

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程自101年4月13日至102年1月31日止,共計10個月。其中主要工作項目包括:空氣污染防制費收件、建檔、審查、查核與催補繳作業及核算、特定行業別法規申報審查及法規符合度查核、臺中港區揮發性有機液體儲槽清查、揮發性有機物減量輔導及各類宣導說明會等工作項目,計畫執行期間,各項工作均依工作進度規劃期程進行。本年度計畫執行成果摘要如下: 臺中市之空污費列管已達1228家,其中具有個別物種之廠家共計322家,統計101年第1季至第3季,空污費總徵收金額約為3億0,571萬元,包括硫氧化物、氮氧化物空污費2億3,158萬元及揮發性有機物空污費7,413萬元;統計本年度空污費追補繳總金額為新臺幣3,542萬9,320元整;另外,本計畫共完成723家空污費現場查核作業,查核不符525家,佔72.61%,其中針對錯誤情形導致空污費差異122家皆已進行空污費之追繳;協助審查空污費減免及自廠係數申請案件共計10件次,審查通過計3件次,駁回5件次,尚有2件次審查中。 在特定行業別管制方面,本年度共計辦理特定行業別申報審查266件次,符合率約為99.97%,僅9件次經審查不符,皆已完成申報資料修正或補件;法規符合度查核方面則完成79家現場查核,不符率為34.17%。另,臺中港區倉儲業清查作業結果本年度倉儲業之油品及化學品營運量約為623萬公秉,排放量約為372.77公噸;法規符合度查核10家,其中6家發現不符,後續皆已完成改善。 在揮發性有機物減量方面,共計12廠家改善集氣設施、增設污染防制設備,或改用低污染性油墨或塗料,合計揮發性有機物減量158.10公噸,包括空污費13種個別物種減量22.10公噸,港區倉儲業揮發性有機物減量26.64公噸。另外,執行原物料抽測17廠家,共計20項原物料之揮發性有機物含量百分比抽測作業,抽測結果與空污費申報差異達10%以上共12家,13項原物料,其中重新核算需補繳空污費額之6廠家預計可追繳新臺幣314萬1,806元整。 其他遵循計畫合約規定,完成6場次之宣導說明會、10場次之人員教育訓練及管理查核會議、印製2,500份空污費宣導摺頁。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 101 計畫經費 12685 千元
專案開始日期 2012/04/13 專案結束日期 2013/01/31 專案主持人 卓啟弘
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 顏宇彤 執行單位 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 101年臺中市固定污染源空污費審查、查核及揮發性有機物管制計畫期末報告(完整版).pdf 13MB
英文摘要 The implementation of this Program shall be covered from April 13, 2012 to January 31, 2013, a total of 10 months. The works mainly include, but not limited to the receipt, file creation, review, checks of Air Pollution Prevention & Control Fee and reminder of repayment as well as accounting, review of laws and regulations of specialized industry and checks of laws and regulations compliance, checks of volatile organic fluid tank in Taichung Port District, consulting service of reducing volatile organic substance and a variety of propaganda. Each work is on schedule of execution. All results of the Program this year are summarized as follows: There have been 1,228 factories in Taichung City with air pollution fee shall be listed for management, among of which, a total of 322 ones are with individual species that the aggregated air pollution fee collected from Q1~Q3, 2012 shall be about NT$300,000,571.00 including sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides as NT$200,003,158.00, as well as volatile organic substance as NT$74,130,000.00, a total of NT$35,429,230 shall be reminded for repayment this year; in addition, there are a total of 723 factories accomplishing field checks of air pollution fee, where 525 of them in non-compliance situation accounting for 72.61%, where 122 of them incurred with mistake causing inconsistence of air pollution fee have been reminded for repayment; there are a total of 10 cases we have assisted in reviewing exemption of the air pollution fee and applying for self-establishment of factory coefficient, where 3 of them were approved, another 5 of them were rejected and 2 of rest are under reviewed. For the control of specialized industry, there are a total of 266 cases in reporting as specialized industry have been reviewed this year, where the compliance rate is about 99.97% with only one 9 of them in non-compliance situation who have fulfilled process of correction or supplement; for the checks of laws and regulations compliance, a total of 79 factories have been checked, where non-compliance rate is 34.17%. In addition, indicated from the result of checks in warehouse industry of Taichung Port District, a total of 6.23M kiloliter of oil products and chemicals in the warehouse industry of Taichung Port District are in operation with emission about 372.77 ton this year; a total of 10 factories have gone through compliance checks that 6 of them are found in non-compliance situation who had improved thereafter. For reduction of volatile organic substance, a total of 12 factories have improved gas gathering facilities, created pollution control equipments or switched to low-pollution ink or paints, where a total of 158.10 ton of volatile organic substance have been reduced, including the air pollution fee, 22.10 ton of 13 individual species and 26.64 ton of volatile organic substance in the warehouse industry of Taichung Port District. In addition, there were a total of 17 factories executed with sampled test of raw materials where a total of 20 kinds of raw materials’ volatile organic substance volume percentage for the test, where a total of 12 factories with totaled 13 kinds of raw materials have more than 10% of difference between the result and reported version that the predicted total amount six factories shall repay the rechecked air pollution fee will be NT$3,141,806.00 For compliance with other contractual regulations in the Program, there are a total of 6 propaganda and 10 trainings of personnel education, as well as meetings for management & checks held, with a total of 2,500 brochures promulgating air pollution fee printed.