

中文摘要 本計畫的目的在於利用即時追蹤系統以掌握事業廢棄物流向,依據計畫工作項目共可分為5大目標:GPS圖台升級為ArcGIS、審驗作業之執行、營運管理基準建立及檢討、監控系統穩定性之維護調整及擴充性之建議、勾稽稽查作業。今年度配合環保署政策辦理虛擬主機與系統圖台升級之相關作業,旨在強化系統效能;並推動地方辦理轄區異常車輛勾稽作業,以落實中央與地方權責。迄今已列管超過6,800輛清運車輛,1,923家清除機構,共13家即時追蹤系統供應商。除延續上一年度工作,每日根據勾稽態樣移交疑似異常名單,並依據長時間累積的勾稽經驗修正勾稽規則。本計畫完成97.9%的車機轉檔程式標準化作業,進而達到各廠牌車機軌跡接收系統統一性的控管與維護。此外,亦持續維護「超可攜式電腦(UMPC)即時動態追蹤稽查輔助計畫」,提供50組3G門號協助地方環保局進行稽查外,並提供相關軟硬體維修服務工作,以利稽查單位有效執行現場稽查跟監作業。然為了有效展現目前所掌握的資訊,本工作團隊透過地理資訊系統進行流向追蹤管理,除將資訊交叉比對外,也導入新的勾稽方法,使管理人員能夠更直覺化的進行操作。相關會議共舉辦2場次說明會、6場次教育訓練與33場工作會議報告,並於各類型會議中宣導環保局自行勾稽功能,藉由稽查人員的稽查回饋,更精進勾稽樣態,以削減意圖不法之行為。
中文關鍵字 即時追蹤系統、審驗流程、妥善率、勾稽監控功能、超可攜式電腦


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-H102-02-262 經費年度 101 計畫經費 6680 千元
專案開始日期 2012/01/10 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 楊書婷
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 黃崇富 執行單位 振興發科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告(公開版).pdf 0MB

Implementation of Controlling Policies, Operation, Maintenance and Monitoring System on Industrial W

英文摘要 This project were to monitor industrial waste from source to destination with Global Positioning System (GPS) real-time tracking systems on industrial waste clearance and transportation vehicles. The project included 5 scopes: system update, examination, operation and daily management, abnormal activities monitoring and validation processes. The system update was carried out this year to improve system efficiency. The monitoring process was transfer to the local authorities to streamline operation process and minimize complexity. At present, there are approximately 6,800 vehicles with 1,923 transportation companies equipped with GPS from 13 GPS providers. This year the project team continued monitoring processes and submitting cases of suspicious vehicles on a daily basis. The project team also revised the inspection rules based on past experiences of inspecting illegal operations. The project completed a total of 97.9% of the integrated operations of standard conversion programs. In addition, this year the project provided ultra-mobile personal portable computer-related lease of 50 3G mobile phone numbers, and provides relevant software and hardware maintenance services to facilitate the effective implementation of audit inspection unit with the monitoring operation. The project team uses GIS (Geographical information system) to trace waste, not only cross reference information but also bring in suspicious vehicle location. Management levels could gather spatial information with GIS tools intuitively. Two business review meetings, 6 training courses, and 33 project meetings were held this year. Project team promoted and illustrated validation functions for EPB on seminars and related meetings. Based on the feedback of the EPB, the system has been further improved to prevent illegal operations.
英文關鍵字 Real-time Tracking Systems, Examination Process, Performance Index, Validation and Monitoring, Ultra-portable PC (UMPC)