

中文摘要 本計畫為延續往年碳中和(carbon Neutral)成果,持續針對國際碳中和的發展趨勢加以分析、研議國家層級進行碳中和之可行性、推動碳中和試行案例及辦理宣導活動,及維護更新相關低碳作業指引及工具。本計畫彙整截至101年12月31日之成果,說明如下: (一)研析聯合國、英、澳、紐、美、挪威等碳中和發展趨勢與案例 1.針對不同層級推動碳中和之策略及方法,本計畫歸納整理國外可以參採之作法,說明如后: (1)國家層級推動碳中和 目前國際碳中和政策發展現況,已有多國提出全國達成碳中和之目標,其碳中和減量目標,則多結合國內溫室氣體減量目標期程進行。本計畫所蒐集之資料中,以英國、澳大利亞發展碳中和最為快速且健全,英國以中央機關首先推動,澳洲則以產品做為推動對象,其英國標準協會並發展出全球第一份碳中和規範(PAS2060),均可作為國內借鏡。 (2)城市層級推動碳中和 綜觀目前城市推動碳中和之案例與策略,大多將重點放在提高民眾對於氣候變化之意識、將綠色概念融入公共工程建設的內涵中以及政府組織率先投入節能減碳作為等方面。但唯有當民眾對於環保議題與概念產生認同,政府所訂定之政策才有推行的空間。 (3)民間層級推動碳中和 分析國外民間團體推動情況,主要係透過盤查用戶本身的排放總量,掌握各範疇型態的碳耗,隨後採減量措施,儘可能降低企業用碳總量,而無法削減的部份則採用國際碳交易市場所認可的碳權進行抵換。 (4)我國可參採之要點 本計畫針對所蒐集的案例加以深入研析其作法與我國可以參採之優缺點;在國家案例方面,我國可以參考國外作法,透過新技術的引進,如海水淡化技術解決國內缺水問題,普遍性的興建充電站以解決電動車的充電問題;在城市案例方面,我國城市可以參考國外城市之節能減碳作法包括將路燈換成省電燈泡、公務車及大眾運輸工具換成節能車輛、增加自行車相關設施等;在民間層級方面本計畫介紹包括多起產品、組織、活動和服務;在企業組織方面,微軟公司透過興建新廠房與建築時,融入綠色內涵與綠色工法的概念、改善產品供應鏈,透過上下游垂直整合,以達到永續發展的目標;在學校方面則是可以參考同濟大學的案例,組織“校園節能督察隊”、開設環保課程講座、活動、展覽或是投入節能減碳之研究計畫來落實節能減碳的目標;產品方面則是可提高再生原料使用率、使用再生能源與回收水、針對製程進行耗能檢視與改善等;活動及服務則可增加再生能源使用率、減少不必要的人員運輸、提高場地能源使用效率等。 2.目前大部份國內排放交易系統均不與京都系統直接連接,但澳洲排放交易方案(Australian Emission Trading Scheme)所產生的ACCUs經過國際協商後,可直接與京都系統直接連接,這將使其受國際市場價格甚劇。 3.我國能源業與電力業約有80%為國營事業,使得我國在推動額度買賣有施行上的困難。若能以雙邊機制或與協約國合作與其國家帳戶或國內系統連接,擴大碳交易市場,將較有發展之空間。目前英國已同意做為我國與國際間進行碳交易平台,此舉有助我國企業在國際取得碳權,為我國重要之里程碑。 (二)建立我國碳中和推動機制 1.本計畫蒐集目前國際欲針對國家進行碳中和之案件,並羅列其碳中和與具體減量目標,以做為我國進行國家碳中和之參採。 2.英國碳中和作法係以部門別為區分,並制定不同年度欲達成之碳中和目標。 3.環保署欲推動碳中和評比機制,目的為推廣政府機關進行節能減碳與碳中和,並加速落實各部門節能減碳策略措施並達到碳中和之最終目的。本計畫已初步完成「政府機關碳中和推動方案(草案)」,並召開2場次專家諮詢會議進行討論,另亦針對四低碳城市,商討未來推動碳中和之構思與方向。 4.我國公共工程節能減碳相關規範、國外大型公工程規範與相關案例作法,因考慮台灣與國外之氣候環境及民俗風情不同,本計畫建議,於設備上採用高效能機具,選用生質燃油,並減少機具的怠轉,可於住宅或建築鋪設太陽能板以提供室內用電,減少過度依賴非再生能源,參考國外建築自然採光及自然通風之設計,以減少白天使用照明設備,建材盡量使用天然、當地或再生之材料。 (三)規劃並執行我國碳中和之相關政策與配套措施 1.本計畫參考經濟部永續能源政策綱領、國家節能減碳總計畫、經建會國家氣候變遷調適政策綱領,研擬「政府機關推動碳中和方案(草案)」,期能達到永續能源政策綱領所揭櫫之政府機關推動各項計畫皆需融入碳中和之概念。 2.本計畫已於101年6月21日與環保署、能源局及台綜院召開綠色電價制度及碳權會議,主要係針對綠色電力之供給端及需求端等兩方面進行研議,結論如下,在供給端方面,能源局考量計算並公告兩個電力排放係數:(1)電力排放係數計算僅含「非綠色電力」;(2)電力排放係數計算則包含「非綠色電力」及「綠色電力」。在需求端方面,消費者可視需求選擇傳統電力或具有「綠色電力證明」之綠色電力,宣告節能減碳的作為。 3.碳額度來源一直為欲推動碳中和案例所困擾的一環,政府配套機制應完善,給予企業誘因及鼓勵參與以英國為例,碳抵換方案雖具有規模及制度,但其運作之品質管理系統卻在2011年6月被政府取消,主要與英國政府財政不佳與缺乏政府推動有關,完成碳中和的企業亦無在公開平台獲得表揚,缺乏企業推動之誘因。 (四)輔導國內各政府機關及民間團體針對產品、服務、組織與活動進行碳中和 1.環保署擬透過推動低碳校園的策略,提升教育場域之環境教育形象同時擴散環境教育概念,並促進整體社會跟進,遂研擬「校園碳中和推動辦法(草案)」,並召開2場次專家諮詢會議進行討論,期能透過此辦法,一步步從低碳校園邁向碳中和。 2.本方案之主旨為推廣校園進行碳管理,透過相關的管理措施及政策來達到校園碳中和的最終目的,本辦法提出校園短、中、長期碳中和推動目標: (1)短期目標:成立碳中和推動小組進行校園碳中和相關盤查,透過盤查了解校園整體的排放量。(預估期程為1年) (2)中期目標:進行溫室氣體減量,主要以設備效能改善方式進行減量,另一方面也配合相關的管理系統共同推動。(預估期程為3年) (3)長期目標:期望透過短、中期的努力,來達到碳零增量的校園,並把學校規劃為當地碳中和教育中心,將碳中和之概念及施行之成果推廣至當地社區。(預估期程為5年) 3.101年度輔導4個新案例推動碳中和工作,依據本年度案例選取原則以及核備環保署結果,以「組織」、「服務」、「產品」做為本年度輔導主要類型,而進一步與輔導對象意願與政策作結合,最後遴選出「組織」:中山區劍潭里及翡翠水庫、「服務」:淡水漁人碼頭福容大飯店、「產品」:台灣晶技公司之電子被動元件。 4.為建構低碳永續家園的願景目標,讓企業、民眾及地方政府單位了解目前國內於節能減碳業務之推動策略及作為,本計畫於101年12月25日(二)、26日(三)共同辦理「超越101 低碳新契機」101年度節能減碳業務宣導說明會,從氣候變遷及全球暖化的觀點,來面對氣候變遷的因應作為。 (五)開發與更新碳中和相關輔助工具 1.本計畫統計自環保低碳活動登錄平台99年8月16日啟用以來至101年11月12日為止,環保低碳活動平台已經有1,355個會員單位以及4,546案次的登錄活動,本計畫為進一步地推廣碳中和理念,除提供碳中和過程的計算工具,亦規劃建立活動碳中和專區並與環保低碳活動平台連結,期許將環保低碳活動透過活動外的減量措施升級成自我認證的簡易版碳中和活動。 2.為了能修訂我國碳足跡計算指引,本計畫掌握PAS 2050:2008和PAS 2050:2011之差異處,其在於產品類別規則(Product Category Rule, PCR)於PAS 2050:2011被移除,而以附加要求(Supplementary Requirements, SRs)取代。並將「企業對企業」和「企業對消費者」刪除,改用「搖籃到大門」或「搖籃到墳墓」取代。此舉被認為可擴大PAS 2050運用於各類產品與部門,並促進特定部門或產品的準確度和相關性。 3.ISO 14067 DIS 2版本已經於2012年10月進行預告。其重大變更包含,數據品質要求引入專案特定活動數據(Site Specific Activity Data)之概念,專案特定數據與一級活動數據(Primary Activity Data)相同,兩者皆是來自直接量測記錄,不同之處在於專案特定活動數據是特別針對只屬於標的產品的製程進行量測,此代表專案特定數據是不需經過分配、可直接使用的一級活動數據。 4.我國碳足跡計算指引修正內容目前多以文字、語義上部份修訂為主,然而在我國產品與服務碳足跡計算指引中,並未將最終處置階段納入界定,建議可參採PAS 2050:2011和ISO/DIS 14067.2界定其範圍或要求,建議納入產品類別規則,以統一碳足跡之計算方法。 5.為了使宣導層面可更為廣泛,除碳中和管理登錄平台、環保低碳活動平台外,本年度研擬兩款APP宣導軟體,其包含:(1)活動碳足跡計算器、(2)透過環保低碳活動與碳中和登錄平台之「活動碳中和專區」,讓民眾與活動主辦單位可以使用軟體於活動舉辦前進行模擬與試算、(3)個人碳信用的教育宣導。
