

中文摘要 1.依環保署公佈統計至101年11月底,通知應到檢車輛數為46,544輛,回歸車籍計算完成檢驗車輛數30,958輛,機車定檢到檢率回歸車籍計算為66.51%,回歸定檢站完成檢驗車輛數25,335輛,回歸定檢站到檢率計算為54.12%,今年在回歸車籍在全國22縣市已排名至第7名,比去年度全國排名第14名進步7名。 2.從3月開始正式執行車牌辨識,至12月31日已成功辨識49,259輛次的車輛,未定檢比率平均為12.28%,設籍本縣的車輛稽查數佔總稽查數的85.45%,設籍本縣的未定檢車輛數佔總稽查未定檢車輛數的77.75%,若以3~10月份寄出的車辨催檢通知來看,回檢率約有71.15%左右,顯示效果不錯,只要能確實拍到車輛在使用,民眾的回檢意願相對較高。 3.移定車服務本年度在上個計畫101年1月至2月有執行385輛,101年計畫從101年2月21日計畫開始至101年12月10日共計檢測5,076輛,合計完成5,461輛次,今年平均月檢測數約496輛次。 4.依101年度環保署提供之車籍資料分析及計畫要求,預計郵寄50,000輛次通知明信片,各鄉市通知數量的統計如表所列,統計至101年12月31日已完成寄出50,302件完成比率達100.6%。 5.完成巡查作業計4,033輛,截至101年12月10日,完成定檢率達76.52%。 6.路邊執行攔檢機車596輛(包含已定檢機車80輛),合格458輛、合格邊綠116輛、不合格22輛,整體不合格率為3.69%。 7.101年度1~11月定檢站氣體查核結果,誤差皆在標準值範圍內,皆無氣體比對不合格的情況發生,定檢合格標籤藍標部分共24筆貼錯之情形發生,分別是光億機車行21筆、西北行2筆及移定車2筆,而黃標部份共3筆,分別為鈤立車行2筆及西北行有1筆貼錯紀錄。 8.本縣定檢站檢測每個月不合格率低於3%,今年1~11月分別有鈤立車行(X03)、西北行(X06)、全能車行(X10)及勁揚車行(X11)都是11次,表現最好。 9.統計至101年12月10日止,已於縣內柴油車較常出入之重要路段,完成柴油車目視判煙稽查357輛次,經目判人員判煙認定後,所有受目視判煙稽查之車輛,其目判排煙不透光率皆落在20%至30%之間,其中以20%最多佔79.55%。 10.統計至101年12月10日止,辦理柴油車排煙檢測,計畫目標250輛次,目前已完成260輛次,完成率100.4%;本年度以參加柴油車自主管理之車隊為主,車輛檢測前大多先進行維修保養,因此不合格數只有5輛次。 11.本年度路邊攔檢抽油,計畫目標為210件,目前已檢查柴油送交化驗210件,完成率100%;已檢驗完成報告數210件,不合格數10件,不合格率為4.76%,其餘含硫量皆符合法規標準。 12.至11月30日為止,本計畫已完成2場二行程汰舊宣導活動,共計130人次參加;4場怠速熄火宣導會,共計291人次參加;4場次定檢站教育訓練、2場次宣導車主落實關鍵零件之調修保養說明會、4場保養場座談會、4場內部人員教育訓練及1場世界無車日宣導活動。 13.101年度截至11月30日,共完成補助審查二行程補助汰舊300件。
中文關鍵字 移動污染


專案計畫編號 經費年度 101 計畫經費 6305 千元
專案開始日期 2012/02/21 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 陳永勳
主辦單位 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳正忠 執行單位 新研車輛科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 fy101澎湖移污計劃期末報告_定稿.pdf 11MB

Penghu County Mobile Pollution Source Control Project

英文摘要 1. Published by the EPA statistics on Nov. 30, the notice shall be to check the number of vehicles to 46,544 vehicles, motorcycle scheduled for inspection in accordance with the rate of return is calculated as 66.51%(30,958 motorbikes complete the detection), according to inspection became firmly fixed inspection rate was54.12%(25,335 motorbikes complete the detecton). 2. In the tasks of the identification system, this project has completed 49,259 cases and the rate of non-inspection was 12.28%; the rate of the motorcycle that was registered in Penghu County was 85.45% in which the rate of non-inspection was 77.75%; the rate of participation for those motorcycles that when they received the notice with picture and go to inspect was about 71.15% during March to December. 3. In the tasks of mobile inspection van, this year has completed 5,461 cases, and the monthly average was 496 cases. 4. In the tasks of notice, this project has to complete delivering 50,000 postcards, so far, this project has delivered 50,302 postcards; the accomplishment rate was 100.6%. 5. In the tasks of the patrolling, this project has completed 4,033 cases, and retest the rate of participation was 100.8%. 6. In the tasks of the inspecting motorcycle on the roadside, this project has completed inspection 596 cases (Include 80 cases that have been inspected), in which, the qualified number was 458, margin number was 116, and unqualified number was 22; the total unqualified rate was 3.69%. 7. In the tasks of the comparing gas concentration, all results were within error range. In the tasks of the inspection mark, there were 3 inspection stations that mislabeled the Blue Mark, they were Hong-Long,Xi-bie-hang,and mobile inspection van respectively; and besides, there were 2 inspection stations that mislabeled the Yellow Mark, they were Ri-Li, and Xi-bie-hang respectively. 8. In the tasks of checking inspection station, there were 3 stations that the unqualified rate under 3%. They were the same of Ri-Li,Xi-bie-hang, chiung- neng and Jin-Yang (11 times). 9. In the tasks of inspection diesel vehicle, there were 357 cases that have finished the visual judgment of the smoky diesel vehicle. In the survey, the opaque rate ranges between 20% and 30%, in which, 20% was most than else, and that was 79.55% of all cases. 10. In the tasks of diesel vehicle emissions inspection,target unmber was 250 cases. This project has submitted 260 cases to inspect, and the accomplishment rate was 100.4%,and only 5 unqualified cases. 11. In the tasks of the spot check on the sulfur content,target number was 210.This project has submitted 210 cases to inspect, and the accomplishment rate was 100%. In which, there were 210 cases has finished inspection,and 10 unqualified cases that has completed re-inspection,the unqualified rate was 4.76%; others meet the government regulations. 12. This project has finished 12 advocacy activities and 8 manpower of education and training.The big of World Car Free Day advocacy activity. 13. This project has finished the review, inspection, and appropriation of the out of age 2-stroke motorcycles subsidy application submitted by people during the period of performing. There were 300 application cases .
英文關鍵字 Mobile Pollution