

中文摘要 回首世界環境發展過程,不難發現環保意識大多起源於過度追求經濟發展帶來的環境災害,臺灣亦是如此。回顧臺灣歷史,居住在這片土地上的人們和環境將是如何相處?本計畫便是在為臺灣環境發展留下記錄,收集並且還原曾經發生在島上的環境事件發展史料,為歷史留下重要紀錄。 國史館曾於民國95年出版《台灣環保運動史料彙編》,該史料彙編著重於民間環境運動資料,並未納入行政部門相關資料,致無法展現中華民國環境發展之完整過程。故編撰《中華民國環境事件史料彙編》專書,以歷史的角度提供研究使用,涵括行政院環境保護署及行政院環境保護小組等相關單位的史料與新聞相關資料,以週延臺灣環境保護發展之全貌。 本計畫參考《中華民國重大環境事件彙編》及參酌《台灣環保運動史料彙編》未完整案例,篩選出十大環境事件:杜邦、李長榮、五輕、六輕、反核、潮寮、國光石化、北桃林口火力電廠、濱南工業區及反建高爾夫球場。透過蒐集各家報紙媒體環境新聞事件與網路揭露的相關環境事件內容,搭配立法院、監察院以及環保署等政府公文書相關文件資料與歷史檔案,製作彙編內容,以達到完整紀錄環境新聞事件,留下歷史見證的目的。
中文關鍵字 環境事件;環境政策;環境史


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-M102-02-204 經費年度 101 計畫經費 930 千元
專案開始日期 2012/12/28 專案結束日期 2013/11/30 專案主持人 呂理德
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 陳庚鴻 執行單位 國立中央大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-101-M102-02-204.pdf 22MB

Taiwan Republic of China Compiled Documentation of Environmental Events

英文摘要 Looking back at the progression of international environment developments, it is not difficult to find that environmental awareness movements originated from environmental disasters as a result from the excessive pursuit of economical development. Taiwan is not an exception. In retrospect of Taiwan’s history, how did people on this land get along and interact with the environment? In order to better preserve history, this project aims to develop a thorough record of Taiwan’s environmental progression by collecting and recording the environmental events that have happened on this island. Academia Historical published “Taiwan’s Historical Compilation of Environmental Movement” in 2006. The compilation mainly focuses on the documentation of popular environmental movements, not including environmental movement data from government departments. This results in presenting an incomplete picture or progression of the environmental movements and developments in Taiwan. In response, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has commissioned Central University to compile a document of “Major Environmental Events in Taiwan, Republic of China” to provide a more well-rounded historical perspective and reference for future environmental research. The content of the compilation will include the history and relevant media information of the EPA and its environmental groups, which will present a more complete picture of Taiwan’s progression in environmental protection. This project references related information from “Major Environmental Events in Taiwan, Republic of China,” and “Taiwan’s Historical Compilation of Environmental Movement,” namely DuPont, LCY Chemical Corporation, anti-fifth naphtha cracker, anti-sixth naphtha cracker, anti-nuclear protests, the pollution episodes in Tsoliao, Guoguang petrochemical plant complex, thermal power plants in Northern Taolinkou, Pin-Nan industrial area, and oppositions against the construction of golf courses, among ten other major environmental events. Through collecting related environmental information from the media, related information uncovered via internet, government documents and archives from government departments such as the legislative branch, the judicial branch, and the EPA, the content of this compilation project will not only be a record of our progression, but a witness to history.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Events;Environmental Policy;Environmental History