中文關鍵字 碳中和;環保低碳活動;碳抵換


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-FA101-02-A056 經費年度 101 計畫經費 8800 千元
專案開始日期 2012/02/03 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 蔡宏達
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 鐘偉瑜 執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會


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期末報告 EPA101FA10102A056.pdf 23MB

Carbon Neutral Promotion Mechanism and Practice Project

英文摘要 The project is continuation of last year’s results of carbon Neutral, to focus on international development and analysis on carbon Neutral, to discuss about the feasibility of a country to conduct carbon Neutral, to promote practice cases of carbon Neutral and related propaganda, and to update the related guidelines and tools of low-carbon workings. The preliminary results of the project before November 30th, 2012 are listed as follow: I. Research and analysis of trends and cases in UN, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Norway etc. i. In the light of promoting strategies and methods of carbon Neutral in different levels, this project concluded some foreign ways which can be referred, such as: 1. Carbon neutral in state level The development status of international carbon neutral policies, which is that many countries had been proposed a goal it should achieve, and the other goal of decreasing of carbon neutral often combined with cutting down the greenhouse gas currently. The information which was collected in the project showed that Britain and Australia had speedy and integral carbon neutral development. There was central government pushing forward first in Britain, and the Britain Standard Association handed over the first PAS2060 in the world. Besides, Australia took products as promotion objects. Both cases are useful references. 2. Carbon neutral in city level Looking to the cases and strategies of promoting carbon neutral currently, we can find the points are enhancing the awareness of people about climate changing, integrating green concepts into public engineering, and reducing the carbon emission from government to civil society. Only people identify themselves to environmental issues, there is promotion space for government to conduct their policies. 3. Carbon neutral in nongovernmental level Analyzed the promotion status of nongovernmental groups out of Taiwan, mainly through investigated the user’s emission amount, controlled every type of carbon consumption and applied reduction measures, especially made enterprises’ carbon using as low as possible, and the part that couldn’t be abated could go to international carbon trading market to trade the identified right. 