

中文摘要 為改善及維護水體環境品質,持續打造宜人樂活之水環境,環保署自101年至106年推動「水體環境水質改善及經營管理計畫」(以下簡稱院核定計畫),期提升環境品質並增進國民健康,而本計畫目標主要為調查及蒐集各級政府推動河川污染整治相關資料及目前推動水質保護工作現況及遭遇之問題,藉以評估達成院核定計畫之水質目標所需採行之策略與方法,妥適規劃未來各項工作辦理期程及執行策略,並綜整過去推動「河川及海洋水質維護改善計畫(第2期)」及「國家重要濕地保育計畫」執行成果,以彰顯政府施政績效。 本計畫分析11條重點河川及本島21座主要水庫中近5年來曾優養化之水庫水體水質變化,並針對11條重點河川篩選出優先整治推動之河段及關鍵測站,與近5年來曾優養化之水庫,提出不同污染來源及特性之研擬執行策略,並據以提出分年分期執行期程,評估河川和水庫水體環境水質改善情形。 在規劃各項工作辦理情形之整治策略方面,包含近自然河川評估準則及標準作業程序、污水下水道建設、污水截流系統操作、現地處理設施、事業水污染稽查管制及水庫活化等,將先進技術、低衝擊開發及聚落式污水處理等納入重點河川污染整治評估,且針對優養化高潛勢水庫推廣合理化施肥,並清查水庫集水區污水下水道建設狀況,評估推動設置聚落式污水處理設施或最佳處理設施。此外,另籌辦重點河川污染改善評估專家會議,藉由會議辦理凝聚各單位之共識,滾動式管理重點河川流域之階段性污染整治策略;本計畫另提出污水截流設施設置及操作策略、聚落式污水處理設施操作策略及設置技術準則、現地處理設施永續經營附加效益評估作業流程等執行要項,做為中央及地方政府未來推動業務之參據。 本計畫亦為提高民眾對政府環保施政的瞭解,本計畫綜整過去推動「河川及海洋水質維護改善計畫(第2期)」及河川整治工程執行成果,包括都會型河川及現地處理設施,將近年河川整治推動成果彙編成冊,做為各地方政府推動參考,以展現政府近年環境保護施政績效。
中文關鍵字 河川污染整治;污染削減;整治成效評估


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-G103-02-230 經費年度 101 計畫經費 4900 千元
專案開始日期 2012/03/12 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 林鎮洋
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 陳俊融 執行單位 臺北科技大學水環境中心


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 水體環境水質改善及經營管理規劃與執行計畫-all.pdf 19MB

Improvement and Management of Water Environment and Master Plan

英文摘要 In order to improve the water quality and make a hospitable water environment, EPA has impelled “Water Quality and Environmental Improvement and Management Program” from 2012 to 2017(called “Program” for short) to upgrade the living-environment-quality.. The scope of this project contains collecting the previous research data and results, estimating the strategies and methodologies to reach the water quality target in the Program, and planning the future schedule and execution strategy of the Program, investigating the result of “River and sea water quality maintenance and improvement project (phase II)” and “Important Wetlands in Taiwan” to manifest the achievements of the government. In order to focus the resource to execute river pollution control work and to evaluate the improvement of water quality of river, the project analyze last 5 years data to pick up 11 primary rivers, adopt different annual strategies and schedules by different priority sections and different source of pollution. The related strategies of river pollution control include sewer construction, operation of sewage interception systems, on-site treatment facilities of dry weather flow, inspection of industrial wastewater of the environmental. Also, advanced technologies, low impact development and decentralized waste treatment systems would be considered to estimate the effect of river pollution control in primary rivers. The progress meetings are often held to review the outcome on each phase of the pollution remediation by utilizing a rolling management. The results of project, which are operation strategies of interception system, setup criteria of decentralized waste treatment, and additional benefit evaluation of on-site treatment facilities, will also be issued to government for reference.In addition, to improve the public understanding of government environmental policy, a manual would be made, the content include results of “river and sea water quality maintenance and improvement project (phase II)” , river pollution control results in city and on-site treatment data, to manifest the performance of the government.
英文關鍵字 River Restoration;Pollution Reduction;Restoration Performance Assessment