

中文摘要 本年度計畫作業項目包含:(1) 資料庫之擴建、維護更新(2)許可審查核發(3)許可查核(4)排放量申報查核(5)稽查檢測作業(6)專責人員及許可制度說明會(7)戴奧辛管制(8)逸散性粒狀物管制。 計畫執行期間為民國101年01月18日至民國101年12月31日,共執行12個月,已完成所有量化工作(見第一章),專案小組除每月配合環保局工作檢討會,依循各項內部教育訓練及品保做業外,在計畫執行中亦配合環保局SIP計畫查核,以確保各項工作進度及品質,本年度各項工作結果說明如下。 一、資料庫之擴建、維護更新 本年度須執行資料庫更新、擴充及維護的公私場所共1,000家,本計畫至101年12月31日止專案小組共完成1,002家現場清查作業現場查核,作業達成率為100.2%。 完成1,002家清查資料庫更新後,全市固定污染源排放量如下:粒狀物為2596.1公噸/年,硫氧化物為4386.5公噸/年,氮氧化物為5418.2公噸/年,揮發性有機物為4683.8公噸/年。 資料庫的檢核,每月依環保署所下傳的檢核資料內容進行QA/QC,現階段共完成9,343筆資料修正。 二、許可作業 現階段共核發459張許可證,包括設置35張、變更16張、操作46張、異動134張、展延130張、換補發85張、生煤許可13張,文書平均審查日數為13.79日/件,並協助87件專責人員異動申請案件處理及鍵檔,在南科及科工區許可案件會審案件則有46件。專案小組並通知即將到期之許可證辦理展延作業,共發文通知229家/295張許可證。 在許可證查核部份,已完成816張許可證查核作業(包括736張環保局、58張南科管理局以及22張科工管理處所核發),查核不符張數總計55張,不符率為6.74%,目前39件已提出改善(其中,19(張)製程已取得新證、13(張)製程目前正在審查中、7(張)認定為已完成改善)。 三、排放量審查及查核作業 目前本計畫針對臺南市需排放量上網申報的公私場所共有346家進行排放量申報管制作業(其中第一批103家,第二批243家),100年第4季及101年第3季之應申報件數為1311件,申報率為100%,且全數完成審查,審查結果申報正確者1011家佔77.1%,限期補正資料者300家佔22.9%。現場查核已完成313家,查核結果申報正確300家(95.8%),有誤須限期補正資料者13家(4.2%)。限期補正者,其主要原因為製程原燃物料申報狀況與現場不符(包含漏報、單位錯誤)共計6家佔46.2%。 四、辦理稽查檢測作業 本年度針對排放管道(粒狀物、硫氧化物、氮氧化物)稽查檢測已執行12根次,排放管道戴奧辛則已執行8根次檢測,周界粒狀物稽查檢測亦已完成12點次,本計畫針對歷次定檢結果硫氧化物濃度較高者進行燃料油含硫分抽驗,完成30點次,以上稽查檢測結果均符合排放標準。另外進行12 點次機動性TSP(周界)檢測,結果皆符合標準(500μg/Nm3)。 五、逸散性粒狀物管制 本計畫針對「固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」規範行業別進行現場查核及輔導作業。101年4月底前即完成全面性第一次清查,查核對象共計237家,其中9 家已無逸散污染或無營業,202 家符合法規,初段符合率84%。5 月份後執行分級管制初期開始針對污染情形較大之ㄧ級逸散源加強巡查,在加強複查及歷經八個月的分級管制後各逸散污染源多已能注意管理法辦之規定並確實執行,故12 月份符合率達94.59%,顯示依分級管理頻率巡查能使其符合率提升及部分廠家能更確切改善,較全面性一次清查更具效力,本項作業統計整年度法規符合率為88%。 六、辦理說明會 本年度專案小組辦理七場相關說明會,分別為「固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法宣導說明會」、「砂石車覆網下拉宣導說明會」、「里長協助逸散源巡檢及污染通報宣導說明會」、「固定污染源空污費暨許可相關法規說明會」、「固定污染源許可制度及法規宣導說明會」共計7個場次。 七、戴奧辛管制作業 台南市適用戴奧辛行業管制規範列管名單共57 家(74 根數),今年度已完成53家(71根數),其中戴奧辛法規符合度符合率為100%,許可查核方面則有2家不符,符合率為96%,有缺失之工廠皆已改善完成。 八、其他工作項目 (一)配合宣導空氣污染相關環保新聞見報:已有10則見報。 (二)完成4場次教育訓練及1場次技術轉移。 (三)完成宣導單張2,000份、宣導品500份、電子賀卡、著色塗鴉及動畫小遊戲各1則。 (四)空氣品質惡化通報處理,接獲通報後共巡查43處次,已建請廠方加強污染防制設備操作及維護。 (五)配合指紋計畫執行工業區普查後移交之名單進行擴充作業,共擴充19家。
中文關鍵字 資料庫;固定污染源;空氣污染;許可制度


