

中文摘要 因應全球暖化所帶來的氣候變遷及有關的環境衝擊,這是全民所必須面對的新挑戰,而最根本的解決方法,即是同心協力、積極落實各項節能減碳行動方案,以建立低碳永續的生活圈。為此,行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)規劃並推動於10年內建構「低碳社區」、「低碳城市」及「低碳生活圈」的具體目標及時程,短期將由規模較小的社區開始做起,逐步推動建構低碳示範社區,中期則由低碳社區逐步成長而形成低碳城市,長期至民國109年,由低碳城市逐步擴大形成北、中、南、東四個低碳永續生活圈。本計畫即在此行動目標下,協助東部及離島地區(以下簡稱東部地區)建立之低碳永續生活圈。 本計畫現均依預定進度執行所有計畫預定事項,各項工作達成進度彙整如表1所示。本報告將各章節成果摘要彙整如下: ㄧ、低碳永續東部生活圈十項運作機能技術與資訊諮詢小組 依低碳永續東部生活圈運作機能為生態綠化、建築節能、設備節能、再生能源、綠色運輸、資源循環、低碳生活、防救災與調適、法律與經濟財稅工具及社會行為科學與評比工具等共十項,其運作組織架構分別為1位總召集人、3位副總召集人、10位運作機能小組召集人及各項運作機能技術與資訊諮詢小組成員,總共有118位擔任本計畫技術與資訊諮詢委員。 二、規劃低碳永續東部生活圈十項運作機能推動計畫 本計畫以東部地區所提出低碳城市規劃書作為基礎,再與三次小組會議及中央小組分別召開44次不等低碳永續相關會議,數次會議中討論所得之結論,彙整出既能代表東部地區特性亦符合低碳永續家園之技術,研擬出行動項目與評比內容。 三、撰寫低碳永續東部生活圈十項運作機能推動方案計畫書 蒐集國內外生態綠化、建築節能、設備節能、再生能源、綠色運輸、資源循環、低碳生活、防救災與調適、法律與經濟財稅工具及社會行為科學與評比工具等十項機能成功案例 ,經由案例問題分析及政策分析,決定實施策略並訂定出低碳永續東部生活圈各項運作機能未來行動項目。針對行動項目進行討論,探討其項目之內容,藉以建造低碳東部生活圈。 四、管考執行與評比機制中管考及評比之項目與評定方法及綜評方法 本計畫以東部地區特性為主,參照國內相關評比制度,設計出適合東部地區評比制度,制度中劃定鄉鎮市、村里欲達到低碳永續家園所需達成的指標項目,並規定必選及自選項目。以不同分數作為分級區別,以「銅級」、「銀級」、「金級」三類作為分級代表,在依分數的高低作為分級標準。 經召開三次小組會議討論後,生態綠化之主要推動策略為五項主要項目行動方案,分別為生態綠化教育與宣導、樹木與林地管理、提升綠化量、生物多樣性及棲地保護計畫;建築節能之主要推動策略為四項主要項目行動方案,分別為建築節能教育與宣導、綠建築相關標章認證、建築節能亮點計畫及其他建築節能相關行動;設備節能之主要推動策略為四項主要項目行動方案,分別為節能能源教育與宣導、路燈照明節能計畫、使用高效率燈具及家電節能計畫;再生能源之主要推動策略為七項主要項目行動方案,分別為再生能源教育與宣導、風力發電推動計畫、太陽能光電熱系統推動計畫、生質能利用推動計畫、小型水力發電推動計畫、地熱發電推動計畫及海洋能利用;綠色運輸之主要推動策略為七項主項目行動方案,分別為綠色運輸教育與宣導、自行車周邊服務系統規劃與建立、新能源車推廣系統計畫、大眾運輸系統(公車、社區巴士等)、推行汽車共乘平台、食物哩程減少計畫及交通運輸資訊友善環境;資源循環之主要推動策略為十三項主項目行動方案,分別為資源循環教育與宣導、巨大廢棄物再生利用、農業廢棄物回收再利用、建築廢棄物再生利用計畫、使用省水器材、污水循環再利用計畫、舊建物保存再利用計畫、資源化物質分享平台、廢容器回收再生及再利用計畫、廚餘再利用系統、堆肥資源化、雨水回收再利用(水撲滿等設施)及推動環境資源循環友善農場計畫;低碳生活之主要推動策略為十項主要項目行動方案,分別為低碳生活教育與宣導、低碳旅遊推廣計畫、低碳活動推廣計畫、綠色旅店推廣計畫、低碳飲食推廣計畫、施行假日農夫或綠色市集、自給農園或市民農園、綠色商店推廣計畫、推動綠色採購計畫及推廣低碳活動認證;防救災與調適之主要推動策略為四項主要項目行動方案,分別為防救災教育與宣導、防救災資源檢備及維護、防救災組織強化及氣候變遷下地區災害潛勢調查(含地方環境脆弱度調查與評估);法律與經濟財稅工具之主要推動策略為六項主要項目行動方案,分別為在地綠色經濟發展計畫、制定社區低碳公約或法規、低碳融資申請制度、鼓勵企業綠色認養計畫、鼓勵企業綠色贊助計畫及獎勵綠色投資計畫;社會行為科學與評比工具之主要推動策略為七項主要項目行動方案,分別為建立低碳永續發展計畫、低碳永續環境教育推廣計畫、建立低碳綠色團隊、低碳永續志工培訓計畫、辦理低碳永續相關活動、社區參與率及碳足跡估算計畫等。行動方案皆規劃亮點示範計畫進行推廣,以增加行動方案之普及率及成效,並且規劃行動方案之細項部分,針對行動方案為主體進行評比指標項目之擬定,而評比指標之評分標準將依縣市、鄉鎮市及村里層級之不同進行調整,本計畫團隊經小組會議討論後,低碳永續家園東部生活圈之評等認證行動項目共有67項,彙整出評等認證行動項目如表2所示。 五、低碳永續東部生活圈技術資訊系統內容架構與建置及維護資訊 低碳永續東部生活圈技術資訊交流平台,以GOOGLE協作平台方式建構各項運作機能技術資訊系統,將中央政府、地方政府及相關單位所發布最新活動或辦法、相關補助、行動項目與評比工具、各次小組會議相關會議資料及東部及離島地區的低碳相關計畫書以及各運作機能之重要課題與解決方案(含技術、經濟、財稅、法律與社會工具運用與研發)等各項相關訊息公布於網頁中,會不定期更新,讓民眾能快速知悉政府最新低碳相關資訊。 六、辦理低碳永續東部生活圈推動方案研討會 本計畫舉辦四場次,分別與宜蘭社區大學、羅東社區大學、花蓮縣社區大學、臺東縣南島社區大學合作舉辦,邀請東部地區各縣市相關機關、村里長、社區發展協會及NGO等人士一同參與,研討會目標參與人員合計為200人以上,由本計畫報告東部生活圈各項行動計畫及執行方式,並對未來規劃作個說明且進行意見交流及討論,透過此次研討會說明分享使與會來賓更加了解「低碳永續家園」其執行目的與未來發展,提升各區打造「低碳永續家園」之參與度,亦可由與會來賓的意見反饋將已規劃的各行動項目執行方式逐步修正更適用於地方或社區實際推動,更臻完善。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 101 計畫經費 9800 千元
專案開始日期 2012/01/02 專案結束日期 2012/10/31 專案主持人 李元陞
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 林明賢 執行單位 國立宜蘭大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 低碳永續東部生活圈十項方案課題規劃與專案計畫.rar 54MB
英文摘要 Responding to climate change and associated environmental impacts that global warming has brought is a new challenge the nationals must be faced with. The most fundamental solution is to build low-carbon and sustainable local living zones through a variety of energy saving and carbon reduction action plans that are cooperatively and actively completed. So, the central Environment Protection Administration’s specific policy made up of three term-based plans that are “Low-carbon Communities,” “Low-carbon Cities” and “Low-Carbon Local Living Zones”, respectively, established in a short-term, middle