

中文摘要 本計畫為延續100年度所評估之成果,及強化現行EMS資訊網之應用功能與資訊安全之維護,可細分為以下四大工作重點。1.推動電子簽章許可申請、電子付費及核發電子許可證作業。2.規劃指紋資料庫建置之方向與申報制度。3.強化及提升環境保護許可及管理整合效益。4.提供資訊系統維運服務。 本年度持續推動許可證申請電子化作業,包含開發電子簽章功能與辦理全國電子付費帳務申請及輔導作業,並研析及建置電子許可證核發之功能及作業方式,冀望可達成許可證申請無紙化之作業方式。 此外亦配合環境檢驗所之建議,研析污染物指紋資料申報制度,並優化事業廢棄物產業特性資料庫(原事業廢棄物指紋資料庫),可輔助使用者透過此系統縮小事業廢棄物棄置之對象範圍。 另為配合擴大整合環境用藥及加油站系統,及利用99年介接之營建空污費徵收及管理系統比對廢棄物清理法之資料,開發相關統計及勾稽報表,提供各環保機關可於EMS資訊網取得更多元化之資料;本年度亦導入圖片標記技術,提供更豐富且易於瀏覽之廠區平面配置圖,並開發管制編號線上申請系統,可提升業者申請之便利性及環保機關之行政效率,於上線1個月來已逾200件申請案。 除了系統開發外,亦擴充EMS資訊網之基線資料欄位,新增碳標籤計算登錄欄位與毒性化學物質之原物料、產品等代碼資料,藉以提供更多元化之系統資料。 配合101年10月1日施行之個人資料保護法,調整系統之登入方式及敏感基線資料之加密作業,並配合監資處進行系統異地備援演練,模擬中華電信東七機房主機斷線,台中文心機房異地主機備援運作之情形,此外為確保系統正常運作定期每月執行系統例行性維運作業,密切監控系統之運作情形,以確保系統之服務品質。
中文關鍵字 許可整合系統;電子化許可申請;單一入口


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-H102-02-272 經費年度 101 計畫經費 7700 千元
專案開始日期 2012/01/31 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 鄧榆樺
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 羅振誠 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 101EMS.pdf 22MB

Environmental permit processing and integration plans

英文摘要 The project has continued the results evaluated in 2011, and strengthened the applied functions on the present EMS and the maintenance of information security, as the following four points indicate. 1. Promoting the application of E-Signatures and E-Payments, and issuing E-Certificates; 2. Planning to establish Fingerprints Data-base and reporting regulation; 3. Strengthening and enhancing the permission on environmental protection and the efficiency of management integration. 4. Providing the operation service of information system. The application of permission certificates by digitalized system has been continued, including developing the electronic signature function, and the application and education of electronic bills. The electronic permission certificates were analyzed and created aw well, in the hope that the application of permission certificates can be paperless. In addition, in respond to the suggestions from National Institute of Environmental Analysis, the reporting system on pollutants fingerprints data were analyzed, and the industrial waste database was enhanced, thereby assisting users to minimize the range of subjects who abandon industrial waste. Then, in respond to the enlarged integration of Environmental Agents Management System and Gas Station System, and to exploit the connection information of “charging the fees of air pollution caused by construction” and Waste Cleaning Comparison Management System, statistic and audit sheets were developed, providing environmental institutions with multiple information on the EMS website. Additionally, the picture tagging technique was employed, providing more abundant and easy-browsing factory floor plan information, and regulation numbering online system was developed, enhancing convenience for business application and administrative efficiency for environmental institutions. More than 200 application cases were applied since its online debut for the first month. Moreover, the baseline information fields on the EMS website were expanded, and the login field for carbon label calculating and the code information for the raw material and products of toxic chemicals were added, providing multiple system information. Finally, corresponding to the Personal Information Protection Act having carried out since Oct. 01, 2012, the way to login was adjusted and the sensitive baseline information was coded. What is more, in respond to Disaster Recovery drills in the Department of Environmental Monitoring & Information Management, we hold the drill that the host in the IDC (Internet Data Center), East 7, Chunghwa Telecom, was disconnected, and Taichung Wenhsing IDC took over to backup and recovery. And, to ensure the system operated in normal and the service in quality, the regular maintenance operation was adopted every month, strictly supervising the operation of the system.
英文關鍵字 Permit integration system;Electronic application;single portal