

中文摘要 一、名稱:台東縣柴油車排煙檢測及油品檢測計畫。 二、地點:台東縣轄區、機關柴油車排煙檢測站及機關指定地點。 三、工作事項及規定: (一)柴油車排煙稽查、檢驗及取締管制: 1、執行使用中柴油車輛排煙之目視、目測判煙有高污染之虞之車輛通知檢驗工作,至少1000輛次 (每月不得低於85輛次(含)以上,並應調查車流量與空氣汙染物之相關性等資料。本項工作應確實記錄時間、地點、車號、黑煙污染度及應拍攝有排放黑煙之影片為佐證。目測地點應普及於本縣各鄉鎮,並確實掌握高污染柴油車,針對高流量之路段或叢聚性營建工地附近,進行目測判煙篩選有污染之虞柴油車並錄影存證,且以雙掛號通知到柴油車排煙檢測站受驗,所有通知車輛應檢附照片送本機關審查,並妥善存管相關紀錄文件。 2、執行路邊攔檢及場站稽查檢測採自動化檢測系統(無負載急加速排煙檢驗),至少500輛次。(路邊攔檢至少350輛) (每月不得低於40輛次(含))。 3、於機關柴油車排煙檢測站執行排煙檢測作業,檢測輛數至少800輛次(每月不得低於70輛次(含))以上,並應建構轄內柴油車排放相關資訊作為加強管理之依據。 4、檢測不合格車輛改善完成率執行績效須達下列標準:【(改善完成車輛數/檢測不合格車輛總數之比值乘以100%)】所得之比率須大於90%。(改善完成車輛包括:a.檢測不合格車輛複驗合格者b.檢測不合格車輛報廢者c.檢測不合格車輛未複驗合格經環保局完成處分者d.檢測不合格車輛經查為繳銷、停駛或停用者。) 5、維持本縣使用中柴油車納管率於101年底時到達80%(柴油車納管率為已納管柴油車數÷轄區內使用中柴油車數) 6、提供每週三之夜間(時段:18時至20時)預約檢測服務,至少100輛次;輪值人數應至少2名,且皆須領有行政院環境保護署之「柴油車排放煙度儀器檢查」訓練合格證書者。 (二)柴油車使用油品抽驗管制及加強轄區內客貨運業者自主管 理: 1、於本縣轄境內之路邊攔車、客貨運場或於機關柴油車排煙檢測站稽查抽油樣等方式抽採油樣(包含加油站、油庫),並檢驗油中之硫含量,且檢測樣品數至少應達200件(每月不得低於15輛次(含)。(其中路邊攔車抽樣不得少於140件) 2、對本縣擁有大客貨車數10輛(含)以上之業者進行調查與建檔(每月需進行資料確認,並於次月7日前送至本局備查),並抽驗其車輛用油之硫含量,執行績效須達下列標準:【抽驗油品數與大客貨業者車輛總數(取得建檔者為主)之比率須大於15%或350件】 (每月不得低於15輛次(含)。 3、配合執行非法地下油行、加油站油品稽查、採樣送驗及取締管制作業(油樣不少於10件)及提報推動成果。 4、輔導或推動客貨業者與中油或台塑公司簽約供油,以確保其使用合法油品。 5、應依行政院環境保護署規定之「車用柴油車採樣標準作業程序」執行採樣作業,檢驗油樣應委託行政院環境保護署許可之環境檢驗測定機構檢驗及依規定製作檢驗報告書。另油樣汲取設備不得重複使用,以免影響檢測値。 (三)相關法令規定及相關業務之宣導: 1、辦理柴油車排煙檢測宣導、保檢合一政策、推動停車熄火及老舊車輛汰舊等相關說明會或講習訓練或宣導會至少5場次及配合機關辦理相關會議。 2、購置宣導品至少1000件及印製本計畫相關法令規定與相關作業之宣導文件至少2,000份(手冊500份,摺頁1500份),以用於辦理相關業務時發送,宣導文件內容應提規劃說明,經機關同意後始得印製。 3、本計畫委辦執行期間,針對民眾是否了解柴油車排煙檢測及油品檢測等相關訊息進行問卷調查,其有效問卷數需達500份並對內容加以統計、繪製圖表及分析,並提出後續執行建議,協助機關研擬管理策略;問卷設計應提規劃書,經機關審查後始得進行問卷調查。 4、辦理多媒體文宣製作規劃於有線電視台及廣播電台宣導本計畫民眾所需瞭解之事項及其它計畫相關事項為主: (1)委託有線電視跑馬燈插播宣導6次、每次3線、每線1日,應於簽約後1個月內提出規劃說明送機關審查,惟得應機關需求,改以替代方案實施。 (2)上半年及下半年委託2個地方廣播電台插播宣導各1次、每次播放30日、每日插播6次,應於簽約後1個月內提出規劃說明送機關審查,惟得應機關需求,改以替代方案實施。 (3)規劃製作宣導短片2支,供機關於本縣轄內免付費媒體及社群網站播放,另配合提供宣導文案。(應於事前20日提送規劃書至機關審查) (4)不定期洽託免付費媒介宣導。 5、配合機關辦理低碳城市、節能減碳推動,協助辦 理相關業務,以提昇台東縣空氣品質及污染減量目的。 6、配合機關辦理其他宣導活動。 (四)辦理烏賊車檢舉案件相關事項: 1、處理烏賊車檢舉案件(含案件之受理、查證、通知檢驗、回覆檢舉人、結案等作業)相關事宜。另檢舉烏賊車案件通知檢驗率須達95%【檢舉烏賊車案件通知檢驗率為已通知檢驗案件數÷應通知檢驗案件數(扣除不予處理案件數)】。 2、為獎勵民眾檢舉烏賊車,檢舉案件成立者及被檢舉人因為依規定檢測及檢測不符合排放標準,經通知在案者,即按件核發獎項。(獎項簽約後由機關核定) (五)柴油車排煙檢測站實驗室(以下簡稱實驗室)之品質管理系統運作: 1、維持TAF認證之認可,並依規定辦理其相關事項及支付檢測站年費與監督評鑑等相關費用。 2、檢測站設備及檢測儀器應符合品保品管規定(內教及外教須送合格認證之實驗室)、保養,且應有完整紀錄,並辦理內部教育訓練至少2場次,講師應外聘由學者專家擔任,並輔導實驗室人員能依規定執行,且事前應提規劃書報經機關同意後辦理。 3、提供一台柴油大貨車,執行排煙檢測站品保測試(應依行政院環境保護署相關規範執行),進行15次重複性測試,將其測試結果繪製品質管制圖,爾後每月執行至少1次查核測試,控管本站檢測品質。 4、為確保實驗室品質,應執行相關性測試,與其他縣市檢測站品保比對,且比對站數至少2站。並擇優辦理現場觀摩至少一場次(機關參加人數至少3人以上),且須於事前30日提規劃書,經機關同意後辦理。 (六)柴油車排煙檢測站操作維護作業:機關得視實際需要,指定下列事項之完成期限及需求: 1、檢測站各項儀器設備、機械、零組件、校正設備、軟硬體、電器設備等相關設施之維護、保養、校正、擴充、更新,以維持站內或站外之檢測工作。如檢測儀器、設備需長時間送校正或維修時,應依機關之要求提供同等堪用之檢測儀器設備。 2、執行站內、站外檢測作業所需之檢測、校正儀器設備(如煙度計、煙度校正試片、轉速計、採樣器材等)、電腦檢測軟體、週邊設備(如冷卻風扇、車輪擋塊、車輛固定鐵鏈等)、人員防護設備(如耳罩、口罩等)、站內電器設備(如冷氣機、電風扇、飲水器、冰箱)及電信器材如有缺件、不足或不敷使用,應負責購置補齊、擴充、更新或修復,並維持檢測站正常運作。 3、維護及提昇電腦檢測控制系統軟體功能,以因應業務需求需加強設計更新之軟體,應完整拷貝安裝光碟2份(含授權密碼)與系統操作手冊送機關。進行檢測儀器維修保養、加強檢測系統軟體功能,符合環保署規定,檢測軟體變更應經機關同意。 4、提供柴油車排煙檢測站內電話、傳真機及租用影印機乙台;待測柴油車司機休息區提供茶水、雜誌及書報(需每日或定期更新)。柴油車排煙檢測站區內設置30吋以上之檢測控制螢幕(LED)供參酌。並選擇適當區域製作檢測流程圖(含簡易說明)。 5、為避免驗車過程產生糾紛,於廠房四周加裝4組監控鏡頭,並維護更新管理機關柴油車排煙檢測站既有之驗車同步數位錄影系統、遠端網路監控系統,數位影像資料應至少2星期備份1次並至少保存6個月以上,以備查;倘數位影像資料有缺漏或不清楚者,該部分檢測數量不予計算。 6、負責檢測站之財物保全、保管與維護,且應委託保全公司建置保全連線系統及負責場內外綠美化清潔工作。 7、加強推動柴油車排煙檢測站預約到檢制度(含電話、傳真與網路),並加強宣導預約檢測制度之使用,提昇預約使用率。 8、計畫結束時,應負責將儀器、設施等財物維護調修正常後,配合機關點交予102年同計劃之委辦公司。若儀器、設施有滅失、短少或損壞,應負賠償責任。 (七)配合行政院環境保護署柴油車排煙檢測站評鑑: 1、辦理評鑑之相關事項及缺失改進。於簽約日起2個月內進行評鑑之教育訓練,應委請專家學者至少一名至檢測站辦理,評鑑成績不得低於B級。 2、分析近三年全國柴油車排煙檢測站評鑑成績與本縣評鑑成績之比較,研擬提升策略,並應於服務建議書說明基礎架構。(簽約後30日內得委由專家學者完成執行規劃書,送機關審查後辦理) (八)廠商應依下列各款規定分別做成規定之報告書提送機關審查: 1、廠商應邀請於大學任教之之學者依據服務建議書配合本縣地方特色,就本縣柴油車污染源之現況、排放地圖、污染物排放量、排碳量管制、工作執行規劃、創新作法及評鑑基礎架構等項目內容規劃工作執行策略,編撰成工作規劃報告書1式5份及電子檔案光碟2份,於決標日之次日起30日之期限內提送機關審查,機關應聘學者專家至少1名協助審查。 