

中文摘要 高雄市政府為全面改善環境衛生,使未來國人居住環境能朝生態城市、健康環境及寧適生活逐步發展,應基於「清淨家園、全民運動」計畫基礎下,積極推動行政院核定之「營造永續優質環境衛生計畫」。其計畫內容:建構村里環境衛生動員組織、辦理全面提升本市城鄉環境衛生工作、規劃本市營造優質環保示範區工作、重塑清淨海岸風貌等


專案計畫編號 經費年度 101 計畫經費 7500 千元
專案開始日期 2012/06/27 專案結束日期 2013/06/26 專案主持人 林百文
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃橙紅 執行單位 綠信環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 101年度高雄市營造優質社區環境暨志工訓練計畫全文.pdf 92MB
英文摘要 This program is a continuation of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) “National Movement to Clean Homeland”, and has the “Creating a High quality Environmental and Health Program” of recent years as its main body. The objective to continue expanding the commitment by public and private sectors to help the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) of Kaohsiung City Government follow the “Creating a High quality Environmental and Health Program” by conducting 5 major tasks of “Building environmental and health mobilized organization”, “Planning the high quality environmental protection demonstration site of Kaohsiung City”, “Remodeling a clean coastline”, "Environmental volunteer training" and “Related evaluations and assessments”. At the same time promotion seminars, beach cleaning activities and the establishment of the green network Eco-Life are done. We expect to integrate the capabilities of all units to jointly build an environmentally friendly city and raise the health quality of urban and suburban environment. The quantified outcomes of each work item of the program are explained below: 1. Building environmental and health mobilized organization We have help established 649 patrolling teams in total (including teams built over the years), coached 66 community units implement taking roots assistance programs, conducted 6 onsite taking roots green network operations, 4 events where students participated in patrolling and taking are of environment from home to school, green network promotion work and related educational seminars. 2. Holding raising the city’s urban and suburban environmental and health work: To promote the 5S activity, conducted 6 educational training and environmental and health demonstration and observation. In addition, we have entrusted the Huawei Marketing Research Inc. to conduct satisfaction surveys on the city’s appearance, environmental cleanliness and residential comfort and cleanliness. 3. Planned the city’s building a high quality environmental protection demonstration site: To understand how each environmental protection demo site are executed and maintained, we conducted three trans-bureau integrated promotional work unit meetings. IN addition, to understand the implementation of this work in the Mituo, Neimen, and Tashu Districts, we conducted site visits. Also, we held the visiting the Mituo Environmental Protection Demonstration Site activity and held 2 promotional activities on “Environmental Management of Demonstration Sites”. 4. Remodeling a clean coastline: We coached 12 private and business groups to participate in adoption program, with a total of 12 kilometers being adopted. Also, conducted two spring and autumn beach cleaning activity in the Mituo District Seaside Amusement Area. 5. Related evaluations and assessments Have assisted the EPA to review and audit on September 26, 2012. The rating for our city was ordinary for the 2012 Clean Homeland. 6. Environmental volunteer training Have conducted 7 Environmental volunteer special training, with total participants of 851 people. In addition, to raise the level of communications among all volunteer service units in Kaohsiung City, conducted 6 environmental volunteer communications and work reports, with total participants of 923 people. Also, assisted the EPA to reconstruct the environmental protection volunteer website. 7. Conducting related administrative work and producing outcome volume of the community greening and beautification work: In 2012, a total of 98 communities submitted applications for assistance program. This program assisted the EPB to conduct follow-up visits and write-offs, and produced 100 copies of the community greening and beautification work outcome volume. 8. Purchased volunteer equipments Made 100 volunteer team flags (including flagpole), 4000 environmental work vests (including reflective stripes) and 4000 caps. 9. Promotion and Other Work: Conducted 5 multiple mobilization training, visit and learning of excellent communities and villages, and related promotional activities. WE have promoted the implementation outcomes of this program through national newspapers, magazines, and radio and made 900 promotional items to issue at the promotional activities and seminars.