

中文摘要 本計畫乃配合臺中市政府環境保護局推動固定污染源稽查與管制管制等各項作業推動,藉以掌握空氣污染排放狀況,落實行政院環保署空氣污染管制策略。本年度計畫主要針對臺中市轄區內,執行特定行業別及相關法規符合度查核、定期檢測管理、審核及建檔作業等相關管制作業等,確實掌握固定污染源管制工作之執行、保存固定空氣污染源完整最新資料外,並可做為管制成效之評量及相關政策擬定之參考,另透過各項稽查檢測及污染告發,促使業者落實污染防制及改善工作,並宣揚政府對於空氣污染管制之決心及方向。 本計畫於101年4月11日至102年1月31日執行期間,配合101年指定工業區清查作業,其中已完成臺中市工業區113家、大甲幼獅工業區138家、中港加工出口區20家、精密園區2家及臨星工業區2家,總計已完成275家次;工業區指紋更新建置及擴充已執行採樣並分析建置更新68家,累計點數203點次,其中3點次為配合緊急空氣污染應變事件進行周界採樣,另辦理臺中工業區及高風險區域污染物調查,透過光學遙測技術(OP-FTIR)進行周界現況監測及調查4場次,並透過密閉式(CC-FTIR)進行可疑來源管道連續監測10根次;高風險工廠巡查作業共完成315家次,其中交辦案件172家次,陳情案件為10家次,例行性巡查133家次;特定區域派駐查處作業共計完成10656件次主動巡查,受理區域陳情通報153件次,平均每月陳情達約15.3件次(100年度為24.5件次),區域陳情下降約60%(4月至10月),另安排原特定區域派駐之人力進行每日東海里的夜間巡查,共巡查364件;空氣污染物稽查檢測作業,完成煙道或周界檢測已執行106根(點)次、設備元件抽測已執行10,024點次及液體燃料含硫份抽檢41點次,稽查檢測不合格為11件,管道粒狀物不合格1根次、管道異味不合格4根次、周界異味不合格3點次及管道戴奧辛不合格3根次,另完成特定區域周界重金屬監測7點次。 另外定期檢測管理、審核及建檔作業統計自4月1日起共協助審查網路1455件次及書面327件次,總計1782件次;固定污染源煙道無預警監督檢測已完成182場次;為整合「臺中市空氣污染事件之應變及緊急處理機制」,於101年7月3日辦理臺中港西碼頭正式辦理實地演練,亦配合本市空品不良時節及重大空品事件發生啟動緊急應變作業;另本計畫協助辦理「臺中市固定污染源異味排放標準草案」座談會2場次及東海里陳情檢討及說明會2場次。
中文關鍵字 固定污染源管制;稽查管制;異味污染物;緊急應變


專案計畫編號 經費年度 101 計畫經費 14889.41 千元
專案開始日期 2012/04/11 專案結束日期 2013/01/31 專案主持人 林宏斌
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳瑜芳 執行單位 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 101年期末公開版.pdf 0MB 計畫內容涉及稽查管制及污染調查,本案行為人或公私場所受個人資訊保護法保障,不宜公開完整資料。
英文摘要 This project is a cooperative effort for the promotion of fixed pollution source auditing and control enforced by Environmental Protection Bureau of Taichung City Government as the attempt to stay on top of air pollutant emissions and realize the air pollution control policy of the Environmental Protection Administration. This annual project consisted of auditing efforts on specific trades and regulation compliance, management, review and file establishment of regular inspections. It was performed to stay in control of fixed pollution sources, maintain the most up to date information of the fixed pollution sources and provide reference materials for control performance evaluation and policy development. Also the auditing, inspection and pollution reporting efforts pushed business owners to realize pollution control and improvement and make public the government’s determination and direction of air pollution control. This project joined force with the designated industrial park inspections in 2012 from Apr 4 2012 to Jan 31 2013 and inspections were performed on 275 businesses, including 113 in Taichung City Industrial Park, 138 in Dajia Industrial Park, 20 in Taichung Export Processing Zone, 2 in Taichung City Precision Machinery Innovation Technology Park and 2 in Lin Xing Industrial Park. For the industrial park fingerprint database update and expansion, samples were taken from 68 businesses for analysis and data update and 203 points were accumulated including 3 for sample taking at the surrounding of emergency air pollution response events. Also pollutant survey was carried out at Taichung Industrial Park and high risk areas by providing 4 sessions of perimeter monitoring and survey using OP-FTIR. 10 sessions of continuous surveillance on suspicious sources were conducted using CC-FTIR. 315 patrol inspections were performed on high-risk factories, including 172 on transferred cases, 10 on reported cases and 133 routine inspections. 10656 patrol missions were performed for the inspections of specific areas and 153 inspections on area reports with an average 15.3 cases/month (compared to 24.5 in 2011) and a decrease of 60% (Apr to Oct). Arrangement was made for the manpower that was assigned for specific area patrols to carry out night patrols of Donghai Borough, and 364 patrols were performed. For air pollutant auditing and testing, 106 samples were taken for exhaust duct or perimeter testing, 10,024 samples for random equipment and element inspection and 41 samples for testing of sulfur content in liquid fuel. 11 samples tailed the tests, including 1 for particles in exhaust duct, 4 for odor in exhaust duct, 3 for odor in perimeter and 3 for dioxin in exhaust duct. In addition, 7 sessions of heavy metal monitoring was carried out at the perimeter of specific areas. For the management, review and file establishment of regular inspections, assistance was provided from Apr 1 for 1455 online reviews and 327 written report reviews, in total 1,782. 182 sessions of raid inspection were performed on the exhaust duct of fixed pollution sources. An exercise was organized on Jul 3 2012 at the west wharf of Taichung Harbor as part of the “Taichung City air pollution response and emergency handling mechanism,” and emergency response actions were initiated in major air pollution incidents and when the air quality was poor in the city. In addition, assistance was provided for the development “Taichung City Standards for Odor Emission of Fixed Pollution Source (draft)” by organizing 2 discussion sessions and 2 sessions of review and presentation for pollution reports of Donghai Borough.