2、廠商應就計畫執行後之本縣柴油車污染源之現況、排放地圖、污染物排放量、排碳量管制分析、工作成果分析、污染物削減量及創新作法成果等項目內容,編撰工作成果報告書1式5份及電子檔案光碟2份,於101年12月15日前提送機關審查,機關得聘請學者專家協助審查。 3、廠商應將各工作事項之執行情形、成果分析、結論建議等,分別依下列規定之期限前編撰成期中報告及期末報告(以中文橫式書寫為原則,並應編印裝訂成冊),提送機關審查。 (1)101年5月31日前提出第一次期中報告(初稿)1式10份。 (2)101年8月31日前提出第二次期中報告(初稿)1式10份。 (3)101年11月30日前提出期末報告(初稿)1式10份。 (4)機關通知廠商依審查意見進行答覆及各期報告修正當日之次日起15日內提送意見答覆文件及各期報告修正稿1式10份。 (5)機關通知進行各期報告定稿當日之次日起15日內提送各期報告定稿:第一、二次期中報告(定稿)1式3份、期末報告(定稿)1式12份與其電子檔案光碟6片。 (九)其他: 1、減碳議題相關作業: (1)柴油車排碳源之排碳量管制資料擴充或更新與分析。 (2)配合機關交辦推行及宣導節能減碳政策之相關工作。 2、協助計畫相關業務之文書處理、表單印製及文件郵寄: (1)協助機關之公文、通知、處分書、報告等公務文件之郵寄業務,如與民眾相關或重要文件應以雙掛號郵寄,所需郵資費用概由廠商負擔。 (2)印製執行工作所需表單(如檢驗通知書、車況點檢表、檢驗結果表等表單)及郵寄文件之信封。 3、執行路邊攔車抽油、路邊攔檢或場站稽查檢測作業時,廠商應自行備齊工作所需之物品、器材及設備等(如採樣器材、採樣瓶、封條、標籤、數位相機或數位攝影機、宣導品、攔車旗幟、反光背心、工作警示設施等)。 4、執行路邊攔車抽油、路邊攔檢或場站稽查檢測作業時,如合併作業,廠商應派至少3名人力出勤;單項作業時,應派至少2名人力出勤;出勤人員皆應有站長(含)以上之監管人員。且執行該等作業時,廠商應主動協調環保警察或本縣之警察機關協助,以維工作安全與工作進行,並於每季對於協助之警察人員提報至其服務機關建請敘獎。 5、廠商派駐檢測站人員於上班時間穿著統一服裝以利辨識,且應禁止員工穿著涼鞋、拖鞋及禁止員工於工作進行時抽煙、吃檳榔等,以提昇工作紀律及整體形象。 6、工作人員執行工作時,或遇有民眾之疑問、詢問及洽辦本計畫之相關業務,應不推諉、禮貌應對,並應解說、回覆及處理相關業務。 7、廠商應負責將其所僱人員及機關相關業務人員所領有如行政院環境保護署之「空氣污染物目測檢查」與「柴油車排放煙度儀器檢查」訓練合格證書正本、TAF認證實驗室證書正本、負責人與品質主管證書正本等加框懸掛於檢測站辦公室之適當處所,並妥為保管。 8、協助提供機關網站之新增或更新相關業務稽查、查核、考核等相關管制工作,並協助填報相關管制資料或報表。 9、配合參加機關或中央單位召開之工作檢討會議或相關會議。 10、機關如欲申請102年度計畫補助款時,廠商應配合於機關規定之期限內,提供機關申請補助款之計畫書草案及其電子檔各1份。 11、協助辦理其他有關本計畫之相關業務。
中文關鍵字 柴油車檢驗


專案計畫編號 經費年度 101 計畫經費 6250 千元
專案開始日期 2012/03/28 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 李俊坤
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 湯宗仁 執行單位 得眾環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末定稿.pdf 6MB

101 years of Taidong County diesel vehicle exhaust smoke detection and oil testing program

英文摘要 I. Name: Taidong County diesel vehicle exhaust smoke detection and oil product testing plan. Second, the location: Taidong County jurisdiction, the organization of diesel vehicle exhaust smoke detection station and the designated location of the agency. Third, work items and regulations: (1) Excavation, inspection and banning control of diesel exhaust: 1. Execute the vehicle notification and inspection work for the visual inspection of diesel vehicles in use, and visually inspect the smoke with high pollution, at least 1000 vehicles (not less than 85 vehicles per month), and should investigate the traffic volume and Correlation of air pollutants, etc. This work should be confirmed by the time, place, car number, black smoke pollution degree and the filming of black smoke. The visual location should be popularized in the townships of the county, and indeed Master high-pollution diesel vehicles, conduct high-traffic road sections or cluster construction sites nearby, conduct visual inspection and smoke screening of contaminated diesel vehicles and record and deposit certificates, and notify the diesel vehicle exhaust gas detection stations with double registration notice. All noticed vehicles shall attach photos to the authorities for review and properly keep relevant records. 2, the implementation of roadside interception and site inspection and inspection automated detection system (no load rapid acceleration smoke test), at least 500 vehicles. (The roadside intercepts at least 350 vehicles) (no less than 40 vehicles per month (inclusive)). 3. Execute the smoke detection operation at the diesel engine exhaust gas detection station of the agency, and detect at least 800 vehicles (not less than 70 vehicles (inclusive) per month), and should build relevant information on diesel vehicle emissions within the jurisdiction as reinforcement. The basis for management. 