

中文摘要 本計畫主要目的在評析國內外環境水體監測執行現況及績效,並規劃我國環境水體監測作業整合方案。於國內外有關環境水體監測執行資料中,本計畫蒐集我國及美國、日本、荷蘭、新加坡、德國、澳洲、紐西蘭等國家之水質監測資訊,探討各國環境水體監測運作方式,並比較國內外常用水質指標、數據統計、資料呈現方式等,提出採用或調整建議。此外,為深入了解國內執行水質監測作業單位現況,以及通盤檢討評析現階段作業方式,本計畫分別辦理相關單位意見訪談及兩場次專家學者諮詢會,將訪談成果及諮詢會之意見納入我國水體監測作業規劃之參考依據。本計畫提出數個監測控制點分級之建議方案,將環境水體水質監測點分為「國家級」及「地方級」,並因應政府組織再造與五都改制,配合水質監測控制點建議成果,規劃中央機關與地方政府之執行分工方式數方案供參,經評估建議可由五都先行就轄內河川水質監測點做監測為最優選擇,並依水體用途與水性調整監測頻率及監測項目以將經濟效益最大化。本計畫同時規劃河川流量及水質併同觀測,建議現行46個水質監測點與流量測站做合併監測,以確實反映河川污染量。本計畫並建議我國之水質指標可做調整,因水庫之卡爾森指標為溫帶湖泊指標不適用於台灣,建議改由聯合國採用之OECD葉綠素a單一指標判定優養法取代卡爾森指標;河川指標部分則建議由成功大學溫清光教授於2008年提出之WQI7取代目前RPI河川污染程度指數,較能反映河川真實污染情況。
中文關鍵字 水質監測;監測控制點;水質指標


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-L101-02-203 經費年度 101 計畫經費 1350 千元
專案開始日期 2012/07/06 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 劉澤融
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 梁淑婷 執行單位 環醫工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 環境水體水質監測作業先期規劃.pdf 31MB

An Advanced Project to integrate the Water Quality Monitoring Procedures

英文摘要 The purpose of this project is to evaluate the condition and performance of the present water quality monitoring systems, and to suggest a holistic project to integrate every monitoring procedure. Some suggestions about applications and adjustments toward the present evaluating approaches are provided in this project; the project team makes comparisons of the water quality indexes, statistic data within stated countries by researching data and approaches to water quality monitoring procedures in domestic and overseas system in the countries, such as the USA, Japan, Holland, Singapore, Germany, Australia, and New Zealand. Furthermore, to understand and to review the present domestic water quality monitoring procedures and procedures, the project team interviewed the related project teamities and held two symposiums with a panel of experts. The opinions of these experts are taken as important references to develop the future plan of the water quality monitoring systems. This project also suggests that central and local governments should mutually provide data and information. Water quality monitoring stations could be classified into two levels - national stations and local stations , in accordance with the reformation of the government organization and the new local divisions of the five major cities in Taiwan. These five major cities should monitor water quality within their own districts first, and then adjust the frequencies of monitoring based on each water quality and water usage data. By doing so, the economic benefits of the present water monitoring procedures could be maximized. The project team also advises that the existing monitoring processes the process of monitoring water quality and water flux should be combined together to reflect the contaminated condition more precisely. Another highlight of this project is that the project team recommends replacing the current indicators. Carlson's Trophic State Index, which is usually applied to the lakes in temperate area, is considered not suitable for the condition in Taiwanese dams, that is suggested to be replaced with OECD indicator of eutrophication for lake, which is a single indicator that determined by chlorophyll-a. With regard to the index for rivers, the project team suggests to replace the currently used index RPI, with WQI7, proposed by Professor Ching-Gung Wen from National Cheng Kung University in 2008, which is also considered to be able to precisely reflect the contaminated conditions of the rivers in Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 Water Quality Monitoring;Control Point Monitoring;Water Quality Index