

中文摘要 近年來隨著國土資訊系統發展及地理資訊技術演進,採用服務導向架構,智慧型行動裝置蓬勃發展成形,民眾環保意識抬頭,如何運用最新資訊技術,提供民眾與環保社群團體環境品質相關資訊,展示政府推動環保之成效尤其重要,故藉由本計畫之建置,希望達成以下之目標: (一)本計畫運用最新之地理資訊技術,重新改版居家生活環境資訊網,除提升整體系統運作效能外,應用多樣化網頁開發新技術,將原有空氣、水、廢棄物、環境用藥、土壤及地下水等環境空間資訊及環境品質數據整合網頁地圖介面呈現,提供多元化的空間搜尋查詢方式。 (二) 擴充網頁功能,強化使用者為主的網頁應用環境,提供Oauth帳號登入機制,結合社群分享、個人化與雲端儲存應用的網頁系統。 (三) 擴展介接署內外部系統資料交換與圖資發布服務,以有效匯聚居家生活環境所需空間資訊與環境監測數值。 (四) 拓展居家生活環境行動化應用,開發符合iOS及Android版兩者作業系統之應用程式「環境即時通」(App),結合行動裝置搭載的全球衛星定位系統(GPS),強化民眾個人環境空間資訊與即時環境數據之整合行動應用。
中文關鍵字 居家生活環境資訊網;即時環境資訊;環境地理資訊


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-L103-03-001 經費年度 101 計畫經費 5700 千元
專案開始日期 2012/03/15 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 陳啟川
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 黃俊銘 執行單位 互動國際數位股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 epa-L0-1013287525-03-06.pdf 13MB

Improve existing “Home-Living Environmental Information System” and Functional Expansion

英文摘要 In recent years, people’s rising concerns and awareness on the environment has made the utility of NGIS, service oriented architecture(SOA), RIA technology for Web geographic information system(GIS) development, and smart mobile device to facilitate the delivery of spatial environmental information become necessity. Therefore, by the project building wants to achieve the following goals: (一)The project utilizes the latest GIS technology to rebuild the Home-living environmental information system. The overall system performance is greatly improved by using technology such as map cache and RIA. Through interfacing with EPA's internal and external systems via web services, more housing related spatial and aspatial information is converge into the system and augment the value and variety of the data the system provided by the system. Information including quality of air, water, waste, soil and ground water, environmental agents, and so forth are provided and displayed integrally on the same GIS platform. (二)The system also provides a wide varieties of the spatial queries to to provide better usability and service quality. Additionally, by incorporating Oauth account login, the system is able to link social media, such as facebook and google+, to promote and share the environmental information to greater public through community sharing and public cloud. (三)The extension referral that internal and external data exchange with map data publishing services, environment required to effectively converge the value of spatial analysis and environmental monitoring. (四)Additionally, the project also extend some of the functionality to cover both Android and iOS mobile users. The App, called Instant Environmental Messenger, integrates GPS technology onboard the mobile device to provide the App users with near real time, location based service (LBS) environmental information. The messaging technology is also employed to push subscribed information based on the location of the device (LBS) from EPA server to deliver near real time environmental warning message to the users.
英文關鍵字 Home-living environmental information system;Real-time environmental information;Environmental GIS