

中文摘要 毒性化學物質本身有著極高的風險性,因此不論是生產、運送、儲存、處理等各個程序,都需要謹慎積極的加以管理,以有效降低任何可能衍生之災害發生。因此環保署毒管處自民國九十七年四月啟動「毒性化學物質運送車輛即時追蹤系統推動計畫」,透過建置毒性化學物質運送即時追蹤管理系統,分批納管毒性化學物運送機具,目前已順利納管一千七百餘輛毒性化學物質運送機具,藉此可以有效掌握毒性化學物質的實體流向,即時追蹤毒性化學物質的所在地點及數量,並可以隨時掌控毒性化學物質從何處啟運、將運往何處、毒性化學物的特性,意外發生時該如何緊急應變、該即時通報那些人。並結合GPS系統與GIS系統,即時掌控並呈現毒性化學物質的最新位置與週遭環境相關的風險變動狀況。
中文關鍵字 毒性化學物質;即時追蹤


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-J104-02-210 經費年度 101 計畫經費 2110 千元
專案開始日期 2012/07/30 專案結束日期 2013/07/31 專案主持人 林智明
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 李慧玲 執行單位 振興發科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 101-102年毒性化學物質運送即時追蹤系統裝設、監控及維護_1080715.pdf 5MB

The Project of Establishing a DSS for Preventing and Handling Toxic Chemical Incidents, Improving th

英文摘要 This project is to monitor from source to destination with real-time tracking systems Global Positioning System (GPS) on toxic chemical substance transport vehicles. The project scope was divided into 4 ategories: system update, examination, operation and daily management, abnormal activities monitoring and validation processes. At present, there are approximately 1696 icles with 303 nsportation companies equipped with GPS from 13 GPS providers. This year the project team continued monitoring processes and submitted cases of toxic chemical substance transport vehicles on a daily basis. The project promoted to install the standardization of GPS receiver tracks on each batch conversion programs. The project team uses GIS (Geographical information system) to trace not only cross reference information but also bring in toxic chemical substance transport vehicles location. Management levels could gather spatial information with GIS tools intuitively. Based on the feedback of operators, the system has been further improved to transportation management.
英文關鍵字 GPS;Toxic Chemical