4. The performance of the unqualified vehicle improvement completion rate must meet the following criteria: [(Improve the number of completed vehicles / the ratio of the total number of unqualified vehicles multiplied by 100%)] The ratio must be greater than 90%. (Improved completion of the vehicle includes: a. Detecting unqualified vehicles for re-qualification of the vehicle b. Detecting unqualified vehicles for scrapping c. Detecting unqualified vehicles without re-qualification and passing the EPA to complete the disposition. d. Detecting unqualified vehicles is checked for cancellation. , stop or deactivate.) 5. Maintaining the rate of diesel vehicles in the county reached 80% at the end of 101 (the number of diesel vehicles is the number of diesel vehicles in the jurisdiction) 6. Provide a test service for the night of Wednesday night (time: 18:00 to 20:00), at least 100 times; the number of people on the rotation should be at least 2, and all of them must have the "Diesel Vehicle Emission Smoke Meter" of the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan. Check the "training certificate". (2) The use of oil sampling control for diesel vehicles and the strengthening of passenger and cargo operators in their respective jurisdictions Reason: 1. Drain oil samples (including gas stations and oil depots) in the roadside barriers, passenger and freight fields in the jurisdiction of the county or in the diesel engine exhaust gas detection station, and check the sulfur content in the oil. The number of samples to be tested shall be at least 200 pieces (not less than 15 times per month (including). (The sample of roadside parking shall not be less than 140 pieces) 2. Investigate and document the number of companies with more than 10 (including) large vans in the county (reviewed monthly, and sent to this office for reference before the 7th of the next month), and test the sulfur of the vehicle oil The content and performance must meet the following criteria: [The ratio of the number of oils tested to the total number of vehicles of the major passengers (mainly the owner) must be greater than 15% or 350 pieces] (no less than 15 vehicles per month (including ). 3. Cooperate with the implementation of illegal underground oil companies, gas station oil inspection, sampling and inspection and ban control operations (no less than 10 oil samples) and report the promotion results. 4. Coach or promote the passenger and cargo operators to sign oil supply with CNPC or Formosa Plastics Co., Ltd. to ensure that they use legal oil products. 5. The sampling operation shall be carried out in accordance with the “Standard Operation Procedure for Sampling of Vehicle Diesel Vehicles” as stipulated by the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan. The inspection of the oil sample shall be entrusted to the Environmental Inspection and Measurement Agency approved by the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan and the inspection report shall be prepared in accordance with the regulations. In addition, the oil sample extraction equipment must not be reused to avoid affecting the detection. (3) The relevant laws and regulations and the promotion of related businesses: 1. Handling relevant lectures on diesel vehicle exhaust smoke detection and publicity, insurance inspection and inspection, promotion of parking stalls and old vehicles, or training seminars or publicity meetings at least 5 times and cooperation with relevant authorities. 2. Purchase at least 1,000 pieces of propaganda products and at least 2,000 copies of the relevant laws and regulations and related work instructions (500 copies of the manual, 1,500 copies of the brochure) for the purpose of handling relevant business. The content should be described in the plan and printed after the approval of the agency. 