

中文摘要 節能減碳已成為全球發展的趨勢,為永續發展,政府以身作則帶頭推動機關及學校「四省專案」計畫,自97~100年力行節約用電、用水及用油量,合計減少二氧化碳17.1萬公噸,約460座大安森林公園吸附量,桃園縣政府為呼應政府政策提出5年減碳600萬噸的策略,並成立桃園縣專屬的四省專案減碳平台資訊網,跨局處整合台電公司提供的用電資料、中油公司提供的車隊卡用油資料、自來水公司提供的用水資料、桃園縣環保局的線上公文系統、桃園縣研考處的電子公文數據統計及透過桃園縣教育局整合桃園縣轄內的智慧型節能服務,並建置「桃園縣政府四省減碳管理資訊平台」,及辦理10場次之四省平台暨減碳績優作法研討會及辦理5場次四省專案推動示範輔導。
中文關鍵字 節能減碳;桃園縣;政府機關及學校


專案計畫編號 經費年度 101 計畫經費 1910 千元
專案開始日期 2012/05/15 專案結束日期 2012/11/14 專案主持人 陳冠華
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 江珮儒 執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 四省期末報告+附件定稿公開版.doc 215MB

Air Pollution Control and Carbon Reduction Plan-Four Aspects of Reduction Project in Authorities and School of Taoyuan County

英文摘要 Regarding to the issue that energy saving and carbon reduction has became a global trend, the Government lead in promoting authorities and schools in four aspects of reduction project to achieve environmental sustainable development. 171,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide had been reduced by saving electricity, water and fuel consumption during 2008 to 2011, theses saved energy is equal to nearly 460 times as much adsorption capacity of Daan Forest Park. Taoyuan County Government proposes to reduce 600 million tons of carbon emission in 5 years, and they also set up the information platform for this project. This project set up a “platform for four aspects of energy saving and carbon reduction of Taoyuan Country Government” The platform has been collected and imported into the data base including electricity consumption from Taiwan power company , oil consumption from CPC Corporation Taiwan ,water consumption form Taiwan Water Corporation, system for electronic official documents from Taoyuan Country Government Environmental Protection Bureau, data for electronic official documents from Research , Development and Evaluation Commission and data for Intelligent Energy Network(iEN) from Education Bureau Taoyuan Country Government. Holding ten seminars of outstanding methods for energy saving and carbon reduction and giving advise for five authorities or schools as demonstration cases.
英文關鍵字 energy saving and carbon reduction;Taoyuan County;government and school