term and long term for the next decade. The short-term plan firstly targets small communities and then some policy model low-carbon communities will be gradually seen in the end of this stage. The growing number of low-carbon communities will comprise low-carbon cities in the mid-term goal. The long-term plan is expected to realize in 2020 that low-carbon cities will be extended to their adjoining regions and so, four low-carbon and sustainable local living zones respectively built in the northern, central, southern and eastern Taiwan. This project is a part of the central administration’s policy, aiming to provide assistance in establishment of low-carbon and sustainable local living zones in the eastern Taiwan and offshore islands. Currently, all the planned jobs are done by the work schedule of this project and the achieved degree of progress of each job is all shown in Table 1. The principal conclusions of each section are summarized as follows: I. Advisory Group on Techniques and Information about Ten Functions to Activate the Low-carbon and Sustainable Local Living Zones in the Eastern Taiwan Ten functions to activate the low-carbon and sustainable local living zones in the eastern Taiwan are ecological vegetation, energy-saving architectures, energy-saving equipment and appliances, recyclable energy, green transportation, recyclable and reusable resources, low-carbon daily life, natural disasters prevention rescue and adaptation, policy, economic and tax measures, and social behavior science and evaluation tools. This group comprises 118 advisory members with 1 chairperson, 3 vice chairpersons, 10 work group conveners, and others being divided into each advisory work group on techniques and information about these functions. II. About How the Executive Plan Is Made for Ten Functions to Activate the Low-carbon and Sustainable Local Living Zones in the Eastern Taiwan This executive plan is based on the proposal of low-carbon city planning on the eastern Taiwan. Besides, it is integrated of some conclusions from several of 3 work group meetings and 44 groups meetings on low-carbon economy and sustainability. This synthetic plan presents that select techniques specific to the eastern Taiwan are in consistent with the rule of low-carbon and sustainable homeland and thus the action plans and evaluation indices are created on the basis of it. III. About How the Proposal Is Composed for Ten Functions to Activate the Low-carbon and Sustainable Local Living Zones in the Eastern Taiwan This proposal cites a few successful cases in ecological vegetation, energy-saving architectures, energy-saving equipment and appliances, recyclable energy, green transportation, recyclable and reusable resources, low-carbon daily life, natural disasters prevention rescue and adaptation, policy, economic and tax measures, and social behavior science and evaluation tools. Then, the executive strategy and action plans are decided by case study and policy analysis about each function to activate the low-carbon and sustainable local living zone in the eastern Taiwan. A discussion of not only the name of each action plan but also their substantive contents is made to build a low-carbon local living zone in the eastern Taiwan. IV. Execution of Evaluation and Evaluation in Evaluation System, and Evaluation Indices, Method and Mixed Evaluation Local characteristics of the eastern Taiwan are the main framework of this plan. Domestic evaluation standards in the related fields are citied to build an evaluation