

中文摘要 本計畫分為三大部分,年度完成的重點工作如下: 完成蒐集歐盟、歐洲國家、美國及亞洲地區環境用藥相關管理規定之評析;本年度完成收集環境用藥管理資訊共計11個國家,包含管理法規、管理背景、架構及許可管理制度等資料,同時進行各國資料與我國管理規範評析比較,如:禁用有效成分、申請規費、地理環境等,針對國際法規完成10項制度建議,重點建議:研擬陶斯松逐步減量政策、導入低風險審理制度、建立類似英國「暴露事件通報」等。 辦理環境用藥安全使用及病媒防治宣導與安全使用網站資料更新及維護;在宣導面完成製作數位學習10個單元共計100分鐘宣導片、30秒廣告及燈箱廣告10幅,網站維護部分進行7個節慶版頭置換,環境用藥宣導網站累計至101年12月28日止,瀏覽人次約34,000人。 辦理環境用藥應用及病媒防治技術研討會;完成辦理2012年環境用藥應用及病媒防治技術研討會,與會專家學者、環境用藥業者與民眾共計123人次參與,並於會後辦理一場次圓桌會議,提出制度改善建議報告。
中文關鍵字 環境用藥;宣導;環境用藥及病媒防治技術研討會


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-J102-02-201 經費年度 101 計畫經費 2980 千元
專案開始日期 2012/03/12 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 簡瀅珊
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 蔡秋美 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 環境用藥及病媒防治管理執行計畫.pdf 10MB
英文摘要 The project can be divided into three parts, and the following shows the annual achievements: The regulations of environmental agents control in EU, European countries, American, and Asia areas have been collected and accessed. The information on environmental agents control has been collected from 11 countries, including control regulations, control background, frame, and permission control regulations. Meanwhile, the comparison and assessment between other countries and domestic control regulations have been done, including no active ingredient, application fees, and geographical environment. Additionally, focusing on the international laws, 10 suggestions on the regulations have been proposed, mainly including the study on the policy of gradual decreasing using of the Chlorpyrifos, the implementation on low-risk audit regulations, the establishment of the reporting similar to the Exposure Event Report in UK. The safety use on environmental agents and the promotion on disease prevention have been done, and the safety use of website information has been updated and maintained. On the promotion aspect, 10 units of digital learning have been created, including 100 minutes promotion clips, 30 seconds advertisements, and 10 light box advertising. On the website maintenance, 7 holiday banner versions have been changed accordingly, and about 34,000 browsing people have visited until November 29, 2012. The conference on the application of environmental agents and disease prevention has been held in 2012. There are 123 participants in the conference, including experts, scholars, environmental agent enterprises, and the public. In addition, a post-conference round table discussion was held, providing suggestions on regulation improvement.
英文關鍵字 Environmental agent;publicity,Environmental agents and Pest Control Technology workshop