

中文摘要 本計畫主要目的在於建立國內碳交易制度,以及國際連結,促進國家以成本有效方式達到溫室氣體減量目標。基於此,本計畫工作項目有四:(1)掌握國際碳市場發展趨勢;(2)維護碳交易資訊平台及完備交易法制與規範;(3)建立境外碳權轉回管理機制;(4)建立與國際碳交易機構交流機制。 本計畫已完成工作說明如后:(1)掌握國際碳市場發展趨勢:本計畫已完成全球重要碳市場分析報告,包括世界銀行碳市場報告(2013)、歐盟碳市場報告(2012)、中國大陸碳試點、日本東京都交易制度、西部氣候倡議及RGGI改革方案等,並完成4份完整季報。(2) 維護碳交易資訊平台及完備交易法制與規範:已完成碳交易資訊系統的測試及與國家登錄平台的連結;同時,已釐清碳交易稅務及會計揭示。(3) 建立境外碳權轉回管理機制:已完成管理機制設計,以及CERs註銷程序試行。(4) 建立與國際碳交易機構交流機制:建立與中國大陸碳試點城市與交易所的交流(例如天津碳權交易所),以及國際碳交易機制聯繫管道(例如EEX及ECX等)。 本計畫執行成果如下:(1)在掌握國際碳市場趨勢方面,全球碳市場正快速連結,以擴大碳市場規模以及國際將朝向新與多元彈性機制發展,並激勵開發中國家減碳。(2)在法規建構上,本計畫完成我國現行法規碳交易制度的適用性分析,研提出五種彈性策略,建構減量額度交易管理機制包含平台內部組織人員初步架構、交易內部稽核流程、交易流程與會員參與標準作業流程。(3)在碳交易會制度與賦稅研究上,本計畫根據國際實務經驗配合我國現階段法令規範,釐清相關問題,且研提初步操作建議。(4)在交易平台交易系統建置方面,本計畫已完成第二階段電腦競價撮合交易系統、後檯資料維護系統(BDMS)及與國家登錄平台間資料傳送、接收的入口,且完成第二階段電腦競價撮合交易系統之測試與系統功能及操作。(5)在建立境外碳權轉回管理機制上,本計畫因應UNFCCC CDM登錄平台初級CER自願註銷的最新做法,完成模擬試行,且建立一個簡易並較少行政成本的境外額度轉回的管理機制,並研擬出供環評抵換使用的我國境外溫室氣體減量註銷轉回機制與作業流程,完備此機制管理資訊系統之建構。(6)透過至大陸考察,掌握大陸對CDM發展的最新政策,更廣泛地瞭解中國大陸整體碳權管理架構。在國際交流聯繫方面,藉著參與國際碳博覽會時,與國際著名碳交易機構建立聯繫管道;並直接UNFCC人員會談,釐清與蒐集UNFCCC之CERs自願註銷方法,且把握參與機會,向國際友人包括UNFCCC秘書長等宣揚台灣推動溫室氣體減量作法與經驗及推動碳交易制度的現況。
中文關鍵字 碳交易平台;減量額度;溫室氣體減量


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-FA11-03-A232 經費年度 101 計畫經費 12200 千元
專案開始日期 2012/07/20 專案結束日期 2013/07/19 專案主持人 李堅明
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 邱美璇 執行單位 財團法環境資源研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 102 交易平台計畫Final Report.pdf 18MB

Domestic Carbon Credit Trading Scheme Establishment and Registration Platform Maintenances

英文摘要 The purpose of this project is to help Taiwan achieve its greenhouse gas reduction target cost-effectively through establishing the necessary infrastructure for a domestic emissions trading scheme (ETS), as well as the capacity for international linkage for Taiwan’s ETS in the future, The project entails four main tasks, including: (1) analyze the trends and development of the international carbon markets; (2) maintain the Taiwan GHGs Reduction Credit Information Platform and help establish domestic standards for emission trading; (3) create a management mechanism forinternational offsets ; and (4) developcommunication channels with institutions involved in international carbon trading. In relation to the aforementioned tasks, the project team has carried out the following : (1) analyzed various reports and subjects, such as “Mapping Carbon Pricing Initiatives: Developments and Prospects” (2013) published by the World Bank, “The State of the European Carbon Market in 2012” published by the European Commission, the ETS pilots in China, the Tokyo ETS, the Western Climate Initiative (WCI), and the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), in addition to completing four quarterly reports;(2) connected the Taiwan GHGs Reduction Credit Information Platform with the Taiwan National GHG Registry, and clarified tax and accounting issues related to carbon trading; (3) completed the international offsets management mechanism, as well as the test run for voluntary cancellation of CERs; and finally, (4) establishedcommunications with well-known institutes related to carbon trading, such as Tianjin Climate Exchange (TCX), EEX and ECX. The outcomes of the project are summarized as follows: (1) ensured research on international emissions trading schemes’ development and trends are up to date; (2) settled legal issues related to the launching of carbon trading in Taiwan, such as accounting and taxation; (3) set up a MRV system for the carbon trading platform; (4) completed the electronic trade matching system for the carbon trading platform, and linked it with the National GHG Registry; (5) developed and tested procedures for purchasing and voluntarily cancelling CERs for domestic issuancec; and lastly, (6) established communications with several key carbon trading institutes through visitsand relevant conferences.
英文關鍵字 Carbon Trading Platform; Carbon Credit; Greenhouse Gas(GHG) Reduction