3. During the implementation of the project, the questionnaire survey was conducted on whether the public understands the diesel exhaust smoke detection and oil detection, and the number of valid questionnaires must be 500, and the content should be statistically analyzed, graphed and analyzed. Suggestions for follow-up implementation are proposed to assist the organization in drafting the management strategy; the design of the questionnaire should be submitted to the planning book, and the questionnaire must be investigated after examination by the agency. 4. Handling multimedia multimedia production planning on cable TV stations and radio stations to announce the matters that the planners need to understand and other related matters: (1) Entrusting the cable TV marquee to broadcast 6 times, each time 3 lines, 1 line per line, should submit the planning instructions to the organ for review within 1 month after signing the contract, but the implementation of the requirements should be changed to an alternative plan. . (2) In the first half of the year and the second half of the year, entrust two local radio stations to announce and announce each time, each time for 30 days, and six times a day. The plan should be submitted to the organ for review within one month after signing the contract. In response to the needs of the authorities, the implementation of alternatives. (3) Plan and produce 2 short films for the promotion of free media and social networking sites within the jurisdiction of the county, and cooperate with the provision of propaganda copy. (The plan should be submitted to the agency for review 20 days beforehand) (4) From time to time, please contact the free media promotion. 5. Cooperate with the authorities to handle low-carbon cities, promote energy conservation and reduce carbon emissions, and assist in handling To manage related businesses to enhance the air quality and pollution reduction of Taitung County. 6. Cooperate with the agency to handle other publicity activities. (4) Handling matters related to the squid car report case: 1. Handling the squid car report cases (including the acceptance, verification, notice inspection, replying to the informant, closing the case, etc.). In addition, the inspection rate for the notification of the squid car case must reach 95%. [Reporting the vaccination rate of the squid car case. The inspection rate has been notified. The number of inspection cases should be notified (excluding the number of cases not handled). 2. In order to reward the public for reporting the squid car, the founder and the accused person who reported the case did not meet the emission standards according to the regulations, and the person who notified the case was issued an award. (Approved by the agency after the award is signed) (5) The quality management system operation of the laboratory of the diesel vehicle exhaust gas detection station (hereinafter referred to as the laboratory): 1. Maintain the accreditation of TAF certification, and handle related matters and pay the relevant fees such as the annual fee and supervision evaluation of the inspection station. 2. The equipment and testing equipment of the testing station shall comply with the requirements of the quality assurance product management (laboratory for the internal education and foreign teachers to be certified), and shall have a complete record and conduct at least 2 internal education trainings. The lecturer shall be employed externally. It is administered by scholars and experts, and the staff of the counseling laboratory can be implemented according to the regulations, and should be handled before the approval of the planning book. 3. Provide a large diesel truck, perform the quality control test of the smoke detection station (should be implemented according to the relevant regulations of the Environmental Protection Department of the Executive Yuan), conduct 15 repetitive tests, draw the quality control chart of the test results, and then execute monthly. Check the test at least once to control the quality of the station. 