

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程自101年4月3日至102年4月2日止,工作內容係協助環保局督導考核各項委辦計畫之執行成效及轄內污染場址管理,配合環保署考評制度,致力於改善臺南市土壤及地下水品質。執行目標如下: 一、進行本市土壤及地下水污染場址監督查核工作,以作為後續污染場址監測及管制之依據。 二、進行本市民眾對土壤及地下水污染防治業務滿意度問卷調查,並提出改善建議以作為後續本市施政參考及未來工作執行規劃之依據。 三、教育及宣導土壤及地下水污染防治業務重點工作,強化內部人員專業知識及提昇工作執行效率。 四、依據環保署考評規定,提出符合本市轄區特性之地方管制特色工作,或全國創新作法,並監督管理各委辦計畫實達率。 五、規劃及追蹤本市各項土壤及地下水防治計畫之辦理品質及成效,以達成管制目標。 每月選取8處列管場址進行現場巡查及監督查核,若有未依照改善計畫書執行者,如私自加入雙氧水等事項,當場予以指正,並再次機動進場確認。追蹤各場址改善作業進度狀況並提出相關改善建議或注意事項,作為後續監測及管制之依據。場址選取以未巡查、新增、待驗證及改善進度落後等為優先選擇對象。 民意調查成果顯示,環保局宣導措施可確實增加列管事業與加油站業者對於土壤地下水管制法令之認知及污染防治基本概念,建議仍應繼續辦理;後續則可加強緊急應變處理措施之演練,強化應變觀念與實際應變能力,以降低污染時的影響範圍與影響程度。另列管公司僅有6成瞭解其屬中央列管事業,環保局可加強宣導列管事業在這方面的認知及土污法相關管制措施。中石化安順廠鄰近民眾認同環保局對於該場址之管理管制措施(達92.5%),目前有35%之面積可解除列管,然民眾感受可能尚不深,對整治工程之信心約5成,有半數民眾希望中石化公司能加強說明及溝通。 本計畫於101年6月19日辦理「半年報上傳系統教育訓練宣導説明會」,經由宣導業者採電子化上傳污染控制(整治)計畫執行成果報告之方式,以無紙化為概念,進而達到節能減碳效益。第2場次教育訓練說明會於101年12月6日辦理「土壤及地下水污染整治實務教育訓練宣導說明會」,邀請全國各縣市環保單位進行土壤與地下水污染整治實務之說明交流,加強相關人員土壤及地下水污染相關專業知識,提升整體業務執行成效。102年3月1~3日則辦理3天2夜之業務觀摩活動,參觀台塑仁武廠之污染場址,藉此進行學習與觀摩。 環保署進行考核之現地評鑑中,本計畫協助進行NPL場址導覽及綜合討論,且評鑑成果獲得第一名佳績,於業務推動、場址管理、教育宣導…等項目,深受環保署肯定與認同。而評鑑委員亦期許本市能在管理作為上融入不同領域之管理層面,經驗能分享傳承,而努力方向上則能發展為技術研發樞紐,並提供政策擬定參考等。而目前現場之工安措施及列管場址告示牌等缺失,是可立即改善之相關事項。 每月至行政院環境保護署「土壤及地下水管理資訊系統」,更新列管場址監督巡查成果、改善進度狀況及轄區內地下水井巡查作業…等內容,提交績效成績月考核進度表。101年度土壤及地下水污染整治工作執行績效,考評得分為261.79分,受限於考評規則及各地區環境狀況、污染特性、污染場址數量等因素,其中於「新增解除列管場址」、「定期監督執行狀況」、「場址現場監督查核作業」等選擇性加分無上限項目,因列管場址數量較少導致前述考評項目得分相對不高。記取經驗,本計畫已檢討「102年度環保署績效考評制度」相關內容,延續計畫承辦團隊亦已進行評估研究,針對自訂權重項目部分(30%),依臺南市實力應可獲取滿分,勝負關鍵項目應在加油站管理、監測井管理、補助計畫管理、行政配合及加分項目,彙整分類為本市易達成考核項目、威脅及不易達成考核項目,作為後續業務執行時追蹤檢討之內容。期許延續計畫協助環保局爭取102年度最佳考評成績。 102年度之施政重點為「友善」與「精準」,本計畫建議列管場址之污染關係人能夠瞭解法規管制與管理之需求及內涵,提出場址改善之最佳建議,如期如質進行改善作業,避免污染改善徒勞無功。另外對於局內業務則需整合局內管理作為,加強跨部會合作,精準掌握污染場址污染期程,並使污染控制工作提升至污染管理與預防工作,達成環保局管制目標。 本計畫亦協助規劃各類場址之調查、查證或驗證工作之執行。進行包括臺南市南區興農段623地號農地土壤改善驗證與臺南市南區南萣橋下南山段284、286-1地號土壤改善驗證之規劃。並於2013年1月至以上各場址進行XRF現場篩測,篩選之土壤樣本進一步進行PID/FID、重金屬與戴奧辛等分析。驗證結果顯示興農段土壤鋅含量仍超過食用作物農地管制標準,而南萣橋土壤樣本中重金屬濃度皆低於土壤污染管制標準與監測標準。 緊急應變部分,101年5月依據民眾反應,環保局派員於麻豆區埤頭線大排進行底泥調查查證工作,結果顯示樣品之重金屬及有機物質測值低於毒性特性溶出程序(TCLP)之溶出標準。後續如有相似案例,建議增加底泥相關污染物質之全量分析。另於101年10月進行統一精工小北站(臺南市北區西門路159號)毗鄰道路之放流水採樣調查作業,其中苯、萘、氯乙烯有測得高於參考之第二類地下水污染管制標準,後續要求該公司提出場址及周界污染調查計畫書,以釐清污染擴散範圍。102年配合聯合檢警於1月24日至臺南市麻豆區官輝土資場進行土壤污染查證調查工作,查證結果顯示重金屬與戴奧辛皆低於土壤管制標準,VOC與SVOC皆低於偵測極限,調查之土樣無污染情形。
中文關鍵字 驗證;查核;土壤;地下水


專案計畫編號 經費年度 101 計畫經費 2601 千元
專案開始日期 2012/04/03 專案結束日期 2013/04/02 專案主持人 鄭翰鈞
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 王聖豪 執行單位 艾奕康工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 P00868_101台南土水驗證查核監督管理_期末報告.pdf 12MB
英文摘要 The contract period was from 3rd April, 2012 to 2nd April, 2013. The work scopes include assisting Tainan Environmental Protection Bureau to supervise the effectiveness of the existing and commissioning projects and contaminated sites management. To improve the Tainan soil and groundwater quality by correspond with the Environmental Protection Agency appraisal system. Project targets listed as following: 1.Supervision, verification and inspection of soil and groundwater contaminated site in Tainan which will be future monitoring and control basis. 2.Satisfactory survey on soil and groundwater pollution protection to the publics, in order to the get any suggestion on future policy implementation and planning. 3.Education and promotion of soil and groundwater pollution prevention, and strengthen the specific knowledge for internal staff and enhance the work efficiency. 