4. The points can be used in Taiwan The project analyzed the cases and found the advantages and disadvantages that Taiwan can take as examples. On state side, Taiwan can introduce new skills from foreign countries, such as desalination can resolve water shortage problem, building charging stations can resolve the needs of electric cars. On city side, Taiwan can learn ways from other countries on carbon reduction, for examples, change street lights into saving light bulbs, replace official cars and public transportation with saving energy cars, increasing bicycle measures, etc. On nongovernmental side, the project introduced many products, organizations, campaigns and service. On enterprise side, Microsoft built new factories and buildings and integrated green concepts and works, improved products supporting lines, through vertical integration could achieve the goal, call sustainable development. On school side, can learn from Tongji University, it organized a team “school saving energy inspectors”, gave courses about environmental protection, exhibitions or any cam help to reduce carbon consumption study project. On product side, enhance the usage of recycle material, use renewable energy and recycle water, improve the process to examine the carbon using. On service side, can use more recycle energy, lessen unnecessary personnel transport, and increase energy efficiency, etc. ii. At present, most emission trading systems in Taiwan don’t have direct connection with Kyoto system, but the Australian Emission Trading Scheme which produces ACCUs can connect with Kyoto system directly after international consultations and will be seriously affected by international market price. iii. In Taiwan, there are 80% energy industry and electric power industry are state-owned enterprises, and make Taiwan has difficulties on implement when pushed credit trading. If we can use bilateral mechanisms or cooperate with other countries for system connecting to expand carbon trading market, so that will have more developmental space. Britain have had being agree to be a platform for Taiwan to conduct carbon trading with other countries. In this way, it can help Taiwanese enterprises to gain carbon right from international society, which is an important milestone. II. Build the promotive mechanism of carbon Neutral in Taiwan i. The project collected carbon neutral cases from other countries that we aimed at it, and classified the specific status and the goal of reduction as references for Taiwan to take action on carbon neutral. ii. Britain distinguished the ways of carbon neutral by agencies, and made different goals every year. iii. Environmental Protection Administration wanted to promote a carbon neutral rating mechanism, so that could encourage government to take care about carbon reduction, and accelerated the implementation of carbon reduction policies in every agency to complete the goal of carbon neutral. The project had been finished the preliminary draft of “Project of Carbon Neutral in Public Sector”, and had been held 2 expert advisory meetings. Besides, aimed at 4 low-carbon cities to discuss the ideas and directions of carbon neutral in the future. iv. Compare related regulations of public engineering in Taiwan with related cases in foreign countries, due to different climates and customs, the project suggested to use high efficiency machines, choose biofuel, and lessen idle of machines, also could lay solar panels on the roof to offer indoor electricity to lower dependence on