

中文摘要 為落實「污染土地再利用政策」之推動,使國土永續經營獲得更全面的效益,本計畫解析污染土地之現況,提出國土受污染衍生的關鍵問題,並確立再利用推動目的,進行政策推動之內外在環境分析,據以建置污染土地再利用政策中、長期發展藍圖與執行方案,規劃相關策略,建立污染土地再利用制度架構,並將相關規劃內容作為基本的溝通資訊,藉由不同類型之研商方式,確立政策規劃願景與方向。污染土地再利用行為可分為活化與再開發,本計畫設定以建置再開發行為之執行程序與配套措施為工作主軸,藉由解析國內土地開發之相關法規,提出配合污染土地再開發之跨部會法規整合建議,提出補助、獎勵與融資優惠措施建議,研議污染場址管理方式,並以實作場址之規劃成果,驗證污染土地再利用制度之執行程序。另,本計畫建立了污染土地再利用之資訊平台 (雛型),預期未來可供民眾查詢相關場址管理與開發資訊。綜合前述工作成果,整體計畫為環保署後續推動「污染土地再利用政策」完成了階段性的策略規劃內容。


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-GA101-02-A069 經費年度 101 計畫經費 5780 千元
專案開始日期 2012/02/29 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 林佩雲
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 蔡惠珍 執行單位 財團法人興工程顧問社


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 101年度污染土地再利用政策規劃執行架構驗證與資訊平台建置計畫.pdf 29MB
英文摘要 For the implementation of the contaminated land revitalization policy and land sustainable development, the promotion of contaminated land revitalization was established by analyzing the current situation of the contaminated lands in Taiwan and uncovering potential problems of contaminated lands in this project. The framework of contaminated land revitalization was constructed, and the long-term blueprint and strategy for contaminated land revitalization policy were set up by both internal and external analyses of policy promotion. The project also established the policy’s vision and direction by different types of committees and forum. Contaminated land revitalization behaviors can be divided into activation and redevelopment. This project used the implementation and supporting measures of the redevelopment as the work spindle to resolve domestic regulations relevant to land development and propose the recommendations of subsidies, incentives, financing incentives and integration regulations of various ministries and departments. This project also deliberated management style of contaminated sites, and assessed contaminated land revitalization system for the implementation of the program by using the revitalization plan of a site. In addition, this project hosted a preliminary web site offering contaminated land revitalization information, and the public will be able to search for information in the future. Consolidated results of aforementioned work completed the strategic stage to promote the contaminated land revitalization policy for Taiwan’s EPA.