system that is fit for local characteristics of the eastern Taiwan. The evaluation system comprising required and elective indices provides for the standards to build low-carbon and sustainable homelands that each county township, city, village or community administration must meet. Moreover, all the local administrations will be divided into three classes, “Bronze,” “Silver” or “Gold” based on good or bad marks they receive. In wake of three work group meetings, the final executive strategy of ecologic vegetation comprises five action plans—Ecologic Vegetation Education & Promotion, Tree & Woodland Management, to Increase Vegetation, and Bio-diversity and Habitat Protection Plan; The final executive strategy of energy-saving architectures comprises five action plans—Energy-saving Houses Education & Promotion, Green Building Labels Acquisition & Authentication, Core Energy-saving Architectures Plan and Such Energy-saving Action Plans for Architectures; The final executive strategy of energy-saving equipment and appliances comprises four action plans—Clean Energy Education & Promotion, Energy-saving Street Lamps Plan, and High-efficiency Lighting Fixtures and Energy-saving Electric Appliances Plan; The final executive strategy of recyclable energy comprises seven action plans—Recyclable Energy Education & Promotion, Wind Power Promotion Plan, Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Heating Promotion Plan, Bio-energy Use Promotion Plan, Small Hydroelectric Power Generator Promotion Plan, Geothermal Power Promotion Plan and Ocean Energy Use; The final executive strategy of green transportation comprises seven action plans—Green Transportation Education & Promotion, Bike Riders Service System Planning & Establishment, New Energy Vehicle System Promotion Plan, Mass Transportation System (mainly buses and community shuttle buses,) Car Pooling Platform Promotion, Food Mileage Reduction Plan and User-friendly Transportation Information System; The final executive strategy of recyclable and reusable resources comprises fourteen action plans—Recyclable & Reusable Resources Education & Promotion, Recycling & Reuse of Large Wastes, Recycling & Reuse of Agricultural Waste, Plan for Recycling & Reuse of Architectural Waster, Use of Water Saving Facilities, Plan for Recycling & Reuse of Waste Water, Plan for Ancient Buildings Preservation & Reuse, Pre-owned Products Sharing Platform, Plan for Recycling & Reuse of Pre-owned Clothes, Plan for Recycling & Reuse of Waste Containers, Kitchen Waster Reuse System, to Make Compost a Resource, Rain Recycling & Reuse (such rain storage facilities as water piggy bank) and Plan for Promoting Environment-friendly Farm with Use of Recycling Environmental Resources; The final executive strategy of low-carbon daily life comprises ten action plans—Low-carbon Daily Life Education & Promotion, Low-carbon Travel Promotion Plan, Low-carbon Activities Promotion Plan, Green Accommodation Promotion Plan, Low-carbon Diet Promotion Plan, Plan for Promoting Holiday Farmers or Green Marketplace, and Self-supporting or City Citizen Farms, Green Shop Promotion Plan, Green Purchase Promotion Plan and Promotion of Low-carbon Activities Authentication; The final executive strategy of disaster prevention rescue and adaptation comprises four action plans—Disaster Prevention & Rescue Education & Promotion, Disaster Prevention & Rescue Resources Check & Maintenance, Reorganization of Disaster Prevention & Rescue Departments and Investigation of Disaster-prone Areas