

中文摘要 本計畫乃協助環保署完備應變資源,包括建立空污事件應變決策支援系統、建置空污事件應變能量與事前整備事項,並研訂空污事件預防管理架構及推動方式,降低空污意外事件發生可能。本計畫完成美國對高風險空氣污染物意外事件之管理及處理方式,並收集國內工安相關作業規定,提出空氣污染物危害預防管理辦法架構,以及研提空污事件應變處理標準作業修正草案初稿,並就危害預防管理機制及應變標準作業召開專家諮詢會議討論。於建立空污事件應變決策支援系統工作,已於毒災應變諮詢中心內成立「空污事件支援小組」,採取於「空污事件應變處理查詢系統」下增設「空污事件支援小組專區」之方式,提供空保處掌握具時效性之事件訊息;查詢系統亦同步進行版面更新及擴增功能。此外,以中部環境毒災應變隊為本年度支援空污事件應變作業之試行單位,提供人員及設備需求,已完成三場次空污事件演練作業及協助一場次縣市環保局空氣污染事件。完成環保單位及其他相關部會與單位之聯絡清冊更新及建置,增加二處主要工業區(臨海及觀音)之支援系統清冊建置工作,以及規劃重大空氣污染事件民眾疏散管制方案。此外,完成環保局工業區污染管制執行績效考核工作,並初步統整地方環保局執行成效。


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-FA12-03-A077 經費年度 101 計畫經費 12100 千元
專案開始日期 2012/04/18 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 姚永真
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 王慶元 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 1.空氣污染事件預防管理暨緊急應變能量強化工作計畫期末報告(部份公開版).rar 43MB
英文摘要 In response to serious air pollution incidents, the Taiwan EPA promulgated the SOP for Response of Major Air Pollution Incidents in 2009. To assistant environmental protection agencies to complete resources of emergency response and improve the emergency response mechanisms are necessary. A framework of prevention management plan for air pollution emergencies has been established in this project based on the information from US EPA and several state environmental agencies. The amendment SOP for Response to Major Air Pollution Incidents was established in this project and it based on the required format by Taiwan EPA. The framework of discussion supporting system of air pollution incident was developed; an air pollutant emergency supporting team was formed and has been on trial in the project. Moreover, air pollution sampling equipments were provided to Central Taiwan Environment Incident Response Team and to assist EPB in air pollutant sampling while the air pollution incidents have occurred. An area of air pollution incident support team was built on the website of “Air pollution incident response and inquiry system”. The immediate information of an air pollution incident can be obtained through this website. The response inventory, including contact information of environmental agencies and other executive office, certificated inspection laboratories, consultant companies, and supporting information of two large industrial parks (Linhai and Kuanyin) were created. Proceed evacuation plans that developed by Dept. Toxics Substance Management and Dept. Social Affair are also evaluated in this project as the reference information to planning the evacuation plan for serious air pollution incident. The performance of industrial area emergency response mechanisms of 22 local environmental protection agencies (EPB) is also evaluated.