

中文摘要 本計劃為兩年期計畫,第一年已依約完成建置甲醛、主要揮發性有機污染物物種標準值之工作,並初步建議與健康危害有關的特定真菌菌種及分析技術,且利用5點次巡檢視檢測儀器及公告方法實場採樣結果,初步建立相關標準程序規範。此外,為了解室內環境與個人因子對健康影響,本研究團隊亦於第一年嘗試利用適應負荷模式進行評估。第二年則承續第一年計畫成果,進行各項環境實場採樣,並彙整兩年之結果,提出室內空氣品質標準修訂之依據及巡檢式檢測儀器實場使用規範,以供主管機關施政之參考。 本研究收集近年國內外室內半揮發性有機物研究顯示,鄰苯二甲酸酯類(Phthalate Esters, PAEs)為目前室內濃度(包含地面灰塵、空氣與微粒濃度)與健康風險較高的半揮發性有機物之ㄧ,室內灰塵為重要的蓄積與暴露介質。本研究分析國內20所小學/幼稚園灰塵中PAEs濃度(n=54),其中濃度最高者為DEHP,其次為DNOP,相較於國外研究,其濃度與檢出率均較為突出。室內灰塵PAEs暴露總量上,以DEHP總暴露量最高,主要暴露來自灰塵食入。風險評估結果,校室內灰塵PAEs暴露對兒童及成人無明顯健康危害,但對低齡兒童的健康危害仍不可輕忽。於國內室內空氣中PAEs管理上,建議以建立較完整資料庫為優先,未來必要時再以RfD或TDI進行室內空氣品質標準之建立。 真菌指標評估經彙析國內外室內空氣中微生物相關文獻資料,以及33點次不同類型場所的樣本收集分析後,顯示台灣本土優勢菌種類分佈與國際間相似,且室內外環境中最常見、容易受到室內環境特性影響而易出現濃度累積情形,以及會影響人員健康之真菌屬為Aspergillus spp. 和Penicillium spp., 建議需優先列為往後評估作為標準研擬之目標菌屬。此外,由qPCR技術分析真菌前驅測試結果,顯示與活性培養法的濃度呈正向關係,且部分具有健康風險的麴菌種 (A. versicolor、A. fumigatus、A. flavus、A. niger)亦於環境樣本中被偵測出來。 研究於15個辦公空間中收集88位受試者的健康指標、生物檢體及所處辦公空間的環境品質,並以線性迴歸模式分析其間的關係。分析結果顯示室內環境因子和適應負荷模式與SBS無顯著關係,但室內相對濕度、光照度、TVOC與HCHO和8-OHdG濃度有顯著關係。然因研究收集的樣本數有限,因此,環境因子是否可影響適應負荷模式進而影響SBS的表現,有待未來收集更多樣本數以利探討。 在比對CO、CO2與O3巡檢式檢測儀器和公告方法的實場監測值後,本研究團隊建議僅以NDIR為偵測原理的CO2直讀式儀器可有效監測場所的CO2濃度,但仍需和公告方法比對,以確認不同廠牌的適用性。彙整國內外巡檢式檢測儀器使用規範與查驗制度和實場比對資料,CO、CO2與O3巡檢式檢測儀器使用規範與查驗制度草案以下列內容為主:(1) CO、CO2與O3巡檢式檢測儀器基本性能規範說明,(2)採樣前,CO、CO2與O3巡檢式檢測儀器需完成的校準項目、水準與流程,(3)採樣期間,CO、CO2與O3巡檢式檢測儀器的使用規則,(4)採樣後,CO、CO2與O3巡檢式檢測儀器監測結果的處理流程,(5)查驗項目與流程等五大部份,以提巡檢式檢測儀器監測結果之代表性與應用性。
中文關鍵字 室內空氣品質;揮發性/半揮發性有機污染物;真菌;病態大樓症候群


