

中文摘要 生態系的結構、功能支持生物多樣性的健全和完整的生態系服務,是人類永續發展的基礎。由於複雜性和不確定性,有時開發行為經過減輕對策的評估後,對區位的生態仍衝擊顯著。制定生態補償(棲地補償)制度可加強環評中的生物多樣性保育和環境永續。本計畫執行的工作包括研擬技術規範草案、生態補償計畫書與監測報告書之建議格式、兩份補償計畫書範例,建置基礎生態資料庫,舉辦兩場專家說明會與兩場說明會,實地參訪國外生態補償案例。技術規範涵蓋生態補償的啟動機制、審議規定和計畫書、監測報告書的基礎內容,並有格式和範例供參考、依循。兩次專家會議討論的焦點議題包括生態補償對象的認定、資金投注的要求、監督、罰則和經營管理。說明會的與會者則大多關注生態補償啟動機制、補償比例和審議流程。建置的GIS資料庫包括各類型自然保護區和192種保育類野生動物的分布圖層,其中有33種瀕臨絕種保育類,以shapefile格式交由環保署。實施生態補償制度的時機,隨著濕地保育法的立法和施行,已然成熟。建議未來儘快凝聚共識並召開公聽會,對規範內容進行最後修整,協調各相關機關補足尚缺乏之研究,全力推動生態補償制度。此外,建議盡速建置基礎生態資料庫的網站,並研議整合、更新、公開、查詢和釋出的作法和機制。
中文關鍵字 生態補償;技術規範;GIS資料庫


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-E101-02-235 經費年度 101 計畫經費 1950 千元
專案開始日期 2012/12/19 專案結束日期 2013/12/31 專案主持人 李培芬
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 楊智凱 執行單位 國立臺灣大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 棲地補償規範與基礎資料庫建置_期末報告_131206_12標楷體_1218定稿本.pdf 24MB 期末成果報告定稿本

Design of biodiversity offsets technical guidance and construction of GIS databases in EIA

英文摘要 Ecosystem services and biodiversity are the foundation to human sustainable development and are supported by ecosystem structure and function. Due to the complexity and uncertainty in ecosystem development, most of the impacts derived from development projects are still considered significant after applying mitigation measures that aim to reduce the adverse influences. To reinforce biodiversity concerns in environmental impact assessment (EIA) and to ensure environmental quality, biodiversity offsets (or ecological compensation in general) are proposed in EIA process and implemented during the development. Many tasks are designed to achieve the ultimate goal of no net loss in biodiversity. This project aims to provide the necessary GIS databases and technical guidance to support the EIA reviewing process. Major tasks include developing a draft of EIA technical guidance of biodiversity offset, standard formats of biodiversity offset proposal and monitoring report, two examples of biodiversity offset proposal, building up feature layers (species distribution and protected area boundaries) by a GIS, hosting two expert round table meetings and two public meetings, and visiting a biodiversity offset program and compiling recent developments in the US. The draft technical guidance contains the recognition principles of initiation of biodiversity offsets, assessment procedure and fundamental contents of corresponding documents, of which formats and examples are provided. Main topics concerned by experts in the meetings were identification of biodiversity components to be targeted, offset funding requirement, supervision, penalty and management, while many participants of public meetings concerned about the startup thresholds, offset ratios and assessment procedure. The GIS layers, including the boundaries of nature reserves, forest reserves, national park, wildlife refuges, major wildlife habitats, wetlands of importance and distribution of 192 protected species (including 33 endangered species), are in shapefile format and readily usable by GIS software. As the enactment of Wetlands Conservation Act, integrating biodiversity offsets into the EIA process is urgent. We suggest EPA to adopt the biodiversity offset policy in the EIA using the design proposed in this projects and to implement the policy through the public hearing and legal process as soon as possible. Finally, the databases compiled in this project are the state-of-the-art information for the wildlife and protected areas in Taiwan and are the necessary foundation to initiate the biodiversity offset. These data should be updated once new information becomes available. In addition, the construction of a website that can provide public searching and analyzing the databases is the next urgent step to implement the policy.
英文關鍵字 Biodiversity offsets;Technical guidance;GIS databases