
呈層複合土壤(Multi-soil Layering)水質淨化系統應用於河川或水庫集水區模場選址及基本資料調查先期規劃計畫

中文摘要 近年來,日本發展出一種新興之現地水質處理技術,稱之為呈層複合土壤(multi-soil-layering system, MSL)水質淨化系統,具有長期且高效能的去污功效。此系統不僅水力負荷率較傳統之土壤淨化系統大、阻塞問題較不嚴重之外,並且使用材料天然無污染、用地小及維護成本低等優點。然臺灣目前尚無施作實例,此一工法對於本地之水質及地質環境適用性如何,實有賴本計畫進行先期評估,以選擇一合適之實驗場址,以俾後續進行現地實驗以探討其適用性及取得本土化之相關設計參數。計畫成果包括(一)評估國內3處河川或水庫集水區設置MSL水質淨化系統之候選場址可行性:蒐集國外MSL系統之淨化原理,機制,限制條件,執行成果與範例介紹等文獻資料、調查國內河川或水庫集水區進行合適場址之基本資料及研析設置MSL水質淨化系統之可行性;(二)調查3處MSL候選場址之污水入流量及污染濃度:針對前述國內3處可作為MSL水質淨化系統候選場址,進行既有污水管路調查、污水入流量之監測,同時分別進行晴天及雨天之污水濃度量測。量測項目至少包括總磷(T-P)、總氮(T-N)、懸浮顆粒(SS)及生化需氧量(BOD);(三)選擇1處最適合之MSL模場試驗場址進行模場規劃設計(含細部設計及施工規範):MSL模場規劃設計內容,包括場址規模、所需經費、後續量測項目、量測頻率及既有污水蒐集設施之改善建議等;(四)辦理2場次合理化施肥及水質污染改善地方農民宣導相關講習會。
中文關鍵字 呈層複合土壤;混合土塊層;透水層


專案計畫編號 EPA-100-G103-02-243 經費年度 101 計畫經費 850 千元
專案開始日期 2011/12/30 專案結束日期 2012/04/30 專案主持人 何嘉浚
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 曾志評 執行單位 國立臺北科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-100G10302243.PDF.pdf 22MB
英文摘要 Effluent discharges of raw sewage from the residential area directly into rivers have not only adversely affected natural environment, but have also jeopardized the water resource. Due to people's awareness of protecting the environment and sustainable management to become stronger, the domestic sewage treatment facilities have been renovated and improved. MSL, multi-soil-layering system, is an on-site treatment technology that developed in Japan to treat the domestic sewage. This system comprises soil mixture layers (SML), permeable layers (PL), inlet and outlet pipes, and aeration pipes with valves. This system has many advantages such as completely natural materials that will not cause environmental pollution, small construction area, low maintenance costs and so on. For this project, a range of studies will carried out over three years in order to understand the water purification mechanism of MSL system and to establish the design criteria; moreover, the technology of MSL will be improved and innovated to conform to the current demand in Taiwan. There are three tasks must be executed in this project. (1) To collect and study the literature on MSL in order to understand the mechanism of this water treatment system. In addition, 3 sites were selected to ascertain the feasibility of MSL system in Taiwan. (2) To investigate the waste water quantity and its pollution concentration of those three sites. The survey items include TP, TN, SS and BOD. (3) To select one of the most appropriate site as a pilot test site for MSL system and to carry out the detail design of this pilot test site. (4) To handle two sessions rational fertilization workshops for farmers in order to improve water.
英文關鍵字 multi-soil-layering MSL;soil mixture layer SML;permeable layer PL