

中文摘要 屏南工業區目前設廠家數共84 家,其中屬固定污染源列管的有41 家、未列管38 家(其中2 家未運作)、暫時停工3 家及設置中2 家。 本計畫共執行229 廠次例行性巡查作業,巡查期間發現異常或缺失狀況39件次,除少數提報環保局列為聯合稽查對象或移交相關計畫進行後續管制外,均已現場完成改善或複查時改善。 本計畫已完成4 次8 點次空氣品質監測,由監測期間風速與風向看來,佳冬、枋寮地區空氣品質受屏南工業區之影響並不顯著,主要仍是受季節變化與周邊人為活動之影響。 周界空氣中戴奧辛4 次共12 點次測值平均0.032 pg I-TEQ/m3(約相當於0.034 pg W-TEQ/m3)為歷年測值平均次低者,僅略高於100 年度計畫測值,遠低於日本環境品質空氣標準年平均0.6 pg W-TEQ/m3,由檢測結果可知工業區對鄰近地區空氣中戴奧辛濃度影響並不明顯,而濃度範圍與國內台東縣垃圾焚化廠及國外西班牙鄉村地區相近。 生物中戴奧辛平均值為0.283 pg W-TEQ/g-fat,各樣品分析結果均低於2003年衛生署食品中戴奧辛背景值調查結果平均濃度與國內衛生署公佈「食品中戴奧辛處理規範」家禽之肉及其製品戴奧辛限值。植物中戴奧辛平均值3.024 pgI-TEQ/g.d.w.,濃度範圍與國盧森堡郊區苔蘚及雲林縣林內、台南縣永康、台北市北投等三座垃圾焚化廠焚化廠周界榕樹葉較相近。以17 項特徵物種主成份分析與群集分析進行分析,可知本年度各介質樣本戴奧辛含量與鋁二次冶煉及火葬場相關性較高,而指紋特徵較易受到高氯數物種濃度的影響,但由於高氯數物種濃度毒性當量低,對人體的影響也較低。 本計畫針對屏南工業區內16 家異味及VOCs 可能來源進行異味官能測定,其中有2 家超過周界標準值,已由環保局函文告知陳述意見與罰則,另有5 家已接近周界標準值而有異味污染之虞,均列為異味重點巡查對象。 本計畫追蹤過去輔導改善廠商,各廠均已完成自廠設施之改善,並依改善規劃執行後續操作,且臭味官能測定結果均有顯著改善。另為因應環保署「揮發性有機物空氣污染管制及排放標準」修正事項,以及申豐化工M01 製程增量異動,本計畫會同環保局輔導該廠進行改善作業,目前所有改善設施均已施工完畢。 目前屏南工業區內已有15 家工廠參與自主管理系統,且將自主管理系統實施狀況列入例行性巡查中,各廠皆按自主管理檢查表完成各項檢查。此外為降低道路髒污事件發生率,本計畫協助環保局推動屏南工業區道路認養作業,目前已有35 家廠商簽署同意書。
中文關鍵字 戴奧辛、空氣品質、屏南工業區、臭味


專案計畫編號 經費年度 101 計畫經費 4040 千元
專案開始日期 2012/08/10 專案結束日期 2013/07/31 專案主持人 蕭友琳
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 邱玉萍 執行單位 仲禹工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告完整版.pdf 74MB
英文摘要 Currently, 84 manufacturers have set up plants in Pingnan Industrial Park, with 41 registered under control as fixed pollution sources, 38 not registered (2 not operating), 3 under suspension, and 2 under construction. The project has completed 4 sets of air quality monitoring (n=8). Judging by wind speed and direction during the monitoring period, the effects of Pingnan Industrial Park on the air quality of Jiadong and Fangliao areas were not significant, and remained most affected by seasonal changes and human activities in the vincinity. The average dioxin level in the surrounding air, measured 4 times, was 0.032 pg I-TEQ/m3(n=4, equivalent to 0.034 pg W-TEQ/m3), which was the second lowest of the historic average values, slightly higher than the monitored level in 2011, and far lower than the annual average value of 0.6 pg W-TEQ/m3 of the Japanese air quality standard. Our measurement showed that the presence of industrial park did not significantly affect the dioxin level in the air of the surrounding areas; the level of concentration was similar to the garbage incinerator in Taitung County and certain areas in rural Spain. The average biological dioxin level is 0.283 pg W-TEQ/g-fat, and analysis from each sample found dioxin level that is lower than the average background concentration from DOH's 2003 food investigation, and lower than the limit value promulgated by the DOH's Guideline on Dioxin Processing In Food for poultry meat products. The average dioxin level in plants was 3.024 pg I-TEQ/g.d.w., which was equivalent to the concentration ranges in lichens of Luxemburg, and Banyan tree leaves in areas surrounding 3 garbage incinerators in Yongkang, Tainan City; Linnei, Yunlin County; and Beitou, Taipei City. Main component and clustered analysis on 17 characteristic species have showed that the dioxin level in this year's media samples are related to the secondary aluminum smelting. Fingerprint characteristics are more susceptible to the effects of high chlorinespecies; however, since the TEQ of high chlorine species is relatively lower, the effect on the human body is also lower. This project conducted olfactometric analysis of odors and possible sources of VOCs in 16 plants of the Pingnan Industrial Park. 2 plants have exceeded the surrounding standard value and were informed and penalized by the Environment Protection Bureau; 5 plants approached surrounding standard value and were suspected of odor pollution, and have been listed as key inspection targets.
英文關鍵字 dioxin, air quality, Pingnan Industrial Park, odor