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-FA11-03-D059 經費年度 101 計畫經費 3300 千元
專案開始日期 2012/02/29 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 蘇慧貞
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 陳樺蓁 執行單位 國立成功大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 計畫成果中英文摘要-簡要.pdf 0MB

Examination of IAQ recommendation levels, investigation of indoor source and establishment of monito

英文摘要 Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) first announced recommendation levels for 10 indoor air quality indexes in 2005. Nevertheless, scientific information has continued to grow and the need to revisit whether the proposed values reflect the local realities in Taiwan or the existing standard method was appropriate in future application has gained concensus. Objectives of this current study include: 1.Analyzing the HCHO levels distribution in different indoor environments in Taiwan, and measuring the levels and species of VOCs in Taiwan to propose revised standards for local application. Moreover, this project will complete the sampling of major semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), and collect references on sources and health outcomes of SVOCs. 2.Preliminary assessment of the characteristics and distributions of fungi species with potential health risk in indoor environments. 3.Develop a preliminary non-invasive measurement of comprehensive biomarkers so that assessment the relationship between indoor environmental factors and health outcomes. 4.Assess the serviceability of real-time instruments in indoor environments, and make the relative standards. The major achievements, findings and recommendations of this study are summarized as following: 1.A comprehensive literature review was performed on the environmental fate and health risk of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), especially for phthalate esters (PAEs), in indoor environments. The major phthalate were DEHP and DNOP with median concentrations of 520 μg/g dust and 135.1 μg/g dust, respectively. Estimated average daily doses of phthalates from ingestion, dermal and inhalation exposures are less than the reference doses (RfD) established by US EPA and tolerable daily intake (TDI) set by EFSA. The difference in exposure estimates between children and adults in this study supports previous reports that children are at greater risk from pollutants that accumulate indoors. A risk based approach for setting PAEs IAQ standards based on RfD and TDI values is recommended. However, to establish a comprehensive indoor PAEs database may be more important than the issue of standard setting at this stage. 2.Our study was found that the genera of Aspergillus spp. and Penicillium spp. were the most common fungi in the indoor environment, and their growth were easily affect by the environmental characteristic factors like house age, building materias, and had significant health concern, so we finally suggested that Aspergillus spp. and Penicillium spp. could be the fungal indexs when the rules draw up in the future. Besides, we established an qPCR analysis methods to detect the concentration of total fungi and species of Aspergillus, and the results showed a positive association with culturable concentration, and the species of Aspergillus like A. versicolor, A. fumigates, A. flavus, A. niger which were related to health concern were also detected in these public environment. 3.Our study measured the health indicators, bio-samples and indoor environmental indexes for 88 subjects in 15 offices. We used linear regression models to examine the effects of environment and individual factors on allostatic load model, SBS (Sick Building Symptoms) and 8-OHdG. Results showed that allostatic load model and SBS were not significantly correlated with environmental indexes, but there were significant correction between temperature, light TVOC and HCHO and 8-OHdG levels. Our study only collected 15 offices, researcher are need to collect more samples to investigate the relationship between environmental indexes and allostatic load and SBS. 4.Data of real-time monitor for CO, CO2 and O3 were compared with standard method, we suggested that only CO2 real-time monitor is more appropriate to measure the levels of CO2 in field, but it still must be assessed the association between real-time monitor and standard method to confirm that whether different kinds of CO2 real-time monitors can be used to measure the levels of CO2 in indoor. Base on the use rules of real-time monitors and the sampling data at 16 fields, the project accomplished a draft document for “The standard testing method for using real-time monitors for CO, CO2 and O3”, and suggested that the contents should include: (1) the information of basic functions of instrument, (2) the items, level and flow path of compartison before sampling, (3) the operational guideline during sampling, (4) the collection and analysis of sampling data, and (5) the items and flow path of checking.
英文關鍵字 Indoor Air Quality;Volatile/Semi-Volatile Oragnic Compounds;Fungi;Sick Building Symptoms;Real-Time Instruments