

中文摘要 本計畫完成項目,分為(1)提升廢棄物越境轉移管理落實及執行因應;(2)境外勘察輸出廢棄物處理情形;(3)巴塞爾公約及廢棄物越境轉移相關國際會議參與等三部分。各項工作之成果簡述如后: (一)提升廢棄物越境轉移管理落實及執行因應 1.依據現行廢棄物清理法規定,配合實務管理需求,完成廢棄物輸入輸出過境轉口管理辦法部分條文修正草案,並於101年9月25日召開公聽研商會廣徵各界意見後修正,並完成研擬廢棄物輸入輸出許可審查作業要點修正草案。已配合資源循環利用法草案內容,協助提供廢棄資源輸出入條文說明資料。管理辦法及審查作業要點完成修正通過後,將能使廢棄物輸出入管理機制更為完畢。 2.依據廢棄物輸入輸出過境轉口管理辦法及廢棄物輸入輸出許可審查作業要點,已協助環保署審查44件有害廢棄物輸出申請案,並彙整新增缺失,以提供後續執行參考。 3.依據有害廢棄物實際輸出種類,已完成14項輸出入有害廢棄物代碼與海關稅則比對(草案),此工作項目將可統一輸出入有害廢棄物之海關稅則,以利輸出入審查作業之進行。 4.配合計畫,針對國內外法規、廢棄物輸出入管制判定參考手冊(英文版)及巴塞爾公約簡介等,共計完成21次巴塞爾公約資訊網站維護更新,以提供關心巴塞爾公約及廢棄物輸出入管制之使用者參考。 (二)境外勘察輸出廢棄物處理情形 1.已於101年8月5日至8月11日由四位專家,完成勘察中國5家處理機構及拜訪8個地方環保單位。 2.完成彙整處理機構之廢棄物處理方式、年處理量與來源國分布情形、操作營運記錄情形、污染防治(制)設備設置及操作情形、二次污染防治情形、過去三年實際處理我國輸出至該機構之廢棄物種類與數量。 3.已完成我國有害廢棄物輸出現況與輸出許可量分析、與歷年境外接受國勘察成果摘要分析,包含90年度以來境外接受國處理情形綜合比較,並針對中國管理法規與許可文件蒐集、現行管理方式進行評析。 4.透過前述工作項目之執行,將能有效瞭解及監督輸出處理廢棄物之妥善處理情形。 (三)巴塞爾公約及廢棄物越境轉移相關國際會議參與 1.巴塞爾公約夥伴計畫參與: (1)完成電腦設備夥伴計畫(PACE)資料更新、舊電腦設備修復再使用及廢電腦設備再利用技術指引中文摘譯。為利後續應用,依環保署權責分工,提供廢管處及基管會等相關單位運用。 (2)完成一人次參與巴塞爾公約第8次開放式工作組會議(瑞士日內瓦,9月25-28日):電子廢棄物仍受全球矚目,我國經驗確實值得分享。而本計畫也透過延長生產者責任(EPR)相關計畫之執行,協助環保署於國際會議中適時擴散我國成果。 2.完成今年度亞太地區廢棄物管理相關國際會議資料之蒐集、說明;透過本計畫團隊與國內相關專家學者與日本環境省智庫單位-國立環境研究所(National Institute for Environmental Studies, NIES)的積極聯繫、交流,促成我國代表得以參加亞洲國家循環資材的利用及其環境安全品質國際研討會(日本仙台,10月25-26日),除可瞭解各國於廢棄資源再利用的情形,並藉機展現我國努力成果。
中文關鍵字 巴塞爾公約;廢棄物輸出入管理法規;有害廢棄物


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-H102-02-233 經費年度 101 計畫經費 4700 千元
專案開始日期 2012/01/05 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 曹美慧
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 姚文惠 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 廢棄物越境轉移整體管理檢討計畫-公開版.pdf 19MB

Overal Review of Waste Transboundary Movement Management in Taiwan

英文摘要 The results of this project include: (1) the improvement of implementation of wastes transboundary management, (2) overseas inspection of export wastes processing, and (3) the participation of conventions related to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal. 1.The improvement of implementation of wastes transboundary management (1)Based on the stipulations of the Wastes Disposal Act and practical needs the draft revision of the clauses of the wastes import/export transboundary stipulations were completed. A public hearing was held on September 25, 2012 to consult with various concerned parties. Information regarding the waste resources import/export clauses is provided to assist the completion of the cyclical resources use act. The wastes import/export management program will be more serviceable as the management instrument and review guidelines are revised and implemented. (2)Forty-four import/export hazardous wastes codes and custom applications have been reviewed based on the wastes import/export transboundary stipulations and wastes import/export permit review guidelines. Suggested revisions are provided for review to improve the wastes management operations. (3)In accordance with the export categories of hazardous wastes, the preliminary comparison between the import/export hazardous wastes codes and the custom tariff is completed for fourteen categories. The result will be useful in unifying the custom tariff of import/export hazardous wastes for reviewing process. (4)The web site of Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous wastes and their Disposal was update regarding related laws and acts, the wastes import/export control reference handbook, and the introduction of the Basel Convention. The web information is provided for users who are concerned with the Convention and those who use the information for wastes import/export management. 2.Overseas inspection of export wastes processing (1)There are five processing plants and eight municipal environmental agencies visited by four experts from August 5, 2012 to August 11, 2012. (2)Tasks were completed in collecting data on waste processing operations, annual processing capacity and import sources, operation records, operation of pollution prevention facilities, prevention of secondary pollution, and the categories and amounts of waste export from Taiwan in the past three years. (3)The analysis of domestic hazardous wastes export status and volumes was completed. The analysis report of inspecting waste export countries was also completed, including the comprehensive comparison of the processing status of export countries since 2001. The regulations and permit documents of China were collected, and the management methods were evaluated and analyzed. (4)The export waste processing status will be better understood and monitored as the aforementioned tasks are completed. 3.The participation of international conference of Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous wastes and their Disposal (1)The participation of Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous wastes and their Disposal partnership program a.The PACE data was updated, and the Chinese version of the used computer recovery and reuse technical guide was summarized and provided to the EPA’s waste management department and the Recycling Fund Management Board. b.The open work group meeting of Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous wastes and their Disposal was participated to share the Taiwan experience. The EPR project also assisted the EPA in disseminating the Taiwan experience in international conference. (2)The data of the asia-pacific region waste management international conference were collected. With the assistance of NIES the Taiwan representatives were able to participate in the Asian countries circular material use and the environmental safety and quality international symposium held in Sendai, Japan from October 25 to 26, 2012. The purpose was to understand the waste resource reuse in other Asian countries and to present the Taiwan experience.
英文關鍵字 Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous wastes and their Disposal(BC);Management Regulations for Waste Export and Import;Hazardous waste