4. In order to ensure the quality of the laboratory, the correlation test should be carried out, compared with other county and city inspection stations, and the number of stations is at least 2 stations. And choose to do the on-site observation at least one time (the number of participants in the organization is at least 3), and the planning must be submitted 30 days before the event, and the approval of the agency. (6) Operation and maintenance of diesel vehicle exhaust gas detection station: The organ may, depending on actual needs, specify the completion period and requirements of the following items: 1. Maintenance, maintenance, calibration, expansion and update of various equipments, machinery, components, calibration equipment, software and hardware, electrical equipment and other related facilities of the inspection station to maintain the inspection work inside or outside the station. If the testing equipment and equipment need to be sent for calibration or repair for a long time, the same applicable testing equipment should be provided according to the requirements of the agency. 2. Perform testing and calibration equipment (such as smoke meter, smoke calibration test piece, tachometer, sampling equipment, etc.) required for in-station and off-station inspection operations, computer detection software, peripheral equipment (such as cooling fan, wheel block) Blocks, vehicles fixed chains, etc.), personnel protection equipment (such as earmuffs, masks, etc.), station electrical equipment (such as air-conditioners, electric fans, water fountains, refrigerators) and telecommunications equipment if there are missing parts, insufficient or insufficient use It shall be responsible for purchasing, expanding, updating or repairing and maintaining the normal operation of the testing station. 3. Maintain and upgrade the software function of the computer detection and control system, and strengthen the design and update software in response to business needs. Two copies of the installation CD (including the authorization code) and the system operation manual should be sent to the organization. Carry out maintenance and repair of the test equipment, strengthen the software function of the test system, comply with the regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency, and the software change shall be approved by the agency. 4. Provide telephone, fax machine and rented photocopying machine in the diesel vehicle exhaust detection station; tea, magazines and books are provided in the rest area of ​​the diesel vehicle driver to be tested (required daily or regularly). More than 30 检测 detection control screens (LEDs) are installed in the diesel vehicle exhaust detection station for consideration. And select the appropriate area to create a test flow chart (including a brief description). 5. In order to avoid disputes during the inspection process, four sets of surveillance cameras are installed around the plant, and the maintenance management agency diesel vehicle exhaust detection station has the existing vehicle synchronous digital video recording system, remote network monitoring system, digital image. The data should be backed up at least 2 weeks and kept for at least 6 months for future reference. If the digital image data is missing or unclear, the number of tests will not be counted. 