

中文摘要 由於化石能源資源日漸枯竭,發展再生能源為全世界必然的趨勢,也是我國需要全力進行能源開發的方向。但伴隨再生能源之積極開發,再生能源如太陽能及風力等,具有隨機性之斷續發電情況,對電力系統之供給平衡、升降載之電壓變化及頻率穩定將帶來巨大衝擊,宜提早規劃因應方式。 電網儲能設施可作為因應再生能源大量開發之因應對策。電網因應多種不同情況而有多種可用電網儲能設施,其中能滿足我國電力系統調度之最有利儲能方式,經評估應為抽蓄水力發電儲能方式。我國為因應未來電力系統結構變化,抽蓄水力電廠裝置容量亦宜隨之增加,做為穩定電力系統之配套措施。抽蓄水力電廠之開發費用高昂,開發作業前之場址調查及初步規劃可以由數值地形模型模擬進行,而及早進行此種作業將有助於抽蓄水力電廠場址之評選及推動興建。 本計畫於臺灣本島利用所建立之數值地形模型,辦理傳統型抽蓄場址調查,主要係針對大型水庫周邊區域尋求可以作為上池或下池場址,並依電力系統需求情形建議訂定300MW之最小開發規模;於金門、馬祖等離島地區辦理海岸型抽蓄場址調查,主要係結合再生能源(風力)作為抽水能量來源;於臺灣東部海岸辦理海水型抽蓄場址調查。由於同一地點同時併存多個抽蓄潛能場址,因此本計畫訂定比較因子,進行場址開發順序之篩選,其比較因子為: (1)經濟評估之益本比(或單位建造成本),(2)環境保護及生態保育影響程度,(3)工程技術困難程度,(4)開發規模。 本計畫獲致之初步成果,以分區方式分別說明於下: 臺灣本島北區抽蓄場址建議為:(1)宜蘭南澳場址、(2)翡翠水庫場址、(3)石門水庫場址、(4)大南澳計畫場址、(5)花蓮和平場址。其中宜蘭南澳場址係為海水型抽蓄場址。 臺灣本島中區抽蓄場址建議為:(1)大甲溪光明計畫場址、(2)西歡抽蓄計畫場址。 臺灣本島南區抽蓄場址建議為:(1)牡丹水庫場址、(2)南化水庫場址、(3)曾文水庫場址。 金門地區研擬場址為:(1)K2狗嶼灣場址、(2)K3小金門灘場址;均為海岸型抽蓄場址搭配風力機組設置。 馬祖地區研擬場址為:(1)M1北竿島東北海灣場址、(2)M2南竿島黃官水道場址;均為海岸型抽蓄場址搭配風力機組設置。
中文關鍵字 電能儲存;抽蓄水力發電儲能;裝置容量;傳統型抽蓄;海水型抽蓄;海岸型抽蓄


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-FA01-03-A286 經費年度 101 計畫經費 5480 千元
專案開始日期 2012/11/29 專案結束日期 2013/06/30 專案主持人 林智彭
主辦單位 方案整合辦公室(停用) 承辦人 藍晨尹 執行單位 中興工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-101-FA01-03-A286 .pdf 34MB

The Investigation and Planning of Potential Pumped-Storage Plant Site in Taiwan

英文摘要 Due to the exhaustion of fossil fuel resource, to develop renewable energy is the unavoidable choice in the globe, and is the direction of energy development in our country. But the stochastic nature and intermittent character of renewable energy as wind or solar energy will finally lead to a significant impact to the balance of electric grid and the stability of grid’s frequency, if the development rate of renewable energy keeps growing. It had better do something necessary to prevent this situation. One good manner is to build up electricity energy storage facilities to make up the grid’s variety and electricity discrepancy. There are many kinds of storage facilities to meet different conditions. Among these, Pumped hydroelectric storage (PHS) has proved itself as the most reliable kind and fits the real need for grid’s management. Our country’s grid will have a structural change in the near future, it is suitable to increase the PHS capacity to stabilize the grid’s system. But PHS means a huge investment, the digital terrain model (DTM) is used for the investigation and preliminary study to select the potential sites to develop PHS. This project sets the goal to search the sites of conventional PHS type in Taiwan Island, to search he sites of seashore PHS type in Quemoy and Matsu Islands, and to search he sites of seawater PHS type in eastern coastal of Taiwan Island. The threshold for conventional PHS type is set 300MW Installed capacity. For there are more than 1 suitable site at the same region, and the Project is seeking the development priority list for sites in the same region. The selection factors for deciding priority are (1)benefit/cost ratio or unit construction cost, (2)impact to environment or ecological system,(3)construction or technical challenge, (4)magnitude of installed capacity. The preliminary result in this Project is listed in different region as below: In the Northern region in Taiwan Island, the suggested sites are listed as the following: (1)Site Nanao in Ilan County,(2)Site Feitsui Reservoir in New Taipei City,(3)Site Shimen Reservoir in Taoyuan County,(4)Dananao PHS Project,(5)Site Hoping in Hualien County. Where Site Nanao and Hoping are of seawater PHS type. In the Central region in Taiwan Island, the suggested sites are listed as the following: (1)Kuangming PHS Project, (2)Hsihuang PHS Project site. In the Northern region in Taiwan Island, the suggested sites are listed as the following: (1)Site Mudan Reservoir, (2)Site Nanhua Reservoir, (3)Site Tzengwen Reservoir. In Quemoy Islands, Site K2 and Site K3 are planned and coupled with wind generating units. In Matsu Islands, Site M1 and Site M2 are planned and coupled with wind generating units.
英文關鍵字 electricity energy storage;pumped hydroelectric storage;installed capacity;conventional pumped storage type;seawater pumped storage type;seashore pumped storage type