專案計畫編號 經費年度 101 計畫經費 14020 千元
專案開始日期 2012/01/18 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 呂進榮
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 李思亮 執行單位 衛宇科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 本文(101年台南固定期末報告).pdf 20MB

Tainan City「Stationary Sources Permitting System Enforcement and Air Pollutant Inspection Project」of Year 2012

英文摘要 The main work items of Tainan stationary air pollution source control project are as follows: (1)Database system key-in, maintain and renew, (2)Review and issue of Stationary Sources Permits, (3)Inspection of Operation Permits, (4)Audit of factories emission inventory reports, (5)Inspection of plume emissions by air pollutant testing, (6)Training workshops for dedicated air pollution control personnel, (7) Dioxin emission control and (8)Fugitive dust air pollution from stationary source control. This project was empowered by a contract which issued by the Bureau of Environmental Protection, Tainan County. The project started on 18th January 2012, and ended on 31st December 2012. All work tasks were completed. The result for each work task is outlined in detail as below. 1. Database system key-in, maintain and renew We completed 1,002 stationary pollution sources database key-in, maintain and renew while the goal is 1,000 sources. The annual emission amount of each air pollutant is as follows: particles is about 2,596.1 ton, SOx is about 4,386.5 ton, NOx is about 5,418.2 ton and VOCs is about 4,683.8 ton. 2. Review and issue of Stationary Sources Permits 459 permits have been issued, including 35 installation permits, 16 modified permits, 46 operation permits, 134 change permits, 130 renewed permits, 85 re-issued permits and 13 coal-fired permits. Periodic inspection for operation permits has been performed on 816 operation permits. Among them, 55 operation permits didn’t meet the contents of permits, and the discrepancy of inspection was 6.74%. Further, the plants have been asked to modify and improve the inconformity. 39 plants reported their modification or changes, and got new permits which fit their status quo. 3. Audit of factories emission inventory reports In Tainan city, 346 stationary pollution sources are required to report annual emissions on a seasonal base by regulation. The reporting rate of it has reached 100%. Audit for reporting annual emissions was conducted on 313 plants; 95.8% of them proved correct(300 plants), 4.2% of them showed discrepancy(13 plants). 4. Inspection of plume emissions by air pollutant testing Inspection by air pollutant testing was performed to fulfill the requirements, including 8 plumes for Dioxin testing and 12 plumes for SOx, NOx and particulate. We also took 30 fuel samples from different plants to check if the sulfur content violets the standard (0.5%). And the results of the total suspended particulate in ambient air times are in compliance with standards (500μg/Nm3). 5. Fugitive dust air pollution from stationary source control To control fugitive dust air pollution emissions from stationary sources, the first comprehensive inspection was completed within two months. We classified 237 factories which listed by regulation for inspection. The inspection results show intensive inspection can force stationary source to improve their fugitive dust emissions. 6.Training workshops for specified air pollution control personnel We held 7 workshops for propagating stationary source control related laws and policy, including Air Pollution Control Fee Collection Regulations, Stationary Pollution Source Installation and Operating Permit Management Regulations and Management Regulations for Facilities to Control Fugitive Dust Air Pollution from Stationary Pollution Source. 7. Dioxin emission control On-site inspection works had been performed on 57 plants with 74 stacks and 2 of them were under Dioxin monitoring span supervision. The results demonstrated all of them could meet the requirement and emission standard. 8. Other work items (1) 10 articles of environmental protection news were posted. (2) 4 internal training camps and 1 technical training panel were held. (3) 2000 fliers and 500 souvenirs were made. An E-card, A scrawl and An animation E-game were designed. (4)43 plants were inspected when the air quality was announced deteriorated, they were told to maintain their air pollution control devices. (5) 19 new plants were filed in the database by the list given by fingerfrint establishment project.
英文關鍵字 database;staionary resource;permitting system;air pollution