non-renewable energy. In the meantime, we could stimulate the natural lighting and ventilation of buildings in foreign countries, so that could not to use too much lighting equipments in the day, and choose natural, local or renewable elements as building materials as possible as it can. III. Plan and conduct related policies to carbon Neutral and supporting measures in Taiwan i. The project took “Sustainable Energy Policy Guideline”, “Grand Project of National Energy Conservation & Carbon Reduction”, “National Climate Change Adaptation Policy Guideline” as references to drafted “Project of Carbon Neutral in Public Sector”. Hope it can achieve the points that Sustainable Energy Policy Guideline mentioned every public sector should push carbon neutral in every program. ii. The project had been held a meeting of Green Electricity Price Mechanism and Carbon Right with EPA, Bureau of Energy and Taiwan Research Institute to discuss supplying and demanding of green power. The conclusions are as follow: on supplying side, Bureau of Energy announced 2 electricity emission factors, they are (1) only non-green power as factor and (2) non-green power and green power are both included. On demanding side, consumers could depend on their needs to choose traditional power or green power which has green power identification as actions of carbon reduction. iii. The resources of carbon quota always was a persecution when promoted carbon neutral. Government should have perfect mechanisms and give enterprises incentives and encouragement. In Britain, for example, although carbon trading had scale and system, its quality regulative system was cancelled by government in June, 2011. The main reason was bad financial situation and lack of government promotion caused the enterprises which did the carbon neutral cannot get the praise, so they didn’t have motivations to do it. IV. Coach various government agencies and civil groups within the country for carbon Neutral on products, service, organizations and campaigns. i. EPA planned promoting “low-carbon school strategy” to enhance the image of environmental education and spread it at the same time, then made whole society following. Consequently, EPA established a draft named “Project of Carbon Neutral in school” and held 2 counsel meetings for experts to expect to gradually achieve carbon neutral from low-carbon school. ii. The purpose of this project is to popularize carbon regulation in schools, though related measures and policies could make carbon neutral in schools, the ultimate goal. In this way, we put forward different terms to reach the goals: iii. 1. Short-term goal: to set up a carbon neutral promotive panel to investigate the whole emission in schools, 1year have arranged. iv. 2. Middle-term goal: to conduct green gas reduction, improve the facilities efficiency is the main way. On the other hand, to cooperate with related management systems, 3 years have arranged. v. 3. Long-term goal: to expect can get effects from the aforementioned terms to make no additional carbon emission in schools, and makes local schools become education centers for carbon neutral, and spreads the concepts and achievements to local society, 5 years have arranged. vi. In 2012, we gave guidance and assistance for 4 new cases of promoting carbon neutral. According