英文摘要 |
The project provides counseling services of noise control technology by telephone, manufactures the propaganda brochure of noise control technology for construction engineering and entertainment premises, maintain and update the noise control propaganda website and the noise control propaganda film. According to the property of the work, the project content can be divided into three parts: construction engineering noise control, entertainment premises noise control, traffic and transportation noise control, now is described as follows.
For construction engineering noise control, we aim at the top fifty construction sites monitored by Taipei City and the urban renewal sites, to inspect the anti-noise facilities and advocacy noise control concepts up to two hundred two times. Secondary, we carried on the construction noise control technology seminar on Auguest, complete four construction noises improve discussion forums in April, July, October and Nonember, to strengthen the advocacy noise control and supervise the construction team to execute them.
For entertainment premises noise control, we aim at the entertainment premises which have been repeatedly denounced petition or been ticketed by TDEP cause of the noise pollution case, to invite the noise control experts to on-site counseling and provide suggestions for improvement noise control 20 cases before the end of November. Secondary, we carried on the entertainment premises noise control technology seminar on October, complete two noises improve discussion forums in July and September, and handle the forum for control area, peaceful broken, notice premises. We may expect to strengthen the advocacy noise control concepts, and to provide the information of noise regulations, control technologies and actual improvement cases.
For traffic and transportation noise control, we already complete 5 points of rail transportation system noise monitoring, 18 points of road traffic system noise monitoring, assistance inspecting 10 projects of the traffic noise improvement/subsidy plan. Secondary, we carried on traffic noise advocacy briefing seminar and traffic noise improved review forum for the authorities of traffic and transportation.
Noise is one of the serious pollution problems in highly developed urban area, so Taipei City Government takes the noise problem as the priority improvement project and keeps tracking control, and TDEP will keep through: strengthen the advocacy noise control concept, for seminars, for discussion forums, provide a viable control technology, face to face communication… etc., to enhance the quality of the environment where citizens are living