

中文摘要 本計畫蒐集研析並掌握國際溫室氣體減量管理法案發展趨勢,包含主要國家獨立專法與地方政府管制溫室氣體相關制度作法,並彙整摘譯國際最新動態資訊,每季發行電子報提供環保署相關計畫人員參考。推動溫室氣體減量法立法工作方面,本計畫協助提供溫室氣體減量法(草案)立法院審議所需相關資料、說帖、問答集與立場文件,更新維護法規宣導網站,並擴充建置英文化網站介面,協助法案政策宣傳作業。 於推動清碳聯盟運作方面,本計畫就不同議題辦理相關演講、技術研討、研商會議等,同時聘請專家委員參與討論,研擬清碳聯盟組織規劃。同時協助推動清碳聯盟成立,規劃清碳聯盟組運作方式,包含組織架構、工作分組與未來運作規劃等,研擬說帖與文宣摺頁相關資料,並於民國102年2月辦理「清碳聯盟啟動大會暨減碳經驗交流研討會」,透過產業十大宣言簽署與啟動儀式,推動清碳聯盟成立,做為促進產業與政府部門間溫室氣體管理資訊交流與溝通平台。 於國際交流合作方面,本計畫透過邀請歐盟智庫Ecofys,並結合臺美環保技術合作協定,舉辦國際研討會與訓練會議,建立夥伴關係,獲得國際於相關議題研究上的第一手資訊。本計畫並配合環保署整體規劃需求,擔任行政支援與幕僚工作,派員參與公約COP18會議,並參與周邊會議與各國代表進行交流,以掌握他國相關作法資訊以及國際氣候談判最新趨勢。
中文關鍵字 溫室氣體減量法;國際溫室氣體法規;清碳聯盟;國際交流


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-FA11-03-A212 經費年度 101 計畫經費 11500 千元
專案開始日期 2012/05/23 專案結束日期 2013/02/28 專案主持人 余志達
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 王俊勝 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-101-FA11-03-A212期末報告.pdf 79MB 推動溫室氣體減量法制化及行政支援管理專案工作計畫期末報告

The Promotion of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Regulations and Support of Administrative Managem

英文摘要 The project has met the requirements by the EPA in following aspects: climate change regulation, international GHG policy research, Clean Development and Carbon Management Alliance operation, and international involvement. First, through extensive international GHG policy research, project team is able to provide seasonal newsletter and provision consultations on GHG management for the purpose of GHG Reduction Act, Environmental Impact Assessment, and Air Pollution Control Act. In addition, project team assisted in developing position papers to the Environmental Protection Administration for deliberation of GHG Reduction Act in Legislative Yuan. Most importantly, project team has assisted in promotion of GHG Reduction Act through updating and maintaining promotional website in both English and Chinese. In terms of implementation of Clean Development and Carbon Management Alliance (CDCMA), project team had invited professionals, organized speeches, and conducted seminars to develop organizational plans for CDCMA. The project not only provided the organizational structure for CDCMA, but also developed sub-working group for future operations purposes. Through the Conference Meeting in Feburary, 2013, CDCMA, an alliance that promote public-private partnership between the government and the industry, is officially initiated through industry’s ten major GHG commitments in the launching ceremony. As for international exchange, experts from US EPA and Ecofys, EU’s main think tank for GHG management, were invited to Taiwan to give out policy consultation and first-hand experience for our GHG management program. In collaboration with the EPA, project team act as administrative support and aides and took part in the COP18 meeting in Doha to obtain climate change practices from other countries and internationally.
英文關鍵字 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Bill;International Greenhouse Gas Policy and Strategy;Clean Development and Carbon Management Alliance;International Exchange