to case selecting principles and approval consequents by EPA, the main types of guidance and assistance this year are organizations, service and products. Further, cooperates with these counseling objects to combine their willing with policies and reach conclusions: “organization” stands for Jiantan unit, Zhongshan District and Feitsui Reservoir. “Service” represent by Fullon Hotel in Fisherman Wharf, Tanshui. “Product” can be delegated by electronic passive components of TXC cooperation. vii. For constructing a vision of low-carbon sustainable home, making enterprises, people and local government agency understand that the strategies and actions of carbon reduction now in Taiwan. This project held “Surpassing 2012, Low-carbon will have New Opportunity” illustration meetings in December 25th and 26th, 2012. From the points of climate changing and global warming to take actions to response to it. V. Develop and update related supporting tools of carbon Neutral i. The project calculated from Low Carbon Activities Platform since August 16th, 2010 to November 12th, 2012, the platform has 1355 memberships and 4546 registered campaigns. In order to move further in this project to spread the concepts of carbon neutral, we not only offered calculation tools for the process during carbon neutral, but also built areas for linking with Low Carbon Activities Platform, hoped it can upgrade these actions to a simple version identification campaign of carbon neutral. ii. For revising carbon footprint calculation in Taiwan, the project controlled the differences between PAS2050:2008 and PAS2050:2011 to be determined by removing the product category rule in PAS2050:2011 instead of supplementary requirement. Besides, removed “enterprises to enterprises” and “enterprises to consumers” instead of “cradle to entrance” or “cradle to grave”. It means can expand PAS2050to every kind of products and departments, also encourage the accuracy and relativity in specific products and departments. iii. The version of ISO 14067 DIS 2 had been forecasted huge changes, including the concepts of Site Specific Activity Data should be included in data quality. Site Specific Activity Data and Primary Activity Data are the same thing. Both are using directly calculation record. The difference is the former one only aim at specific production process of products, there is no need to get through allocation and can use Primary Activity Data directly. iv. The carbon footprint calculation guidance in Taiwan, the revising contents mostly applied to words and meanings only. However, the calculation guidance didn’t include the final management level. We suggested that stimulated the sphere and requests of PAS2050:2011 and ISO/DIS 14067.2, brought into product category rules to unify the calculation way of carbon footprints. v. For wider propaganda, not only carbon neutral platform and Low Carbon Activities Platform, but also APP software which just developed this year, including: (1) mobile carbon footprint calculator, (2) through the linkage of Low Carbon Activities Platform and “mobile carbon neutral area” can let people and the organizers to use software to have a stimulate calculation before campaign, (3) educative advocacy of personal carbon credit.
英文關鍵字 Carbon Neutral;Low Carbon Activities;Carbon Offset