

中文摘要 本計畫主軸工作包含:推動各期總量管制制度、執行高屏行動減量計畫及執行空氣品質改善策略之行政支援。 一、推動各期總量管制制度 1.透過國外文獻發現,因應細懸浮微粒管制並加速空氣品質改善,空氣品質管制思維逐漸改採多元性管制型態,仍以空氣污染物PM10、SOx、NOx及VOCs為重點管制。 2.修訂總量管制計畫初稿,包含第二期指定削減為5~10%,以未安裝防制設備及曾違反空污法之固定污染源為優先指定削減對象。 3.掌握中部及雲嘉南空品區之固定污染源認可對象之排放量現況,並完成認可排放量試算。 二、執行高屏行動減量計畫 1.提出空氣品質管理PDCA概念,強化高屏縣市SIP查核追蹤與調整機制,並提出排放量回饋機制使地方環保局執行減量成果能同步回饋至排放清冊。 2.因應PM2.5空品標準實施,依高屏地區污染特性建議初期前1~3年優先推動—高雄市落實行業別排放標準法規度查核及加強車輛管制、屏東縣著重逸散源管制及農廢燃燒稽查管制等減量管制。 3.推動10家大型污染源現場查訪試行發現,依現行BACT標準來看,電力業及汽車表面塗裝業之鍋爐製程在SOx及NOx仍有減量空間;而以石化製程為主之煉油業及石化製造業SOx及NOx煙道排放濃度平均低於BACT標準約30%~70%,減量空間有限,而VOCs逸散仍具減量潛勢。 三、推動空氣品質改善策略行政支援作業 1.完成辦理及配合辦理會議共計31場次、法規編製60冊及總量管制宣導文宣100份。 2.完成更新維護總量管制及細懸浮微粒相關網頁資訊。
中文關鍵字 總量管制計畫;空氣污染防制計畫;排放量認可;指定削減;細懸浮微粒減量;行動減量計畫


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-FA11-03-A034 經費年度 101 計畫經費 6670 千元
專案開始日期 2012/02/01 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 余志達
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 簡大詠 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-101-FA11-03-A034.pdf 12MB

Promotion of the Kaohsiung-Pingtung area air pollutant emission management and reduction plan

英文摘要 This study has three main parts, and their respective results are listed below: 1. To promote air pollutant emissions ceiling program: (1)Through studying international air policy documents, it was found that PM10, SOx, NOx and VOCs are still the main pollutants to be regulated in hope to control ambient PM2.5 concentration and enhance air quality. (2)Amended the air pollutant emissions ceiling program(draft), including setting the designated reduction rates for the 2nd stage period to 5%~10%, targeting designated existing stationary pollution sources that did not take any aggressive reduction actions or have previously violated the Air Pollution Control Act. (3)The air pollutant emission of stationary sources in central and Yun-Chia-Nan air quality areas were calculated. The baseline emission approval for both areas have also been calculated. 2.To implement Kaohsiung-Pingtung area Action Reduction Plan: (1)Introduced PDCA concept to strengthen the SIPs framework in Kao-Ping. We have also suggest that EPBs must feedback the real reduction data to Taiwan Emission Data System(TEDS) in order to enhance the database quality. (2)Based on the air pollution characterstics in Kao-ping area, we propose that in the first 1~3years, Kaohsiung city must implement the emission standards regulations for both stationary and mobile sources while fugitive sources need to be controlled in Pingtung County. (3)Selected 10 major stationary sources to testify if the air pollutant emissions ceiling program is operable. The result shows that the boiler process can still achieve higher SOx and NOx reduction while the petroleum process on average has emissions approximately 30% to 70% lower than the BACT. Fugitive VOCs still has reduction potential. 3. To provide administrative support for the promotion of air quality improvement strategy: (1)Completed over 31 meetings, printed 60 copies of air quality management regulations and 100 copies of strategy advertisement. (2)Updated information regarding air pollutant emissions ceiling program and PM2.5 on the official website.
英文關鍵字 Air pollutant emissions ceiling program;State Implementation Plan;Baseline emission approval;Baseline emission approval;Designated reduction;Fine Particulate Matter(PM2.5) Reduction;Action Reduction Plan