

中文摘要 爲降低臺中市柴油車輛排放黑煙對空氣品質影響,臺中市政府環境保護局持續推動「柴油車動力計排煙檢測及非法油品檢測計畫」,執行柴油車輛排煙檢測、油品管制及相關工作。本計畫以提升檢測及服務品質為本年度執行原則,計畫工作項目包括動力計排煙檢測、路攔排煙檢測、目判高污染車輛以、油品管制等工作、臺中港區之管制、柴油車自主管理及保檢合一等,已完成合約之工作目標。 截至102年1月30日止已完成柴油車動力計全負載排煙檢測8,070輛次、路攔/場站無負載排煙檢測801輛次、路邊攔查篩選3,880輛次、目測判煙通知到檢2,507輛次、柴油車車輛之車用油品篩選6,647輛次、油品檢測樣品數共600件、新增自主管理簽署16家、柴油車自主管理通行證或市公車分級標章3,033張。 今年度創新做法為於臺中港區增設車辨系統5套,篩選臺中港及大甲、后里收費站疑似污染柴油車進行規劃管制,同時建立一、二期車進出台中港區之背景資料及增加納管率。另檢測站於今年重新建立品質管制圖,至今已執行62次品保測試,測試結果均在管制限值內,顯示檢測站系統相當穩定。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 101 計畫經費 1750.00 千元
專案開始日期 2012/03/21 專案結束日期 2013/01/31 專案主持人 胡欣
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 余純旻 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 101期末報告定稿 -全文.pdf 16MB
英文摘要 To reduce the emission of black smoke from diesel vehicles and its influence on air quality, the Taichung City Government Environmental Protection Agency continues to promote" the diesel emissions testing and illegal oil test plan ". To implement the emissions testing on diesel vehicle and oil control. The implement principle for this year for this project is to enhance the detection and service quality. Also include plan such as dynamometer emissions testing, the smoke detection on the side of the road, and to diagnose the high-polluting vehicles, oil control and the control of Taichung Harbor, diesel vehicles’ independent management, also the insurance and examination of the diesel vehicles etc. All work have been completed and the objectives of the contract. There were total of 8,070 vehicles were diesel emissions tested diesel till the 30th January, 2013. It included road bar / station load emissions testing of 801 vehicles. Check on the side of the road of 3,880 vehicles, visual diagnose of 2,507 vehicles were seized, the diesel car vehicle automotive oil filter 6,647 vehicles, oil testing sample of 600, self-management of the signing of 16, 3,033 grading marks were sent to self-management of diesel vehicles and to city buses. This year's innovative approach is to expand License Plate Recognition System at Taichung Harbor. It can check the high-pollution diesel vehicles include Taichung Harbor, Dajia & Houli Tollbooth. At the same time Establishing the Vehicle Information of Taichung Harbor and increaseing the rate of the diesel vehicles controlling. The inspection station also re-establish a quality control chart this year and the implementation is 62 defective warranty testing and. The test results were within the control limits and the inspection station systems were stable.