

中文摘要 本計畫目標旨在完成臺南市噪音移動式環境及交通噪音監測站操作工作、環境音量陳情案件監測工作、航空噪音臨時性監測、使用中車輛原地噪音量測作業及宣導作業,並配合達成行政院環境保護署環保機關績效考評中噪音管制項目。 在移動式環境及交通噪音監測中,完成環境及交通音量監測作業192點/次,其監測結果均符合管制標準,並完成每季考核表、每季各站監測記錄表單及各監測點位四方位照片上傳至噪音管制系統,共完成4季上傳(101年第4季及102年第1季至第3季)。 航空噪音臨時性監測,共執行2點次作業,每個點次須執行十日,已於102年7月底前完成2點次,其2個點次作業之監測結果均符合管制標準;但發現監測資料與軍方鄰近測站資料差異性極大,已建議環保局後續除了精進每季審閱軍方提報航空噪音季報告並建請軍方改善之作法外,未來環保局也將定期抽查航空噪音監測站及航空噪音監控中心軟硬體設施。 在使用中車輛原地噪音量測部分,共辦理64場,其中21場配合辦法環保署大執法計畫,經統計64場攔檢及攔查數量後,總計輛次為1070輛次,如區分出汽車部分,攔檢及攔查數量上有176輛次,其中進行檢測有34輛,並有26輛不合格,不合格率為76.5%;而機車及重型機車部分,攔檢及攔查數量上共有894輛次,其中進行檢測有274輛,並有217輛不合格,不合格率為79.2%;對於不合格之車輛經回檢後改善完成者共155輛次。由於部分車輛於計畫結束前尚未回檢,因此工作團隊針對檢測不合格或網站檢舉而尚未回檢之車輛,經兩次通知不到後,將建請環保局依法給予告發處分。此外,102年度5月~9月配合102年度環保署「使用中機車噪音稽查大執法計畫」的辦理,經統計21場攔檢及攔查數量後,總計攔檢及攔查631輛次車輛,並檢測其中148輛之車輛,其中不合格輛次為132輛,不合格率為89.1%;亦達成校園稽查及跨縣市稽查等行政配合,最終成果則榮獲全國績效優良第一名。
中文關鍵字 噪音、航空噪音、噪音管制區


專案計畫編號 經費年度 101 計畫經費 2900 千元
專案開始日期 2012/11/03 專案結束日期 2013/11/02 專案主持人 陳俊能
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 尤建智 執行單位 祥威環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 101年度臺南市噪音監測暨航空噪音防制區檢討劃定計畫_期末定稿(圖)_R3.pdf 98MB
英文摘要 This plan intended to accomplish operation of noise mobile environment and traffic sounds monitoring site, inspection of public plead cases of environmental noises, impromptu aviation noise gauging, and in-use vehicles stationary noise gauging and education of Tainan City while cooperatively achieving noise control issues which will be used for EP organization performance evaluation by Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan. There were 192 site /time environmental and traffic sounds monitoring have completed among mobile environmental and traffic sounds monitoring. All monitoring results conformed to control standards. Seasonal evaluation forms, seasonal monitoring records, and four aspect photos of each monitoring sites were uploaded to noise control system. Totally 4 seasonal data has been uploaded (the 4th season of year 2011 and the 1st through 3rd seasons of year 2012). 2 location-times were conducted for impromptu aviation noise monitoring, ten days for each location. 2 location-times had been conducted by end of July 2013 and monitoring results conformed to control standards. However, we found that there were significant variation of monitoring data between our sites and military monitoring sites. We have not only suggested EPA to strengthen seasonal review of seasonal aviation noise reports monitored by military but also suggested military to modify measures of noise monitoring. EPA will make spot check of aviation noise monitoring sites and software and hardware facilities of aviation noise monitoring center periodically in the future. For in-use vehicles stationary noise gauging, there were 64 times in total, 21 times among them were carried out in cooperation with EPA’s law enforcing plan. Summarizing 64 times audition and inspection on the road side there were totally 1070 vehicle-times. Classified by vehicle types, in 176 stopped motor vehicles there were 34 vehicles inspected and 26 vehicles failed in tests which constructed fail rate of 76.5%; in 894 stopped vehicles there were 274 vehicles inspected and 217 vehicles failed in tests which constructed fail rate of 79.2%; for vehicles failed in tests there were 155 vehicle-times passed recheck tests after improvement. Due to the fact that some vehicles which have not returned for rechecking before plan ending, task force will submit vehicles list to EPA to file a lawsuit per enactment after two ignored notices. In addition, in cooperation with “In-use vehicles noise inspection law enforcing plan” of EPA during May through September 2013, summarizing 21 times audition and inspection on the road side there were totally 631 vehicle-times. There were 148 vehicles inspected among them and 132 vehicles failed in tests which constructed 89.1% fail rate; we carried out campus inspections and inter-jurisdictional inspections in cooperation with administration authorities and we were granted the top performance team in the nation.