therefore, if we have a proper strategy to control and eliminate the high-pollutant emitting vehicles, the air quality could be improved effectively. In order to manage all high-pollutant emitting vehicles with limited inspectors, we established the high-pollutant emitting vehicles reporting system in 2000. This year, new functions were added and system was maintained, and total rewards worth more than one million NT dollars lottery event for tipsters was held. Above all, two training programs and two conferences took place during the duration of the project. Through the programs and conferences, environmental protection government agencies had communicated with each other and exchanged successful experience in polluting vehicle reported area and came to many consensuses. Information system functions were also modified and updated consequently, and processing quality was greatly improved. The project team developed E.P.A. “Mobile Pollution Sources Information system”, included national performance E-report, and established intranet book system to maintain the information and schedules. The book system contained important check points and schedules of all projects or events. Furthermore, project team integrated databases delivered by all the projects and consolidated data to provide integrated information as an important reference for line pollutants, decision making platform. All the consolidated information could be saved and applied for all the purposes upon different needs. According to statistics, 461,014 suspect vehicles were reported by Dec. 31, 2012. It has effectively contributed to emission reduction in 2012. In motorcycle category, emission was reduced approximately 399.58 tons in NMHC and 1373.52 tons in CO emission. In diesel vehicles category, it was reduced 126.31 tons in TSP emission. In gasoline vehicle category, it was reduced 1.65 tons in NOx emission, 8.26 tons in NMHC emission, and 74.46 tons in CO emission. The fruitful results indicated the project performed excellently among line-source pollutants strategies. The program has shown it’s valuable and should be developed further.
英文關鍵字 High pollutant emitting vehicles ,reporting ,mobile pollution source ,database integration