

中文摘要 我國垃圾處理政策採「垃圾零廢棄」政策,以「源頭減量、資源回收」為主軸,提倡以綠色生產、綠色消費、源頭減量、資源回收、再使用及再生利用等方式,將資源有效循環利用。然在垃圾量逐年減少及國際節能減碳風潮下,我國垃圾焚化廠的轉型、與廢棄物處理政策勢必隨著時代而調整。環保署除了規劃將焚化廠轉型為「地區生質能源中心」以外,且亦推動焚化爐餘熱區域供冷熱計畫,經評估內湖焚化廠適合作為區域供冷熱中心,可提供鄰近旅館、文化商場及百貨冷能需求,以提供冷、熱及發電,達到提高總熱效率。 本計畫之主要蒐集彙整國外廢棄物能資源化政策、技術及應用案例,探討各項廢棄物能資源化案例,分析其作法、技術規範及經濟效益,以供我國參考,其次並探討焚化廠轉型區域能源中心之推動策略,並規劃我國生質物能源化推動計畫及評估我國推動廢棄物能資源化之節能減碳效益,以做為政府施政之參考。
中文關鍵字 廢棄物能資源化、節能減碳


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-FA11-03-A241 經費年度 101 計畫經費 2500 千元
專案開始日期 2012/08/13 專案結束日期 2013/08/12 專案主持人 黃釋緯
主辦單位 方案整合辦公室(停用) 承辦人 莊炳義 執行單位 財團法人台灣經濟研究院


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期末報告 EPA-101-FA11-03-A241期末報告.zip 19MB

Waste Management and the Strategy of Efficiecy use of the Resources and Carbon Reduction Assessment

英文摘要 Taiwan’s recycling policies mainly focus on the two priorities – to reduce the amount of waste and to recycle them efficiently. Therefore, our government has been promoting green economy for many years. However, because the amount of waste has been decreasing and the idea of reducing carbon emission has been prevailing around the globe, Taiwan is facing the challenges of how to transfer incineration plants and how to adjust our corresponding policies accordingly. Currently, Environmental Protection Administration is designing a blueprint for a biomass energy center, so, after evaluations, the administration will use Nei-Hu Incineration Plant for that purpose, because the plant is qualified to deliver heat and cold to hotels, business plazas and department stores in its neighboring area. Thus, Nei-Hu Incineration Plant’s the functions and capabilities will certainly meet our expectation. This project’s main focus is to collect other countries’ policies regarding recycling technologies and its applications. For instance, we will analyze each case in terms of applications, technical regulations and benefits, so we can establish an exemplar for our future reference. Additionally, we will explore the policies on how to transfer incineration plants into regional energy centers, and will evaluate costs and benefits of these policies in order to create our own recycling programs suitable for Taiwan’s policy design in the future.
英文關鍵字 Energy-saving、Waste-to-resource、recycle