

中文摘要 為強化與落實我國固定污染源管理制,本計畫分為四大重點包括:1.整體管制策略研析。2.固定污染源制度整合與法規研訂。3.提昇縣市執行工作。4. 技術管理工具應用。 針對整體管制策略研析部分,本計畫分析彙整國際近期固定污染源管制趨勢及執行現況,參照國際管制趨勢並依據國內縣市環保局執行重點與空氣品質整體管制目標,擬訂落實許可制度、執行有害物種管制、加嚴排放標準及強化BACT、空污費經濟誘因四大面向工作重點。另規劃101年中央政府及地方政府工作重點,分為法規制度與空氣污染改善兩大類,其中法規制度工作重點為持續檢討推動許可管理制度、加嚴行業別排放標準、推動排放量整合作業、強化許可證審核人員訓練制度、檢討生煤許可管理辦法及空污費徵收制度;在空氣污染改善工作重點為推動三級防制區既存污染源排放量削減、擴大污染物種管制,並評析燃料油含硫分降低之可行性與推動PM2.5前驅物削減及逸散源管理。 固定污染源制度整合與法規研訂部分,進行現行許可管理制度檢討,研擬推動全廠許可、合理核定排放量、空污費與排放量申報整合、落實許可管理外,並協助完成「空氣污染防制費收費辦法」修正公告、「公私場所固定污染源排放量申報管理辦法」修正草案、「15項行業製程別固定污染源最佳可行控制技術」修正草案、「固定污染源自行或委託檢測及申報管理辦法」修正草案、「稽查裁處作業要點」草案研擬及稽查裁處執行手冊編撰、「公私場所違反空氣污染防制法應處罰鍰額度裁罰準則」修正草案、「違反空氣污染防制法按日連續處罰執行準則」修正草案及「第四批專責人員公告條件」新增草案。 提昇縣市執行工作部分,執行縣市許可證書面查核229件(118件許可證核發及展延;111件許可證內容查核)及受委託機關許可評鑑10家,現場輔導119件與20件特定行業別排放標準法規符合度查核;另外,完成規劃許可審核人員訓練教材五門與監督檢測實廠教育訓練。 技術管理工具應用部分,除執行21,236家資料庫品質檢核外,配合空水廢毒資訊系統整合(EMS系統)之作業,已開發完成申請電子付費輸入界面、增加記錄許可審查費及證書費功能之電子付費系統,並完成許可申請電子簽章、技師線上確認許可申請資料的功能;另考量資訊系統操作與功能強化之必需性及排放量整合作業新增申報項目,完成排放量申報系統增修、許可申請系統、線上申請系統及許可管制系統等系統更新增修作業。
中文關鍵字 固定污染源;管制策略;許可;資料庫


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-FA12-03-A058 經費年度 101 計畫經費 13730 千元
專案開始日期 2012/04/20 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 張進順
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 何佳祥 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-101-FA12-03-A058公開版.pdf 21MB

Project for Stationary Source Permit Controlled Implementation, and Reviewed Cities and Counties Wor

英文摘要 In order to strengthen and put the stationary sources management into effect, this project included 4 major parts: 1) Development of stationary sources control strategies, 2) integration of stationary sources management systems and revision of regulations, 3) improvement for the efficiency of the local competent authority management, 4) integration and improvement of the quality and function of management system. In the part of control strategies development, this project is based on latest information of control measures and regulations in foreign countries, accomplishment the permit management program is based on the policies implemented by local competent authorities and the target of air quality, HAPs control, emission standards and BACT strengthening, and air pollution control fee program reviewing. For 2012, this project proposed that central and local competent authorities work on 2 sections. Firstly, regulations amendments which included ongoing review the permit management program, strengthened the emission standards for particular industries, promoted the emission integration strategy, consolidated control measures, strengthened the training system of permit auditors, examined the regulation of bituminous coal and revised air pollution control fee regulation system. Secondly, air pollution abatement which is to screen, control, and reduce emission sources in industrial estate comprehensively, to promote the emission reduction program of Class 3 control regions, to expand the range of regulated pollutant species, to develop the emission standards of production capacity, to assess the possibility of reducing the sulfate content of fuel oil, and to promote the management of reducing the precursor of PM2.5 and escape source. For integration of stationary sources control strategies and revision of regulations it, carried out a comprehensive review of the existing permit management system, developed the whole-plant permit system, rationalized the permit emission quantity, integrated of air pollution control fee system and emission report system, and put permit management program into practice. Additionally, this project helped finishing the revision of 「air pollution control fee collection regulations」and the amendment draft of 「stationary sources emission report control measures」, 「the best available control technology of 15 stationary sources」, 「self- or entrust inspection and declaration regulations of stationary source」, 「amount of violation fines regulation」, 「directions of investigation and punishment for violations of air pollution act」, 「the penalty policy of stationary sources continuing daily violations」, and 「the forth group of dedicated air pollution control personnel」. To reinforce working efficiency on stationary sources of the local competent authority management, this project executed 229 random inspections of city/county government permits by written form, finished evaluation of commissioned authorities issued permits in 10 factories, on-site counseled 119 cases, and 20 cases of reviewing for particular industries emission standards regulations. Besides, this project completed planning 5 permit reviewer training materials and training for inspection of on-site testing. To enhance the quality and function of management system, this project performed examination of database quality for 21,236 factories. Furthermore, in order to coordinate with the integration of EMS system, development of electronic permit payment system, permit application electronic signature function and online technician confirmation function are completed. Moreover, necessity of improvement of system functions and easy-operation, and development of the new function of integrated emission system are taken into consideration. The project accomplished the improvement of emission report system, permit applying online system (for authorities and industries) and permit management system.