

中文摘要 一、計畫名稱:101年度臺中市街道揚塵洗除計畫。 二、執行期程:自101/4/21日起至102/1/31日止。 三、工作內容完成進度: 1.自101年4月21日開始執行洗街工作,至102年1月31日為止共累計執行洗街116824.2公里,累計達成率為100%。 2.減量評估:累計洗街長度為116824.2公里,依據環保署減量公式(削減量=洗街長度×減量係數)推估,TSP可削減1612.2公噸、PM10為303.7公噸。 3.計畫成效評估: (1)街塵調查分析作業:針對本市道路寬度15公尺以上之街塵負荷調查作業,目前檢測作業已全部完成共225點次。計畫檢測道路其總街塵負荷量從5月至10月由11.55 g/m2減少至2.18 g/m2改善率達81.1%;塵土指粒徑介於74~297μm由3.13 g/m2減少至2.18 g/m2改善率為30.4%,街塵負荷由五月份、八月份至十月份街塵負荷有逐漸下降趨勢代表洗街作業能有改善街道粒狀物的效果。 (2)取水點水質分析作業:已全部完成90點次取水點之水質檢測,檢測項目包括懸浮固體物濃度及大腸桿菌。 4.道路普查:道路普查工作統計至102年1月底為止,共計完成2263.2公里道路調查工作。平均A級道路佔57.7%、B級道路佔39.9%、C級道路佔2.5%。 5.洗街查核:執行每週20小時3G影像與GPS查核,現完成800小時以上道路之網頁調查作業,累計的查核總長度為1萬6,000公里以上。 6.洗街示範推廣宣導會:已於7月31日完成,與會人員包含砂石業者、營建業者與臺中市各區清潔隊人數超過90人次。 7、洗掃街網路有獎徵答活動:已於9月24日至10月24日辦理洗掃街網路有獎徵答活動,統計參與人次共1,645人次,統計滿分人員達1180人次。 8、彙整區清潔隊洗街車作業能量:統計大雅區、豐原區、龍井區清潔隊洗街車每月執行能量,執行公里數1萬3,197公里,統計TSP削減量共182公噸,PM10共削減34公噸;對去除街道粒狀物有明顯的改善。 9、污染防制計畫書:101年度污防書中設定目標為PM10共320公噸,統計本年度臺中市全區洗掃街作業執行公里數共16萬4,239公里,PM10削減量為427公噸,達成率為133%;對臺中市空氣品質中粒狀物的改善有明顯的幫助。 10、民眾陳情數:本計畫民眾陳情數量共22件,較去年減少45.5%,兩項因素中主要為民眾對洗街目地與作業方是不瞭解所造成,如天氣太熱能多灑點水、幫行道樹澆水、造成地面濕滑等因素。 11、創新做法(設備改裝減音減碳設備):噪音值可改善率可達12.9%~17.3%,並可減少1564公升汽油,二氧化碳年排放量可減少3.4公噸,對臺中市空氣品質的改善將有明顯幫助。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 101 計畫經費 18250 千元
專案開始日期 2012/04/21 專案結束日期 2013/01/31 專案主持人 陳慕良
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 賈若梅 執行單位 欣欣環保工程股份有限公司


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期末報告 期末報告.pdf 4MB
英文摘要 The summary of the results from the work in this year are as follows: I. Title: 2013 Taichung City streets dust washing plan. II. Implementation schedule: Since April 21, 2012 to January 31, 2013. III. Completion of the work content progress: (I) Execution behavior of street washing since April 21, 2012 to January 31, 2013, accumulated execution of street washing 116,824.2 kilometers, cumulative rate reached 100%. (II) Reduction assessment: The total length of the street washing are 116,824.2 km, according the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) reduction formula (reductions = length × reduction coefficient street washing) estimate, TSP can be reduced to 1612.2 tones, and PM10 can be reduced to 303.7 tones. (III) Performance Evaluation: i. Street dust survey analysis: For city road width which above 15 meters do the street dust load survey jobs, the current detection job has completed a total of 225 points times. The total street dust load of the planned inspection of the road from May to October was reduced from 11.55 g/m2 to 2.18 g/m2, improvement rate was 81.1%; dust particle diameter between 74 – 297 μm has reduced from 3.13g/m2 to 2.18 g/m2, improvement rate was 30.4%, May, August to October street dust load a gradual downward trend means that street washing could improve street granular material effect on behalf of street washing operations. ii. Water quality analysis of the intake point operations: 90 points intake point of water quality testing has been completed, test items including the concentration of suspended solids and E. coli. (IV) Road census: Until the end of January, 2013, the road census statistics has completed a total of 2,263.2 km of road survey work. Average accounted for 57.7% of A-class roads, 39.9% of B-class roads, and 2.5% of C-class rods. (V) Street washing checking: Execute 20 hours a week with 3G images and GPS checking, web survey jobs of the road is now completed more than 800 hours accumulated to check the total length of more than 16,000 km. (VI) Street washing demonstration to promote the advocacy conference: completed on July 31, participants includes sand and gravel industry, construction industry and Taichung City District clean team, total number more than 90 people. (VII) Street cleaning and washing network quiz and activities: it has took place on September 24 to October 24, the statistical number of participants for a total of 1,654 people, and 1,180 people got full marks on the test. (VIII) Aggregate compile district clean team of street washing vehicles operating amount of work: Statistics Daya district, Fengyuan district and Longjing District clean team, street vehicles perform monthly amount of work were running mileage 13,197 km, TSP has total reductions of 182 metric tons, and PM10 has total reduction of 34 metric tons; Particulate matter of the removal of the street has significantly improved. (IX) Pollution prevention plan: 2013 annual pollution prevention book set goals for a total of 320 tones of PM10 of this year, and statistics this year, Taichung City region’s street cleaning and washing job execution kilometers has total completed 164,239 kilometers of PM10 reductions of 427 tones, reached a rate of 133%; had significant improvement of the particulate matter in Taichung City air quality. (X) The number of people to petition: total of 22 petitions in this project, decrease 45.5% compared with last year, two factors mainly for the people on the street washing purposes and practices do not understand the cause, such as the weather is too hot to sprinkle water, help street trees watering, causing slippery floor and other factors. (XI) Innovative practices (modification carbon reduction equipment and noise reduction equipment): the noise value improvement rate up to 12.9% to 17.3%, and reduced 1,564 liters of petrol. Carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced by 3.4tones, and it will significantly help in the improvement of air quality in Taichung City.