6. Responsible for the preservation, storage and maintenance of the property of the inspection station, and entrust the security company to establish a security connection system and be responsible for the green and beautification work inside and outside the site. 7. Strengthen the promotion of the inspection system (including telephone, fax and network) of the diesel vehicle exhaust gas detection station, and strengthen the use of the appointment inspection system to enhance the appointment utilization rate. 8. At the end of the project, it shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of the instruments, facilities and other property, and then cooperate with the agency to hand over the company with the plan for 102 years. If the instrument or facility is lost, short or damaged, it shall be liable for compensation. (7) Coordination with the evaluation of the diesel vehicle exhaust smoke detection station of the Environmental Protection Department of the Executive Yuan: 1. Matters related to the evaluation and lack of improvement. The education and training for evaluation within 2 months from the date of signing shall be submitted to at least one of the experts and scholars to the inspection station, and the evaluation results shall not be lower than Grade B. 2. Analyze the evaluation results of the national diesel vehicle exhaust gas detection station in the past three years and the evaluation results of the county. Develop the promotion strategy and explain the infrastructure in the service proposal. (After signing the contract, within 30 days, the experts and scholars may be entrusted to complete the implementation plan, and sent to the authorities for review) (8) The manufacturer shall submit the required report to the submitting authority for review according to the following provisions: 1. The manufacturer shall invite scholars who teach at the university to cooperate with the local characteristics of the county according to the service proposal, and the current status of the pollution source of the diesel vehicles in this county, emission maps, pollutant discharge, carbon emission control, work execution planning, innovative practices and Evaluate the implementation strategy of the project content planning work such as the infrastructure, and compile it into 5 working plan reports and 2 electronic file CDs, and submit them to the authorities for review within 30 days from the next day of the award date. At least one expert assisted in the review. 2. The manufacturer shall prepare the project status of the pollution source of the diesel vehicle in the county after the implementation of the plan, the emission map, the pollutant discharge, the carbon emission control analysis, the work result analysis, the pollutant reduction amount and the innovation practice results. The results report 1 type 5 and 2 electronic file CDs were sent to the authorities for review on December 15, 101. The agency may hire scholars and experts to assist in the review. 3. The manufacturer shall compile the implementation status, results analysis, conclusions and recommendations of each work item into interim and final reports according to the following deadlines (in the Chinese horizontal writing principle, and shall be bound into a book) , submitted to the authorities for review. (1) Submit the first mid-term report (first draft) in 10th format before May 31, 101. (2) Submit the second mid-term report (first draft) of 10 in the first ten days before August 31, 101. (3) Submit a final report (first draft) of 10 copies before November 30, 101. (4) The organ informs the manufacturer to submit the reply document and the revised draft of each period report within 10 days from the day after the reply of the review opinion and the amendment of each period report. (5) The agency shall notify the final report of each period within 15 days from the day following the final date of the final report of each period: the first and second interim reports (final draft) 1 type 3, final report (final draft) 1 type 12 copies and its electronic 6 files on the archive. (9) Other: 1. Related work on carbon reduction issues: (1) Expansion or update and analysis of carbon emission control data for diesel vehicle carbon sources. (2) Cooperate with the authorities to implement and promote the related work of energy conservation and carbon reduction policies. 