

中文摘要 環保署為瞭解環境影響評估技術顧問機構之執行現況與素質,自86年起開始辦理「環境影響評估技術顧問機構業者評鑑」工作,並將評鑑結果公告於環保署網站,供各界及開發單位選擇環境影響評估者時參考。環評相關顧問公司對於此項評鑑結果亦極為重視,因而積極提升本身素質、設備及人力。本計畫以協助建立環境影響評估業者評鑑相關資料、評鑑制度及辦法,並由專家學者組成評鑑小組共同評估業者之技術能力與服務品質,使環境影響評估技術顧問機構業者評鑑之工作得以更趨嚴謹與周全。 本年度評鑑內容包括「基本資料審查」、「評鑑委員審查」、「主管機關審查」及「環評委員調查」等4部分,並納入「環評書件缺失」扣分項目。本年度合計37家技術顧問機構業者報名參與評鑑,由評鑑結果區分出A級7家、準A級3家、B級16家、C級10家及D級1家。另本年度應參與而未參與評鑑之業者合計27家,則將其列為N級。本報告亦針對評鑑執行過程發現之缺失提出建議,供未來執行相關計畫時參考。
中文關鍵字 環境影響評估;業者評鑑;技術顧問機構


專案計畫編號 EPA-101–E103-02-206 經費年度 101 計畫經費 1250 千元
專案開始日期 2012/03/05 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 施堅仁
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 陳彥男 執行單位 社團法人台灣環境管理協會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告.pdf 10MB

Evaluation of Technical Consulting Firms on Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact

英文摘要 The Environment Protection Administration (EPA) in Taiwan has initiated “The Evaluation of Technical Consulting Firms on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)” since 1997. The evaluation takes place every two years, and the result is announced on the website of EPA once the evaluation is completed. The developers can refer to the result of evaluation to choose the appropriate technical consulting firms to work with. As a result, the technical consulting firms in Taiwan always try their best to improve their quality on EIA, so that they can receive a good result of evaluation. Based on this influence, the EPA has been trying to build up a good model of evaluation, and make the evaluation objective and impartial. The process of this year’s evaluation of technical consulting firms on EIA includes 4 parts, which are “basic information of the technical consulting firms”, “Quality of Reports Reviewed by the Evaluation Committee of EPA”, “Quality of Reports Reviewed by the EIA Evaluation Committee”, and “Quality of Reports Reviewed by the Environment Protection Administration (EPA) or the Environment Protection Bureau (EPB)”. This evaluation also includes “Neglect of Reports” if there is any falsification in the final report of EIA of the technical consulting firm. There are 37 technical consulting firms that signed up this year’s evaluation. 7 of the 37 technical consulting firms are A-grade, 3 of them are A-to-be, 16 of them are B-grade, 10 of them are C-grade, and 1 of them received D-grade. On the other hand, there are another 27 technical consulting firms that should participate in this year’s evaluation but reject to be evaluated are N-grade. In order to make the evaluation more and more authentic, which may promote the participation of evaluation, we also arranged the experiences of project implementation and oral reports of technical consulting firms for future improvement.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Impact Assessment;Evaluation of Technical Consulting Firms