

中文摘要 鑒於京都議定書有效期限即將在2012年屆滿,聯合國氣候變化綱要公約(UNFCCC)締約方會議(COP)在熱烈討論後京都時期減量目標與責任分配之同時,各國亦體認到溫室氣體可量測、可報告與可查證(measurable, reportable and verifiable, MRV)為增進國際互信,強化國際合作的基礎。因此,如何建立國際溫室氣體MRV,遂成為COP近年來討論的焦點。聯合國氣候變化綱要公約第17屆締約國會議於2011年12月落幕,會中針對國家適當減緩行動(Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions, NAMAs)登錄平台、附件一國家雙年報、非附件一國家雙年報、國際審查與評估(International Assessment and Review, IAR)及國際諮詢和分析(International Consultation and Analysis, ICA),分別建立指引草案,成為未來減緩行動的加強措施。 行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)基於國家溫室氣體政策之主導立場,為建構我國溫室氣體認證及查驗管理機制,推動良好品質之溫室氣體盤查與查證作業,積極研擬國內認證與查驗管理之務實作法,不僅持續掌握聯合國及歐美等國際主要溫室氣體方案之具體作法,更透過耗能產業溫室氣體盤查與查證試行計畫,以及減量專案確證等試行計畫之推動,累積豐富實務經驗以掌握國內產業之執行現況;復因應各界對盤查結果之查驗一致性作法之期待。 本計畫延續2004~2011年度之豐碩執行績效,整合包括溫室氣體盤查登錄制度建構以及溫室氣體認驗證管理機制,致力於推動我國溫室氣體MRV管理制度與國際接軌。將遵循「推動我國溫室氣體可量測、可報告及可查驗之管理制度」計畫甄選須知所規範之目標,於現行研訂之產業溫室氣體盤查、登錄、查驗之本土化制度基礎上,掌握國際溫室氣體認驗證管理機制,工業、能源、住商及運輸部門溫室氣體盤查登錄及排放源帳戶管理作法趨勢,考量我國產業推行條件,持續深化我國溫室氣體管理制度,以支援未來整體國家政策之推行。本計畫今年度之推動目的如下: 一、配合國際可量測、可報告及可查驗發展趨勢,建立我國國家層級溫室氣體排放量化與查驗管理機制。 二、掌握國際城市組織溫室氣體排放量化方法,建立我國縣市層級溫室氣體排放量化管理機制。 三、強化我國產業溫室氣體盤查登錄管理制度,規劃產業溫室氣體排放量申報及管理模式 四、因應我國溫室氣體管理策略,強化我國認查驗管理機制及配套技術工具 五、擴充更新國家溫室氣體登錄平台可量測、可報告及可查驗之管理功能
中文關鍵字 可量測;可報告;可查證


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-FA01-03-A112 經費年度 101 計畫經費 11100 千元
專案開始日期 2012/03/23 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 張進順
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 薛加湧 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-101-FA01-03-A112.pdf 26MB

Promotion of the National Greenhouse Gas Management Scheme for Measurement, Reporting and Verificati

英文摘要 On December 31, 2012, the Kyoto Protocol’s first commitment period will expire. While country members at the Conferences of the Parties (COP) of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are aiming emissions reductions targets and the differentiated responsibilities, a sound process that is measurable, reportable and verifiable (MRV) facilitating transparency is essential for building confidence and enhancing trust between countries. Therefore the establishment of MRV system has been one of the main focus on the agenda of past years’ Conferences. Following the closure of COP-17 in December 2011, several development have been agreed upon by the Parties including the registry supporting developing countries’ Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), Parties’ biennial reports on provision of climate finance that will subsequently be subject to a process of International Assessment and Review (IAR) and International Consultations and Analysis (ICA). The Environmental Protection Administration (the EPA) is actively formalizing practical approaches for domestic GHG accreditation and verification management as well as ensuring good GHG accounting and verification processes based on EPA’s main role in the making of the national greenhouse gases (GHG) policy. Such outcomes have been achieved not only through continuous follow-up of international development such as UNFCCC, Europe, U.S. etc., but also accumulating domestic experiences via pilot programs over GHG accounting, verification and emissions reductions project validation on sectors of high energy consumption in order to meet up the expectations from the public and private sectors. The project for Promotion of the National Greenhouse Gas Management Scheme for Measurement, Reporting and Verification (the Project) is an ongoing work on domestic MRV based on earlier studies from 2004 to 2011 including the institution for GHG accounting and GHG accreditation management mechanism. The Project will be meeting the criteria required by the project tenderers guideline set out by the EPA and the current GHG policy direction in mind, taking domestic energy, industrial, residential, commercial and transportation sectors as backdrop, to assess international development including GHG accreditation, accounting and registration account management. The Project will continue to strengthen domestic GHG management involving the following: 1.Establishing national-level GHG accounting and verification mechanism with international development on MRV into consideration; 2.Assessing international GHG accounting approach and establishing domestic management mechanism at city level; 3.Enhancing domestic accounting institution and developing associated GHG emissions reporting and management method for industries; 4.Enhancing domestic accreditation management and developing relevant supporting tools; 5.Expanding GHG registry with the MRV support.
英文關鍵字 Measurable;Reportable;Verifiable