

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程自100 年6 月24 日執行至100 年12 月20 日止,已完成合 約規定之所有工作量,茲就主要執行成果摘要說明如下: (一) 本計畫針對「固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」規 範行業別進行現場查核及輔導作業。除於計畫實施2 個月內完成全面性第一 次清查,並規劃實施分級巡查,列管對象共計217 家,分級實施管辦符合率 99.0%較分級前之91.6%明顯提升,顯示針對污染性高場家頻繁集中管制使部 分廠家能更確切改善,較全面性一次清查更具效力。 (二) 位於新市收費站之車輛辨識砂石車貨箱覆蓋(防塵布與防塵網),計畫執行 累計達28,407 輛次,平均每月約為2,840 輛次,於9~11 月份共查獲25 輛有 疑似違反過濾防塵布破損及未將防塵布正確下拉15 公分等有逸散污染之 虞,顯示更新監測地點執行污染防制之砂石車確實有其必要性。 (三) 計畫期間進行20 點次機動性TSP(周界)檢測皆符合法規規定標準進行採樣, 結果皆符合標準(500μg/Nm3)。然其中測值較為偏高之混凝土拌合程序及瀝青 混凝土製造程序作業皆屬一級列管對象,除責請相關業者加強其防制設施之 使用,未來應提高巡查頻率以加強管制。 (四) 柴油車採油作業共計抽測12 件,皆以攔車方式進行,其中硫含量成分檢測運 輸車輛(砂石車、水泥槽車)10 件及芳香烴含量成分檢測2 件皆符合法規標 準值,與近年來非法油品查獲次數明顯下降情形相同。 (五) 針對符合「固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」規範 行業別辦理說明會2 場次。透過說明會之辦理讓業者了解在縣市合併後之管 理辦法執行重點與一致性,以提升管制成效。 (六) 安平港現況資料更新發現,其100 年1-9 月貨物總裝卸量僅約862 千噸,較 去年同期約939 千噸,減少約77 千噸,衰退達8.2%,安平港100 年1-9 月 主要貨物為雜貨及管道貨,目前已無砂石卸載狀況。此外,近六年船舶進出 艘次及貨物裝卸量統計資料顯示100 年統計量較99 年同期進船量減少約 18.9%,出船量意減少19.0%。 (七) 依環保署公害陳情系統篩選出99 年全年度及100 年1-5 月重大陳情案件前 20 大之名單進行定點巡邏管制對象巡查240 件次。20 家列管名單中至6 月到 11 月陳情件數下降者為14 家,下降百分比達70%。顯示透過每月積極巡查 及專案稽查管制有助於督促業者加強改善污染防制措施。 (八) 境內異味污染陳情案件官能測定18 件煙道採樣,6 件周界採樣,共計1 件次 不符合法規標準,針對該場不合格部分局端進行告發處分,並限期改善。 (九) 針對轄內連中股份有限公司、通用手套國際股份有限公司、達邦蛋白、榮星 電線工業股份有限公司、通寶國際有限公司等五家屢遭陳情的污染源進行改 善輔導作業,除要求業者於輔導後30 日內提出改善計畫,並建議環保局下年 度持續追蹤改善情形。 (十) 不明異味污染區塊3D 光學雷達系統掃描顯示連續監測確實能顯示出工廠 污染排放情形,並透過定性定量分析了解異味或污染排放成份,建議未來可 針對重大陳情對象長期連續監測,並搭配稽查人員即時稽查採樣,提高管制 效率。 (十一)餐飲陳情污染改善輔導邀請中山大學環工系周教授明顯進行6 家輔導作 業,輔導中發現部分業者防制設備雖已安裝,但其裝設順序未正確或未正常 操作維護而無法達其效率之情形。另外也發現本年度餐飲業本身自願性輔導 者較往年有明顯增加之情形。 (十二) 本計畫配合各項管制政策透過發佈相關重要環保資訊,以提高及有效宣 導環保資訊與政令之工作包括新聞稿6 則、動畫小遊戲、塗鴉及賀卡均能掌 握時事及節令,並達到宣導成效。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 6120 千元
專案開始日期 2011/06/24 專案結束日期 2011/12/20 專案主持人 邱奕誠
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳立偉 執行單位 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 理虹100陳情期末.rar 96MB
英文摘要 The project began on June 24, 2011 and ended on December 20, 2011. The execution achievements and schedule met the contract requirements. The related achievements are as follow: (1) To inspect the industry that has been specified by management regulations for fugitive particulate emissions on-site and to assist to improve. The first comprehensive inventory completed within two months. We classified 217 factories which listed in management for inspection. The inspection results show concentration control can force high pollution manufacturers truly improvements. (2) The implementation of the check of plastic dust sheet or dust net on dump trucks’ container with automatic vehicle identification system in Xinshi toll station were 28,407 units, and the average is 2,840 units per month. The results show it is necessary to switch dump trucks monitor station to prevent fugitive pollution. (3) The results of the total suspended particulate in ambient air times are in compliance with standards (500μg/Nm3). But the measurement values of concrete mix process are higher than standards. Because concrete mix process and asphalt concrete producing process are first degree management objects, suggestions to inspect the related industry frequently and request to improve the pollution control equipments. (4) Taking twelve diesel fuel samplings by blocking vehicles. The results of component testing of sulfur (ten samplings from dump trucks and cement mixers) and aromatic hydrocarbons (two samplings) are in compliance with standards of regulations. As in recent years the cases of discovered illegal oils are decreasing. (5) Held two workshops for related industry which corresponds with management regulations for stationary sources of air pollution. The purpose is to help related industry have a better understanding of prioritization and consistent after the county and city merger. (6) The updated data of An-ping port showed the total handling volume during January to September in 2011 were about 862 thousand tons. As compared to the same period in 2010, the volume decreased by approximately 77 thousand tons and decline reached 8.2 percent. The main cargoes are general merchandise and pipe line products, and are no longer sand and gravel. Furthermore, as compared to the same period in 2010, the amount of inbound ships decline reached 18.9 percent and outbound ships decline reached 19.0 percent. (7) 20 cases were selected from the EPA's "On-line Public Nuisance Petition System" in 2010 and January-May 2011, and fixed patrols were implemented 240 times. The number of petitions decreased by 70 percent from June to November. The results of implement show active check and inspection projects are conducive to push industry to improve pollution control equipments. (8) For the denounced cases of odors pollution took 18 samplings and six ambient air samplings. One case exceeded the standard value by olfactometer test. The result denounced to authorities and notified manufacturer to make improvements within a limited time period. (9) To help five manufacturers, including Pyrotec Enterprise Co., Ltd., General Gloves Corp., DaBomb Protein Corp., Jung Shing Wire and Tung Pao Feed International Co., Ltd., which were denounced again and again to reduce pollution. To request them to propose improvements and suggest EPB to keep track of improvements. (10) It is effective that three-dimensional radar system can show pollution emissions, and the qualitative and quantitative analysis can trace elements of odours and pollutants. We suggest to monitor continuously over long periods of time and environmental inspectors take real-time samplings. (11) To invite Professor Ming-Shean Chou to help six caterings which were denounced to reduce odours pollution. Some caterings have the pollution control equipments because the install order or operation, and maintenance is incorrect, the equipments have no effect on pollution. In the current year, catering industry willing to accept guidance has increased significantly than previous years. (12) To improve public awareness of environmental protection and laws published related information including six presses, flash games, color graffiti and e-cards with the festival theme and current events.