4.Based on the Environmental Protection Agency appraisal system, provide characteristic and innovative supervision on achieved percentage. 5. Planning and tracking the soil and groundwater treatment performance and effectiveness to achieve control objectives. 8 control sites is selected to carried out on-site inspection and supervision, if is not in accordance with the remediation plan, such as correct the site owner on adding hydrogen peroxide without permission. Track the contaminated site on improving status and submit related improvement suggestions as basis for follow-up monitoring and control. Site selection is prior to not be inspected, new to the list, not be verified and lagged on improvement schedule. Public survey results show that the EPA could increase the basic concepts of soil and groundwater control regulations in promotion documentations, it is recommended that should continue to apply; follow-up exercises can strengthen the emergency response measures, strengthen the strain concept resilience to reduce the contaminated area and pollution impact. "Semi-annual report upload system training program” was hold at 19th June 2012, in order to promote paperless concept, thus achieving carbon reduction benefits. Another training program “Soil and Groundwater Remediation Practice Training Program” was hold at 6th December, which invited each EPB to join and discuss the best practice case. The training programs enhanced soil and groundwater personnel exchanging their knowledge. Also, a site visit trip to Formosa Plastics Renwu plant contaminated sites to observe the remediation performance. The result of on-site evaluation of the EPA assessment was First Prize, the assessment items include NPL site visit and comprehensive discussion, business development, site management, education and training. The assessment committee wished Tainan City could include different management skills and provide strategies planning to become a technology hub. Update supervision results of control sites and groundwater monitoring wells and improving progress on EPA’s “Soil and Groundwater Management System” website. Due to the following reasons: Environmental conditions, Site contaminated characteristics and Numbers of contaminated site, the performance score for year 2012 was 261.79. After reviewed the performance weight list, we suggest Tainan City Government could focus on some particular items which may have better performance in year 2013. The Tainan city government policy priorities for 2013 will be “Friendly” and “Precise”. We suggested pollution related owner should fully understand regulations and management requests, and then provide best practice to the site. In order to match the control targets, EPB should integrate the internal business and improve communication between different departments. Emergency response 3 sites: 1.Madou District was done during May 2012. The results showed heavy metals and organic substances is lower than the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) the dissolution standards. 2.Mech Gas Station was done during October 2012. The results showed benzene, naphthalene, vinyl chloride were over the Class II Groundwater control standard. 3.Guanhui Construction Residual Soil Treatment Plant was done during January 2013. The results showed that heavy metals and dioxins are below the soil control standards, VOC and SVOC were below detection limit, the survey showed no pollution on soil condition.