2. To assist in the processing of documents related to the planning of related business, form printing and document mailing: (1) The mailing business of the official documents, such as official documents, notices, dispositions, reports, etc. of the assisting agency, if the documents related to the public or important documents should be mailed by double registered mail, the postage expenses required shall be borne by the manufacturer. (2) Print the forms required for execution (such as inspection notices, vehicle condition checklists, inspection result forms, etc.) and envelopes for mailing documents. 3. When performing roadside block pumping, roadside interception or site inspection and inspection operations, manufacturers should prepare their own items, equipment and equipment (such as sampling equipment, sampling bottles, seals, labels, digital Camera or digital camera, propaganda, block flag, reflective vest, work warning facility, etc.). 4. When performing roadside block pumping, roadside interception or site inspection and inspection operations, such as merger operations, the manufacturer shall send at least 3 manpower attendance; in case of single operation, at least 2 manpower attendance shall be dispatched; There should be supervisors above the station manager (inclusive). When performing such operations, the manufacturer shall actively coordinate with the environmental police or the police of the county to assist in the work safety and work, and report the assistance to the police officers to the service agencies on a quarterly basis. 5. Manufacturers stationed in the inspection station to wear uniform clothing during business hours for identification, and employees should be prohibited from wearing sandals, slippers and prohibiting employees from smoking and eating betel nuts during work to enhance work discipline and overall image. 6. When the staff performs their work, or if they have questions, inquiries, and related business related to the project, they should not be shirked and polite, and should explain, reply, and handle related business. 7. The manufacturer shall be responsible for the training of the personnel and the relevant business personnel of the government, such as the "Air Pollutant Visual Inspection" and the "Diesel Vehicle Exhaust Smoke Instrument Inspection" Training Certificate and the TAF Certification Laboratory Certificate. The original, the person in charge and the original certificate of the quality supervisor are framed at the appropriate place in the office of the inspection station and properly kept. 8. Assist in the provision of new or updated related business inspections, audits, assessments, etc. on the website of the agency, and assist in the reporting of relevant regulatory information or statements. 9. Cooperate with the work review meeting or related meeting held by the participating agency or central unit. 10. If the organization wants to apply for the 102-year plan subsidy, the manufacturer shall, within the time limit prescribed by the agency, provide one draft of the plan for the application for the subsidy and one electronic file. 11. Assist in handling other related business related to this project.
英文關鍵字 Diesel vehicle inspection