Due to Climate Change (including a survey of the affected districts and evaluation of environmental vulnerability); The final executive strategy of policy, economic and tax measures comprises six action plans—Plan for Developing Local Green Economy, Establishment of Carbon Emission Regulations or Rules for Communities, Low-carbon Financing Application System, Environment-friendly Support Plan for Business, Green Sponsorship Plan for Business and Plan for Encouragement of Investment in Green Industry; The final executive strategy of social behavior science and evaluation tools comprises seven action plans—Low-carbon & Sustainable Development Plan, Plan for Promoting Environmental Education in Low-carbon and Sustainability Issues, Organization of Green & Low-carbon Team, Volunteers Training Program for Low-carbon and Sustainability Issues, Organization of Low-carbon Activities for Sustainable Environment, Community Participation Percentage and Carbon Footprint Calculation Plan. For policy promotion and additionally, to popularize the action plans and raise their performance, every action will have its demonstrative project. On the other hand, all the evaluation indicators and even, the sub-indicators are established closely based upon those action plans. Moreover, the level of an administrative body will be considered for rating. After the group meeting, as shown at Table 2, 68 directives requiring rating and accreditation for building a low-carbon and sustainable homeland in the eastern Taiwan has been decided. V. Establishment & Maintenance: the Framework of Technical Information System for Building a Low-carbon and Sustainable Local Living Zone in the Eastern Taiwan The platform is built on Google Sites for exchanging all the technical information about ten action plans to build a low-carbon and sustainable local living zone in the eastern Taiwan. The webpages will display such information, announced by the central or local governments and other authorities concerned, of latest events and rules, subsidies, tasks, evaluation tools, or such minutes of each work group’s meetings, project for reducing carbon emission in the eastern Taiwan and offshore islands, main theme of those action plans and their answers (covering research, development and application of technical, economic, financial and tax, legal, and social instruments. The platform will receive all such information which is not regularly updated. The official updates about the low-carbon action plans will be known immediately. VI. The Conferences for Promoting the Project In this project, the invitations of the planned four conferences, under respective cooperation with I-lan Community University, Luodong Community University Hualien Community University and South Island Community College, will be addressed to the selected target of more than estimated 200 participants in each including community/village heads, public department officials and community development association or NGO members. In these conferences, all the action plans, ways to execute them and further planning of the project will be briefed and besides, exchange of ideas and discussions expected. The purposes are to raise the participants’ understanding of the goal and prospect of “Low-carbon & Sustainable Homeland.” With feedbacks from those participants, there may be an incremental improvement to each action plan, as well as the little improved project will be made better, more complete and much closer to the needs of local people or community practices.