

中文摘要 本計畫自101年6月15日執行至102年6月14日,藉由本計畫之實施,辦理柴油車排煙管制作業,包括路邊攔檢、目視判煙、主動到檢及自主管理,並落實高污染車輛之追蹤管制、另進行非法油品查緝及多元化宣導以加強移動污染源管制,進而降低車輛廢氣之排放,有效改善空氣品質。 整體計畫工作共完成1,520輛次柴油車排煙攔查作業,其中進行路邊排煙稽查檢測有1,497輛次,不合格240輛次,不合格率為16.0%,場站檢測23輛次。目視判煙共計通知4,525輛,到檢車輛共4,498輛次,到檢率為99.4%,其中馬力比退驗685輛、引擎轉速不足退驗55輛、不合格134輛次,不合格率為4%。 加強非法油品查緝部分,完成油品採樣1,142件,送驗304件,其中共2件油品不合格。非法地下油行稽查共12件。 擴大推動並宣導柴油車輛主動到檢制度項目中,通知縣轄內柴油車進行主動到檢共計20,270件,其到檢車輛數2,992輛次,到檢率為14.7%。加入柴油車自主管理暨保檢合一制度共計完成1,257輛次,取得特優級車輛共864輛,優級車輛共393輛,主要加入車種為自用小貨車共378輛。 於推動桃園空氣品質管制淨區作業中,自102年1月2日起,配合環保局開始執行空品淨區稽查宣導作業,共計完成宣導車輛1,087輛次,通知排氣異常車輛已完成改善4輛次。 本計畫並辦理宣導說明會,分別於101年9月7日於桃園縣政府13樓公務人員培訓中心辦理自主管理暨保檢合一制度。102年5月21日假桃園國際機場航廈B124會議室辦理機場客運業者車輛排氣污染減量輔導計畫2場次說明會。 藉由本計畫稽查取締相關作業,要求不合格柴油車改善複驗,促使粒狀污染物減量達約8.7公噸/年。
中文關鍵字 柴油車,路邊攔檢,目測判煙,粒狀污染物


專案計畫編號 經費年度 101 計畫經費 7150 千元
專案開始日期 2012/06/15 專案結束日期 2013/06/14 專案主持人 李俊坤
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 呂奎宛 執行單位 得眾環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 桃園縣政府環境保護局-柴車.pdf 5MB

The Inspection & Regulatory Project for Smoky Diesel Vehicles in Taoyuan County, 2012

英文摘要 This project intended to reduce the exhaust from the diesel vehicles and improve the air quality of Taoyaun city by carrying out the implementation of the diesel vehicle exhaust control program that including the roadside inspection, visual identification, the voluntary on-site checking, vehicle owner self-governance. Also, it followed up the high-polluting diesel vehicles periodically and managed the sequence. By executing the illegal fuel inspection and the diverse education campaign, it can strengthen the public awareness to control the mobile pollutant resources around us. It completed 1,520 times of diesel vehicle roadside exhaust inspection. 240 failed in 1,497 roadside emission tests with a failure rate of 16.0% and on-site station checking 23 vehicles. 4,525 diesel vehicles were spotted in the visual identification process and notified for inspection. 4,498 vehicles were processed the on-site checking with a checking rate of 99.4%. Among them, the horse power decelerating inspection were found 685 vehicles, the insufficient engine RPM ration found 55 vehicles and 134 vehicles failed on the test with a failure rate of 4%. About the illegal diesel fuel inspection, 304 cases of 1,142 samplings were checked to do the Lab test. 2 cases failed on the lab test. Also, there were 12 illegal underground oil shops found in the auditing. Regarding the vehicle owner voluntary on-site inspection program of Taoyuan county, 20,270 diesel vehicles were informed to do the inspection. There were 2,992 cars returned to station for the inspection with a return rate of 14.7% And 1,257 vehicles participated the maintenance and the inspection in one package program. In this program, 864 cars were certified as “Superior Maintenance” and 393 cars were “Good Maintenance” certified. On the hand, the major participates in this program were the small private truck owners with a total of 378 vehicles. In order to promote the concept of the Taoyuan County Air Quality Control program & the District Air Purification program, it had been introduced to the drivers about this program of 1,087 vehicle times. 4 of them improved their abnormal vehicle emission situation after the notification. It also held “ the vehicle maintenance and the inspection in one package program” seminars on 13th floor of Taoyuan county Government building and prepared the introduction leaflets to remind all the drivers of the importance of maintenance and good driving habits at the seminar on Sept 7th, 2012. 2 session seminars of “The Pollution Reduction Program of Airport Commercial Transportation Vehicles” were held at B124 meeting room of Taiyuan Airport Terminal building on May 21st, 2013. Finally, it eliminated approximately 8.7 tons of particulate pollutants in one year by running this project with the execution of the relevant regulations to raise the awareness among vehicle operators of the importance of preventive maintenance to reduce smoke emissions.
英文關鍵字 Diesel vehicles, roadside pull-over emission inspections, emission visual identification, the particulate matters.