

中文摘要 台灣早期對於水污染管理,較著重於管制點源污染行為,非點源污染因受到氣候、地形、地質影響,其污染情形隨地區、時間及土地利用型態而有所不同,其無法如點源污染可透過預先蒐集處理機制以降低污染,亦難以從排放標準加以管制排放源。為有效管制暴雨非點源污染,亟待研訂非點源污染管理法規制度,及建立暴雨非點源污染審核執行機制,俾確實掌握非點源污染產出及削減方式等資料,環保署委託辦理「暴雨非點源污染管理法規制度及審核執行機制建置計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),冀藉蒐集分析國內、外暴雨非點源管理法規資料及相關作法,據以研訂暴雨非點源污染管理法規制度,並建立審核執行機制。 本計畫配合環保署要求針對土地及道路工程開發行為,完成研訂降雨非點源污染最佳管理技術(BMPs)指引及手冊,制定降雨逕流控制體積及控制方法,並介紹10種非結構性及17種結構性最佳管理技術(BMPs)之應用、規劃、設計、施工及維護方法等。此外,研訂降雨逕流污染削減計畫之相關審查機制及流程,供後續規劃先期審查作業之參考,並藉由回顧國內外暴雨管理法規制度,提出相關非點源污染管理制度及法規研修建議。
中文關鍵字 非點源污染,最佳管理技術,結構性最佳管理技術


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-G103-02-240 經費年度 101 計畫經費 4150 千元
專案開始日期 2012/11/22 專案結束日期 2013/10/31 專案主持人 朱宏毅
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 李文慶 執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告定稿.pdf 39MB

The Project of Management Law System and Examination System for Nonpoint Source Pollution

英文摘要 For the past 40 years in Taiwan, most of the water pollution prevention policies and control techniques have made were focused on pollutants discharged from point sources, such as the industrial and sewage treatment plants. With most of the point sources are being controlled and the increasing development of urbanization, recreation and agriculture activities in water catchments, as well as the rising rainfall intensity due to the recent climate change, nonpoint source (NPS) pollution caused by rainfall-runoff and its carried pollutants have become more significant to the receiving water bodies, and as the leading cause of water quality problems in drinking water reservoirs. The discharges of NPS pollutants are associated with a rainfall event and dependent to the type of landuse and site-specific conditions from which the runoff are moving through. Therefore, the control measures for “point sources”, such as the regulations of discharge-permit application and the requirement of effluent limitations, are not appropriate for effectively control of the NPS pollution. This project entitled as “The development of water pollution regulations and management guidelines on implementing the control of nonpoint source and stormwater runoff pollutions” aims to study and develop of the policies and management practices for the prevention and control of the NPS pollution and polluted runoff in Taiwan. First, this work recommend a volume control criteria of the first 15mm runoff to reduce pollutants in runoff from newly developed and redeveloped urban areas and roads/highways. A handbook containing 10 Non-Structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) and 17 Structural BMPs was prepared in this work to support the 15mm control criteria by providing general guidance for selecting and implementing BMPs and Low Impact Development(LID) techniques. These guidelines can serve as the basis for NPS and stormwater pollution regulations in Taiwan. Secondly, this work examines laws and regulations related to the control of nonpoint source and stormwater runoff pollutions in Taiwan and compares that to those applied in the United States, Japan and Korea. Based on the analysis results, this project provides a management framework for requiring and reviewing the NPS and stormwater pollution prevention plans submitted to EPA, and recommendations on the future legislations and management systems for the control of NPS pollution.
英文關鍵字 Nonpoint Source Pollution, Best Management Practices,BMP, s Structural Best Management Practices